Cluzobra spinata, Amorim, Dalton De Souza & Oliveira, Sarah Siqueira, 2008

Amorim, Dalton De Souza & Oliveira, Sarah Siqueira, 2008, Eleven new species of the genus Cluzobra Edwards (Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Sciophilinae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Zootaxa 1920, pp. 1-28 : 21-23

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.184695


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scientific name

Cluzobra spinata

sp. nov.

Cluzobra spinata View in CoL , sp.n.

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 4. 2 , 18 View FIGURES 11 – 19 , 35–36 View FIGURES 35 – 37 )

Diagnosis. Syngonocoxite with a deep mesal notch at distal margin, bearing two strong spines at distal margin; gonostyle short, weakly sclerotized, with a pair of strong, apical spines; aedeagus strongly sclerotized, with a ventral beak like distal projection.

Material examined. Holotype ɗ, BRAZIL, State of Pernambuco, Recife, Parque dos Dois Irmãos, 34° 55’ 59” W 08° 00’ 00” S, 17–20.vii.2002, S.T.P. Amarante & eq. cols. Paratypes. 2 ɗ, State of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Campus Universitário, 34° 49’ 60” W 07° 07’ 60” S, Malaise trap, 15.viii–15.ix.1986, D.S. Amorim col.; 1 ɗ, same data as holotype, but 20–23.vii.2002; 1 ɗ, State of Alagoas, Quebrangulo, Reserva Biológica Pedra Talhada, 36° 28’ 16” W 09° 19’ 08” S, 08–11.ix.2002, Penteado–Dias & eq. cols.; 1 ɗ, State of Bahia, Porto Seguro, Estação Ecológica Pau Brasil, 107 m, 16° 23’ 17,6” S 39° 10’ 55,6” W, 17.v.2002, C. O. Azevedo & eq. cols.; 2 ɗ, same data, but 20.v.2002.

Description. Male. Head. Occiput light yellowish brown ventrally, vertex brown; mid ocellus absent, lateral ocelli closer to the eye margin by a distance smaller than ocellus diameter, ocellar region dark brown; scape and pedicel whitish, flagellomeres almost twice as long as wide, whitish, except for brown basal fourth; front and clypeus yellowish, setose; maxillary palpus brown, 1+4 palpomeres, setose, palpomeres increasing in length to apex; labella yellowish, except for sclerite of basal article, brownish. Scape and pedicel round, yellowish, setose; flagellomeres yellowish, elongated, with basal half brown. Thorax. Pronotum yellowish brown, with some longer and other smaller setae. Scutum mostly light brown, with four lighter, yellowish longitudinal bands intertwined with brown bands, smaller setae scattered and some stronger acrostical and dorsocentral bristles; scutellum yellowish brownish at posterior margin, four scutellar stronger setae and some smaller setae. Pleural membrane light yellow brown, pleural sclerites light brown, except for metepisternum whitish yellow, and brownish mediotergite. Anepisternum and katepisternum bare, laterotergite setose, mediotergite with a mesal and a pair of more lateral tufts of setae. Halter yellowish, setose. Legs. Yellowish legs, except anterior part of front coxa, femur and tibia brownish, anterior part of mid coxa and femur brownish, tibiae and tarsi lighter; tarsi lighter, hind coxa and base of femur brown, rest of femur, tibia, and tarsus brownish yellow; tibial spurs 1:2:2, brownish, front spur about than twice longer than width of tibia. Wing ( Figure 18 View FIGURES 11 – 19 ). Length, 2.6 mm, maculation pattern similar to that of C. sapiranga . Macro and microtrichia covering the wing membrane; humeral cell entirely bare of macrotrichia; basal cell with macrotrichia scarce, restricted to apical half. Sc complete, reaching C just before origin of Rs; R1 long, reaching C at distal third of wing length; R5 reaching C before apex of M1; C extending a third the distance between R5 and M1; r–m oblique, longer than base of Rs; M1+2 longer than r–m; medial fork complete; M4 entirely absent; A1 very short, scarcely visible. Abdomen. Abdominal tergites and sternites 1–7 yellowish, darker at apical segments. S8 U– shape, T8 wide and short. Terminalia ( Figures 35–36 View FIGURES 35 – 37 ). Terminalia yellowish. Syngonocoxite with a deep mesal notch almost reaching anterior third of terminalia, two pairs of spines on short projections along distal margin and two strong spines on longer projections on inner face of the syngonocoxite, directed inwards in the terminalia; syngonocoxite extending laterally to reach T9. Gonostylus triangular shaped, weakly sclerotized. Aedeagus strongly sclerotized, with a pair of anterior apodemes and a ventral projection with a beak–like ending. Cercus with a single lobe, with no spines.

Etymology. The name of this species is feminine and refers to the single spine found at the distal border of the gonocoxite in the male terminalia.

Comments. This species does not fit very comfortably into any of the groups described by Matile (1996). The shape of the syngonocoxite is similar to that of the species of the group shannoni , but the absence of the mid ocellus, the wing pattern, and other details obviously exclude it from the group. In the key, it would run close to C. binocellaris and related species, but the male terminalia morphology is clearly distinctive from that found in the binocellaris – group. The presence of a projection of the gonocoxites ventrad to the insertion of the gonostyle is seen, in C. fascipennis and C. vockerothi , sp.n., but with a very different shape. For the time being, it has been placed doubtfully in the shannoni – group. There is a male in poor condition from the Caruaru, State of Pernambuco, that belongs to this species, but we decided to not attribute paratype status to the specimen. There is some apparent intraspecific variation of the size and position of the spines at the distal margin of the syngonocoxite. The specimens at the northern end of the distribution of the species have two additional stronger setae together with the distal spines. Only additional material from the distribution range could confirm whether there is geographic limitation of the character, suggestion two separate species.















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