Cerithium nodosoplicatum, M. Hoernes, 1855

Harzhauser, Mathias, Guzhov, Aleksandr & Landau, Bernard, 2023, A revision and nomenclator of the Cainozoic mudwhelks (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Batillariidae, Potamididae) of the Paratethys Sea (Europe, Asia), Zootaxa 5272 (1), pp. 1-241 : 194-195

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5272.1.1

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Plazi (2023-05-01 08:08:30, last updated 2023-11-09 01:22:15)

scientific name

Cerithium nodosoplicatum


nodosoplicatum . Cerithium . Ĥrnes, 1855

see Pustulosia submitralis ( Eichwald, 1851)

* Cerithium nodoso-plicatum Ĥrn. — Ĥrnes 1855: 397, pl. 41, figs 19a–c [non 20 a–c = Theodisca biseriata ( Friedberg, 1914) ].

Type material. Lectotype designated by Švagrovský (1971: 338), illustrated in Ĥrnes (1855: pl. 41, fig. 19), SL: 19 mm, Natural History Museum Vienna; the specimen is lost or misplaced.

Type locality. Steinebrunn ( Austria) .

Stratigraphy. Middle Miocene, Badenian.

Discussion. Lozouet (1986: 178) recognized that the two specimens illustrated by Ĥrnes (1855: pl. 41, figs 19–20) as Cerithium nodosoplicatum are not conspecific and concluded that only fig. 20 is a Potamides . This view was adopted by D’Amico et al. (2012) and Landau et al. (2013) and is also followed herein. Consequently, Lozouet (1986) and Landau et al. (2013) referred to Ĥrnes (1855: pl. 41, fig. 20) when discussing Potamides nodosoplicatus . All authors, however, have overlooked that Švagrovský (1971: 338) had selected fig. 19 as lectotype of this species, which is Pustulosia submitralis . As consequence of this unfortunate selection, the majority of literature references listing Potamides (or Pirenella ) nodosoplicatus have to be removed from synonymy and are treated herein as Theodisca biseriata ( Friedberg, 1914) .

Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Polish-Ukrainian Fore-Carpathian Basin: Zalistsi, Zhukivtsi (Ternopil Region, Ukraine) ( Eichwald 1851). North Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep: Grund ( Austria) ( Ĥrnes 1855); Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou ( Czech Republic) (own data); Vienna Basin: Steinebrunn ( Austria), Mikulov, Sedlec ( Czech Republic) ( Ĥrnes, 1855; Sieber 1937); Oberpullendorf Basin: Ritzing ( Austria) ( Sieber 1937); Danube Basin: Kuzmice ( Slovakia) ( Švagrovský 1960); Pannonian Basin: Hidas, Sámsonháza, Várpalota (Pannonian) ( Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954; Strausz 1966); Mecsek Mountains ( Hungary) ( Strausz 1966); Dacian Basin: Dobrusha ( Bulgaria) (Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960).

Eastern Paratethys. Konkian (Middle Miocene): Transcaspia: Mangyshlak : Aksengir Mountain ( Kazakhstan) ( Iljina 1993). Volhynian: Dacian Basin: Boziorul, Odăile ( Romania) ( Saulea 1956).

Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. (1954) Helvetische und tortonische Fauna aus dem ˆ stlichen Cserhatgebirge. A Magyar Allami F ˆ ldtani Intezet Evk ˆ nyve, 41, 1 - 185. [https: // olivirv. myspecies. info / sites / olivirv. myspecies. info / files / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1954 _ 04. pdf]

D'Amico, C., Esu, D. & Girotti, O. (2012) Tortonian gastropods and bivalves from a transgressive succession near Cessaniti (Italy: Calabria). Archiv fur Molluskenkunde, 141, 155 - 195. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / arch. moll / 1869 - 0963 / 141 / 155 - 195

Eichwald, E. (1851). Paleontologiya Rossii. Opisanie molassovoi i namyvnoi formatsii. Eduard Prats, Sanktpeterburg, 284 pp. [Cйkvaльd, C. (1851) Paлioнtoлogii Рoссii. Opiсaнii мoлaссovoй i нaмыvнoй фoрмatiй. Cduaрd Pрat, Сaнktpitiрbuрg.]

Friedberg, W. (1914, 1928) Mieczaki Miocenskie ziem Polskich. (Mollusca Miocaenica Poloniae). Czesc I. Slimaki i Lodkonogi (Pars I. Gastropoda et Scaphopoda). Muzeum imienia Dzieduszyckich we Lwowie, 3, pp. 241 - 360, pls. 15 - 20, 1914; 5, pp. 441 - 631, pls. 27 - 38, 1928. [http: // rcin. org. pl / Content / 29894 / WA 058 _ 4796 _ P 886 - v 14 - z 3 _ Mieczaki-slimaki. pdf]

Hrnes, M. (1855 - 1856) Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiar-Beckens von Wien. Abhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 3, pp. 383 - 460, pls 41 - 45 (1855), pp. 461 - 736, pls 46 - 52 (1856), [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Abh- 3 - GRAgesamt. pdf]

Iljina, L. B. (1993) Handbook for identification of marine middle Miocene gastropods of Southwestern Eurasia. Transactions of the Paleontological Instituti, 255, 1 - 151. [Iльiнa, Л. B. (1993) Opрidiлitiль мoрсkik срidнiмiotiнovыk gaсtрopod Юgo-Zapadнoй IvрaZii. Tрydы PaЛiOнtOЛOgiciсKOgO iнсtityta, 255, 1 - 151.]

Kojumdgieva, E. M. & Strachimirov, I. B. (1960) Les fossiles de Bulgarie. VII. Tortonien. Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia, 438 pp.

Landau, B. M., Harzhauser, M., Yslamodlu, Y. & Marques da Silva, C. (2013) Systematics and palaeobiogeography of the gastropods of the middle Miocene (Serravallian) Karaman Basin of Turkey. Cainozoic Research, 11 - 13, 3 - 576.

Lozouet, P. (1986) Redefinition des genres Potamides et Pirenella (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) a partir des especes actuelles et fossiles: implications phyletiques et biogeographiques. Annales de Paleontologie, 72 / 3, 163 - 210.

Saulea, E. (1956) Contribution la stratigrafia miocenului din Subcarpatii Munteniei. Annuaire du Comite Geologique, 29, 241 - 270.

Sieber, R. (1937) Die miozaenen Potamididae, Cerithiidae, Cerithiopsidae und Triphoridae Niederoesterreichs. Festschrift zum 60. Geb. v. Prof. Dr. Embrik Strand, 2, 473 - 519.

Strausz, L. (1966) Die miozan-mediterranen Gastropoden Ungarns. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 693 pp.

Svagrovsky, J. (1960) Die Biostratigraphie des Miozans und die Okologie der Makrofauna der Basisbohrung Secovce 1. Prace Ustavu Naftovy vyzkum, 15, 55 - 61.

Svagrovsky, J. (1971) Das Sarmat der Tschechoslowakei und seine Molluskenfauna. Acta Geologica et Geographica Universitatis Comeniae, Geologica, 20, 1 - 473.











