Centris (Ptilotopus) neglecta, Entomologia & Nacional & Quinta da Boa Vista & Cristóvão & Janeiro & E-mail, 2019

Entomologia, Departamento de, Nacional, Museu, Quinta da Boa Vista, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro., Cristóvão, São, Janeiro, Rio de & E-mail, Brasil., 2019, Two new Brazilian species of oil-collecting bees of the genus Centris (Ptilotopus) Klug (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología 1, pp. 79-85 : 82-83

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scientific name

Centris (Ptilotopus) neglecta

sp. nov.

Centris (Ptilotopus) neglecta sp. nov.

( Figs. 3-5)

Centris (Ptilotopus) atra Moure, 1995: 951 View in CoL . (Morphology, distribution (Partim)). Silveira et al., 2002: 98. (List, distribution (Partim)).

Diagnosis. Integument and pubescence blackish ( Figs. 3, 4). Clypeus areolate with central area of upper margin relatively bright, inpunctate, with very fine areolation, almost absent ( Fig. 3). Dorsal surface of mesoscutellum with two elliptical, narrow, raised and well-defined glabrous area with lateroposterior margin with elevated ridge ( Fig. 5).

Description. Holotype female. Measurements (mm): Approximately body length: 30.4. Head width: 9.7. Forewing length: 20.6. Mandible basal width: 2.3. Mandible length: 4.4. Escape length: 1.4. F1 length: 2.0. F2 length: F3 length: 0.5. DIS: 4.7. DII: 4.7. Coloration: Head black ( Fig. 3), except malar area and center of mandible mahogany. Metepisternum, metanotum, and propodeum brown. Femora, sterna and T1 dark reddish brown. T2-T6 dark brown. Wings dark brown ( Fig. 4) with greenish iridescence. Apex of fore and middle femora orange at sides. Central surface of internal half of tegula orange brown. Pubescence: Blackish, without yellow hairs on metasoma ( Figs. 3, 4). Integument and sculpture surface: Clypeus strongly areolate, with coarse and dense punctation on periphery of disc; central area of upper margin relatively bright, impunctate, with very fine areolation, almost absent ( Fig. 3). Labrum with coarse and very dense punctation. Posterior area of ocelli with short linear cavity projected backwards. Posterior area of ocelli with semicircular transversal linear cavity. Distal margin of T2-T4 smooth. Structures: Flabellum elliptical. Maxillary palpus with four palpomeres (relative lengths: 2 nd>3 rd>1 st>4 th). Mandible with three apically rounded teeth (relative lengths: 1 st>2 nd>3 rd) ( Fig. 3). Apical tooth separated from the rest, with broad base ( Fig. 3). Trimmal angle obtuse, almost absent. Acetabular carina reaching base of second tooth ( Fig. 3). Labrum semicircular with well-developed central longitudinal carina. Clypeus convex, slightly concave near lower margin (lateral view). Vertex above the upper interocular tangent. Central area of epistomal suture straighter than central area of clypeal lower margin ( Fig. 3). Occipital area well-developed, visible behind the eyes (frontal view) ( Fig. 3). Pronotal lobe with acute projection. Hypoepimeral area with rounded tubercle. Mesoscutum with glabrous biconvex area on posterior half ( Fig. 5). Mesoscutellum with two elliptical raised divergent posteriorly glabrous areas separated from each other, each with elevated ridge on lateroposterior margin ( Fig. 5). Axilla raised and glabrous with relatively flat dorsal surface ( Fig. 5). Tegula with a small rounded protuberance on central area of inner half. Primary anterior comb of fore elaiospathe starting below strigilis. Secondary comb formed by four giant apically curved hairs. Basitibial plate elliptical with abundant pilosity on disc, without secondary plate. Pygidial plate with rounded apex, with distal half slightly angled downwards (lateral view), without evident secondary plate. Claws with internal teeth, except hind leg.

Type material. Holotype female, with the following data label: Coleção Campos Seabra \ Brasil Goiás Minaçú V 1987 Monné & Roppa \ Minaçú Go V. 1987 Monné Roppa . Paratypes: 3 females with the same data label of the holotype. All specimens were deposited at MNRJ .

Etymology. From Latin neglectus (neglected, ignored) due to the misidentification of the specimens of this species with Centris atra Friese, 1899 (see below).

Distribution. According to Moure (1995) and Silveira et al. (2002), this species occurs in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais and Tocantins.

Comments. Among the specimens studied was observed only a small variation in the coloration of the pubescence of the mesosoma and legs probably due to conservation conditions. This new species is similar to C. moerens . Both are differentiated by the yellow pilosity on T1-T3 (absent in C. neglecta sp. nov. ( Fig. 4), present in C. moerens ), by the coloration of clypeus and mandible (mostly black in C. neglecta sp. nov. ( Fig. 3) and reddish brown in C. moerens ), by the curvature of the middle area of the upper and lower margins of clypeus (lower greater than upper in C. neglecta sp. nov. ( Fig. 3) and relatively equal in C. moerens ), and by the raised lateroposterior margin of glabrous areas of mesoscutellum (present in C. neglecta sp. nov. ( Fig. 5) and absent in C. moerens ( Fig. 6)).

Centris neglecta sp. nov. could also be confused with C. maranhensis Ducke, 1910 , especially with specimens of that species with reduced yellow pubescence on mesosoma and metasoma. Both species are differentiated by the central area of upper margin of clypeus (with fine or absent areolation in C. neglecta sp. nov. ( Fig. 3), uniformly areolated as on the rest of clypeus in C. maranhensis ) and by the coloration of tegula (dark brown to black with light brown spot at central area of inner half in C. neglecta sp. nov. and uniformly dark brown to black in C. maranhensis ). Additionally, in C. neglecta sp. nov. the pubescence of mesosoma and metasoma is completely blackish ( Fig. 4), while in C. maranhensis there are yellow hairs generally on mesepisternum, mesoscutellum and on lateral sides of T1 and T2. The male of this new species is unknown.


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro














Centris (Ptilotopus) neglecta

Entomologia, Departamento de, Nacional, Museu, Quinta da Boa Vista, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro., Cristóvão, São, Janeiro, Rio de & E-mail, Brasil. 2019

Centris (Ptilotopus) atra

Silveira, F. A. & Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. 2002: 98
Moure, J. S. 1995: 951
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