Cautires jendeki, Dudkova, Pavla & Bocak, Ladislav, 2010

Dudkova, Pavla & Bocak, Ladislav, 2010, A review of the Cautires obsoletus species group from Indo – Burma (Coleoptera: Lycidae), Zootaxa 2527, pp. 28-48 : 37

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.196447


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cautires jendeki

sp. nov.

Cautires jendeki sp. n.

( Figs 21 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 , 23 View FIGURES 23 – 30 )

Type material. Male, holotype, North Laos, 5.–11. V. 1997, 20 km NW, Louang Namtha, N 21° 0 9.2, E 101° 18.7, alt. 900 m, E. Jendek and O. Šauša leg. ( LMBC); Male, paratype, North Laos, 13.–24. v. 1997, 15 km NW, Louang Namtha, N 21° 0 7.5, E 101° 21.0, alt. 750 m, E. Jendek and O. Šauša leg. ( LMBC).

Differential diagnosis. The external morphology of C. jendeki does not provide any diagnostic character and the reliable identification of this species is only possible on the basis of the shape of male genitalia. C. jendeki sp. n. is characteristic in the very narrow basal part of phallus ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 23 – 30 ).

Description. Male. Body small, flattened and narrow, dark brown to black. Head small, completely covered by pronotum; clypeus slightly concave, with sparse setae. Eyes small, hemispherically prominent, their frontal interocular distance 1.59 times eye diameter. Antennae shortly flabellate, black, 11-segmented, covered with short light setae. Maxillary palpi slender, apical palpomere pointed, labial palpi similar in shape. Pronotum and elytra reddish brown to red, densely pubescent. Pronotum 1.29 times wider than length at midline, projected frontally; basal and lateral margins elevated, two costae form slender median areola, adjacent to middle of posterior margin of pronotum; posterior angles sharply projected ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 11 – 22. 11 ); bottom of areolae dark brown, costae brightly orange. Elytra with separately rounded apexes, each with four primary longitudinal costae; secondary costae weaker, cells regular, squared and rectangular. Legs black with light setae, two apical tarsomeres lighter, with yellow setae. Male genitalia with very slender phallus ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 23 – 30 ). Female unknown.

Measurements. BL 7.45 mm, PL 1.22 mm, PW 1.67 mm, HW 1.85 mm, Edist 0.56 mm, Ediam 0.35 mm.

Distribution. C. jendeki sp. n. is known so far in two specimens, which were collected in Northern Laos. The species occurs in lower mountain forests.

Etymology. The specific epithet " jendeki " is a patronym in honor of E. Jendek (Bratislava) who collected the holotype.













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