Siphonalia cassidariaeformis ( Reeve, 1846 )

Kantor, Yuri, Kosyan, Alisa & Sorokin, Pavel, 2020, On the taxonomic position of Phaenomenella Fraussen & Hadorn, 2006 (Neogastropoda, Buccinoidea) with description of two new species, Zoosystema 42 (3), pp. 33-55 : 48-51

publication ID 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a3

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scientific name

Siphonalia cassidariaeformis ( Reeve, 1846 )


Siphonalia cassidariaeformis ( Reeve, 1846) View in CoL

( Figs 9 View FIG A-C; 10; 11A)

Buccinum cassidariaeformis REE•E, 1846: Pl. 2, sp. 11..

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Japan • 2 lots, 3 specimens; Off Hashima, Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu; 10.V.1996 (no. 1, Fig. 9A View FIG ); Off Atsumi Peninsula , Aichi Prefecture; 30 m; 13.V.2001 (nos. 2, 3, Figs 9B, C View FIG ) .



Radula studied in three specimens. Rather similar in all specimens ( Fig. 11A, B View FIG ); central tooth with rectangular basal part and weakly arcuate anterior margin and three medium long triangular broad cusps, central one equal in length but slightly narrower than lateral ones. Lateral teeth tricuspate with weakly curved, nearly straight basal side, attached to membrane. Outermost cusp recurved, medium long, inner cusp weakly recurved, about 2/3 of outer cusp length. Intermediate cusp shortest, situated closer to inner cusp.

D, S. pfefferi no. 2. Scale bars: 200 µm.


Soft body (no. 1, female, Fig. 10A, B, E, F View FIG , no. 2, female, Fig. 10C View FIG ) with approximately 3 whorls. Head short and broad, with short contracted tentacles. Eyes small, situated at small lobes in the middle of tentacles ( Fig. 10B, C View FIG , eyes). Foot contracted, with very narrow propodium and large operculum with terminal nucleus. Penis of spm. no. 3 ( Fig. 10D View FIG ) medium long, flattened, contracted, with small (contracted) rounded seminal papilla at the top, surrounded by circular fold of skin. Mantle with very long siphon in dissected specimens (longer than half mantle width).

Digestive system. Proboscis half everted out of rhynchodaeum, thick, contracted ( Fig. 10E, F View FIG , pr). Proboscis retractors (prr) attached to rhynchodaeum along both sides of anterior oesophagus (mostly on its right side), connecting rhynchodaeum to lateral walls of body haemocoel. Anterior oesophagus short and wide, dorso-ventrally flattened, along ventral side of proboscis ( Fig. 10E, F View FIG , aoe) into relatively small rounded valve of Leiblein ( Fig. 10F View FIG , vl), situated immediately anterior to nerve ring ( Fig. 10F View FIG , nr). Salivary glands medium small (about 0.25 proboscis length) ( Fig. 10E, F View FIG , sg), with very thin strongly convoluted salivary ducts ( Fig. 10F View FIG , sd) following along anterior oesophagus. Gland of Leiblein large ( Fig. 10E, F View FIG , gl), following along thick, round in section posterior oesophagus ( Fig. 10E, F View FIG , poe). Stomach spanning about 0.3 whorl ( Fig. 10G View FIG ). Posterior mixing area not large in spm. no. 1, large in spm. no. 2 ( Fig. 10G, I View FIG , pma). Posterior oesophagus and intestine medium wide in both specimens. Opening of posterior duct of digestive gland (found in spm. no. 2) located near oesophageal opening ( Fig. 10I View FIG , pdg), opening of anterior duct (found in spms. nos. 1 and 2) located near beginning of intestine. Inner stomach wall between two openings with longitudinal fold ( Fig. 10H View FIG , lfl), lined with low oblique folds, remaining part of inner and outer stomach walls lined with moderately high transverse folds.













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