Carex huangshanica X. F. Jin & W. J. Chen, 2015

Chen, Wei-Jie & Jin, Xiao-Feng, 2015, Carex huangshanica (sect. Rhomboidales, Cyperaceae), a new species from Anhui, eastern China, Phytotaxa 233 (3), pp. 281-287 : 284-286

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.233.3.5

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scientific name

Carex huangshanica X. F. Jin & W. J. Chen

sp. nov.

Carex huangshanica X. F. Jin & W. J. Chen View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 & 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Species nova C. longirostratae C. A. Mey. affinis est, a qua spicis superioribus aggregatis, squamis pistillatis apice breviter aristatis, perigyniis subglabris, acheniis ovoideis differt.

Type: — CHINA. Anhui Province: Huangshan, Huangshan Mount., Yupinglou, 118º10’16.17’ E, 30 º07’27.61’’N, on cliff, altitude 1400 m, 26 May 2014, W. J. Chen 424 A (holotype HTC!, isotype HTC!).

Herba perennis . Rhizoma breve, lignosum. Culmi laterales, 17–25 cm alti, triquetri, glabri, laeves, ad basin vaginis brunneis coriaceis obtecti. Folia culmo paullo breviora vel longiora, 2.5–4 mm lata, utrinque glabra , laevia, margine involuta , subtus glauca . Bracteae breviter foliiformes, inflorescentiis breviores, basi vaginatae; vaginis 5–10 mm longis. Spicae 3 vel 4, superiores aggregatae, infima raro basales; ea terminalis staminata, clavato-cylindrica, 2–2.5 cm longa , ca. 4 mm lata, densiflora , subsessilis; eae laterales androgynae, 1.5–2.3 cm longae, subdensiflorae, apice floribus 4–9 staminatis instructae, pedunculis inclusis. Squamae staminatae oblanceolato-ellipticae, 7.5–8 mm longae, apice acutae, margine flavae, dorso 1-brunneo-nerves. Squamae pistillatae ovatae, 5–5.5 mm longae, apice acuminatae, margine pallide flavae, dorso viridi-trinerves, apice in aristas breves projectae. Perigynia squamis pistillatis longiora, 7.5–8 mm longa , obovoidea vel ellipsoidea, trigona , membranacea , viridi-flava, subglabra , multinervia, basi breviter stipitata , apice in rostrum ca. 3 mm longum ore longe bidentatum margine sparse pilosum projecta . Achenia laxe inclusa , ovoidea, trigona , castanea , 3.2–3.5 mm longa , basi breviter stipitata , apice in rostrum brevem curvatum abrupte contracta ; stylus glabrus, basi paullo incrassatus; stigmata 3.

Perennial; rhizomes short, ligneous. Culms lateral, 17–25 cm tall, trigonous, glabrous, smooth, with brown coriaceous sheaths at base. Leaves slightly shorter or longer than culms, 2.5–4 mm wide, glabrous on both surfaces, smooth, involute at margins, glaucous abaxially. Bracts shortly leaf-like, shorter than inflorescence, sheathed at base; sheaths 5–10 mm long. Spikes 3 or 4, upper spikes crowed, the lowest one rarely exserted at base of culms; terminal one staminate, clavate-cylindrical, 2–2.5 cm long, ca. 4 mm wide, densely flowered, nearly sessile; lateral spikes androgynous, 1.5– 2.3 cm long, slightly densely flowered, with 4–9 staminate flowers at apex, with peduncles enclosed in bract sheaths. Staminate scales oblanceolate-elliptic, 7.5–8 mm long, acute at apex, yellowish brown at margins, brown costa 1- veined on dorsal surface. Pistillate scales ovate, 5–5.5 mm long, acuminate at apex, pale yellowish brown at margins, green costa 3-veined on dorsal surface, exserting into a short awn at apex. Perigynia longer than pistillate scales, 7.5–8 mm long, obovoid or ellipsoid, trigonous, membranous, greenish yellow, nearly glabrous, distinctly veined, shortly stipitate at base, contracted into a ca. 3 mm long beak at apex; orifice shortly 2-lobed with long teeth, sparsely pilose at margins. Achenes loosely enveloped, ovoid, trigonous, castaneous, 3.2–3.5 mm long, shortly stipitate at base, abruptly contracted into a short curved beak at apex; styles glabrous, slightly thickened at base; stigmas 3.

Distribution & Habitat: —This new species is known only from Huangshan Mountain, Anhui Province, eastern China ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It is endemic to China, with an apparently narrow geographic distribution. It grows on the cliffs around Yupinglou at an elevation of ca. 1400 m.

Phenology:— Flowers and fruits of Carex huangshanica were collected in late May.

Etymology: —The epithet “Huangshan” refers to the type locality of the collection.

Additional collections (paratypes): — CHINA. Anhui Province: Huangshan, Huangshan Mount., Yupinglou, 118º10’16.17’E, 30 º07’27.61’’N, on cliff, elevation 1400 m, 26 May 2014, W. J. Chen 424B, 425 (HTC!).

IUCN Red List Category: —From field observation, the population of Carex huangshanica comprises ca. 50 caespitose individuals and covers an area of ca. 50 m 2. Referring to IUCN Category and Criteria (version 3.1) in 2001, it is a vulnerable species (VU), and there is a need for its conservation.

Similar species: — Carex huangshanica is similar to Carex longirostrata . in having perigynia gradually contracted into a long beak at apex, orifice 2-lobed with long teeth, achenes not constricted at middle of angles, abruptly contracted into a beak at apex, but differs in having upper spikes aggregated, pistillate scales shortly awned at apex, perigynia nearly glabrous, and achenes ovoid. In Carex longirostrata , all spikes are remote, pistillate scales long awned at apex, perigynia sparsely pubescent and achenes ellipsoid-ovoid to broadly obovoid ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Characters distinguishing the new species from C. longirostrata are detailed in Table 1.


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