Calodema antonkozlovi, Pineda & Curletti, 2020

Pineda, Cristian & Curletti, Gianfranco, 2020, Calodema antonkozlovi nov. sp. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae): a new species of Stigmoderini from the Arfak Mountains, Indonesia, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 46 (1), pp. 75-79 : 76-77

publication ID 10.35249/rche.

publication LSID


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scientific name

Calodema antonkozlovi

sp. nov.

Calodema antonkozlovi nov. sp.

( Figs. 1-8 View Figures 1-8 )

Type material. Holotype ♀ in ZIN, labeled: “ Indonesia, West Papua, Arfak / Mountains, Anggi district , 7 km / from Anggi town , near Penebut / village, H= 2000 m., 08/IX/2019, / local collector leg. ” // “ Calodema antonkozlovi / Pineda & Curletti / HOLOTYPE” [red printed label] . Paratypes: Paratype ♀ in AKPC, same data, except, 20/IX/2019. // “ Calodema antonkozlovi / Pineda & Curletti / PARATYPE” [yellow printed label] . Paratype ♀ in CPCP, labeled: “ Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Mt. Arfak , VI.2006 ” // “ Calodema antonkozlovi / Pineda & Curletti / PARATYPE” [yellow printed label] .

Description. Holotype female: Total length, 32.5 mm. Body robust and wide; elytra black with metallic blue sheen, except fasciae yellow. Pronotum yellow with black spots. Head and antennae metallic green; venter metallic green, except sides of pronotum, ventrites 1-4 and posterior portion of ventrite 1 yellow; setae white. Head: Glabrous, moderately dense punctate with punctures separated by about a puncture diameter. Frons slightly depressed medially, with punctures denser in depression. Antennae serrate from antennomere 4. Clypeus with anterior emargination exposing the membrane between clypeus and labrum. Labrum slightly broader than long, with median longitudinal groove. Pronotum: Glabrous, finely punctate with punctures separated by about 1–3 puncture diameters; 1.93 times wider than long (L/W = 0.51), with a central-anterior spot and two anterolateral small dots, the central-anterior one divided in the middle into two subreniform spots. Scutellum: Glabrous, impunctate, pentagonal and small; 1.6 times wider than long (L/W = 0.6). Elytra: Glabrous, with punctation as fine as that of pronotum but more dispersed; striae very fine; interstriae wide and elevated, six times as wide as striae; 2.16 times wider than long (L/W = 0.47); each elytron with two yellow fasciae, the anterior one broadest, reaching suture, at lateral margins extending anteriorly and covering part of humerus; apices with three strongly developed spines separated by deep notches, the internal spine shorter than the other two. Venter: Finely punctate, except moderately coarsely punctate towards prosternum; prosternum, meso- and metaventrite with long setae along lateral margins. Prosternal process with anterior prominence in lateral view. Abdominal ventrites 2–4 subequal in length; ventrite 1 about as long as ventrites 2–3 combined; ventrite 5 rounded posteriorly. Ovipositor: Rectangular in shape, with deep median longitudinal groove; 1.4 times wider than long; anterior margin with sparse, short and tick setae; stylus very short and thick, inconspicuous.

Intraspecific variation. (n=3): 32.5-34.0 mm. The paratypes have the anterior fasciae completely fused. One paratype has a narrower space between the internal spines ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1-8 ).

Comparison. The new taxon is similar to C. bifasciata but differs in the characters mentioned in Table 1 View Table 1 :

Etymology. We name this species in honor of Russian entomologist Anton Olegovich Kozlov (Moscow, Russia), who first recognized this species as new.

Other material examined. C. bifasciata : 1 male from Papua New Guinea, Simbu Prov. Kerowagi , kawa vill, 21.IX.2007, local coll. leg. ( DFPC) .


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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