Calocera ramaria C. L. Zhao & H. M. Zhou, 2024

Zhou, Hong-Min, Zhang, Xun-Chi, Li, Jie-Ting, Wu, Fang & Zhao, Chang-Lin, 2024, Morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses revealed four new wood inhabiting fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) in Xizang Autonomous Region, China, MycoKeys 106, pp. 201-224 : 201-224

publication ID


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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Calocera ramaria C. L. Zhao & H. M. Zhou

sp. nov.

Calocera ramaria C. L. Zhao & H. M. Zhou sp. nov.

Figs 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6


China, Xizang, Linzhi, Sejila Mountain National Forest Park , 29 ° 64 ' N, 94 ° 71 ' E, elev. 3852 m, gregarious on humus under Abies , 2 August 2023, CLZhao 31166 ( SWFC).


Ramaria (Lat.) : refers to the ramal basidiomata of the specimens.


Differed from other species in having ramal basidiomata, septate hyphae, usually 4 - septate basidiospores (9.2–11 × 3.9–4.4 μm).

Fruiting body.

Basidiomata stipitate, gregarious, bright orange when fresh, orange brown when dry, gelatinous when soaked, corneous when dry, ramal, repeatedly branched, apically blunt, up to 6.2 cm high; stipe 0.7–1 mm in diam, become orange to reddish brown corneous when dry.

Internal features.

Marginal hyphae hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, septate, simple or branched, without clamp connections, 4–5.5 μm in diam; internal hyphae hyaline, smooth or scabrous, thin- to slightly thick-walled, interwoven, with nodose-septa, without clamp connections, 2–3 μm in diam; hyphidia hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, with a simple septum at base, occasionally terminally branched; basidia hyaline, thin-walled, subclavate to clavate, without basal clamp connection, 23–31 × 2–4 μm; basidiospores hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, oblong-ellipsoid to navicular, straight or curved, apiculate, usually 4 - septate when mature, occasionally 5 - septate, (9.1 –) 9.2–11 (– 11.6) × (3.5 –) 3.9–4.4 (– 4.7) μm, L = 10.18 μm, W = 4.19 μm, Q = 2.43 (n = 30 / 1).


Southwest Forestry College