Broscodera (Sinobrosculus) gaoligongensis Kavanaugh and Liang, 2021

Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2021, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (4), pp. 85-182 : 104-108

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11067355


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Broscodera (Sinobrosculus) gaoligongensis Kavanaugh and Liang

sp. nov.

2. Broscodera (Sinobrosculus) gaoligongensis Kavanaugh and Liang , sp. nov.

Figures 5d View FIGURE , 8a View FIGURE , 13 View FIGURE , 14 View FIGURE , 41 View FIGURE , 48-50 View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE

Type material. Holotype, a male, in IOZ, labeled [in Chinese]: Yunnan, Lushui, Yaojiaping, 2500 m, Chinese Academy of Sciences”/ “ 1981.VI.1, Liao Subai coll.”/ “ HOLOTYPE Broscodera (Sinobrosculus) gaoligongensis Kavanaugh & Liang sp. nov. designated 2021” [red label]. Paratypes (a total of 16): four females ( IOZ) labeled [in Chinese]: same as holotype; two females ( IOZ) labeled [in Chinese]: same first label same as holotype, second label “ 1981.VI.2, Wang Shuyong coll.”; one male ( IOZ) labeled [in Chinese]: same first label as holotype, second label “ 1981.VI.4, Wang Shuyong coll.”; one male and three females ( CAS, IOZ) labeled [in Chinese]: same first label as holotype, second label “ 1981.VI.6, Liao Subai coll.”; two females ( IOZ) labeled [in Chinese]: same first label as holotype, second label “ 1981.VI.6, Zhao Jianming coll.”; one female ( IOZ) labeled: “ Yunnan, Lushui, Pianma, 2300 m, Chinese Academy of Sciences”/ “ 1981.V.29, Wang Shuyong coll.”; one male ( CAS) labeled: “CASENT 1020104”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Fugong County, Lumadeng Township, South Fork Yamu He, 1.3 km E of Lao Shibali, 2250 m, N27.08180° / E98.78670°,”/ “ 15 August 2005, Stop# DHK-2005-087, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & J.F. Zhang collectors; one female ( CAS) labeled: “CASENT 1001456”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan Province, Gaoligong Shan, Nujiang Prefecture, Gongshan County, Danzhu He drainage, 13.5- 15.7 airkm SSW of Gongshan [Cikai], 2700-3100 m,”/ “ N27.63063° / E98.62074° to N27.62705° / E98.59204°, 30 June – 5 July 2000, Stop#00-17A, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Groswold [sic], Liang H.-B., D. Ubick, & Dong D.-Z. collectors”. All paratypes also bear the following label: “ PARATYPE Broscodera (Sinobrosculus) gaoligongensis Kavanaugh & Liang , sp. nov. designated 2021” [yellow label].

Type locality. China, Yunnan, Lushui, Luzhang Township, Yaojiaping , 2500 m .

Derivation of species name. The species epithet, gaoligongensis , is derived from the name of the mountain range, the Gaoligonmg Shan, in which all specimens of the type series were collected, and the Latin suffix, -ensis, denoting place .

Diagnosis. Adults of this species ( Fig. 13a View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size medium, BL male = 10.0–11. 2 mm, female 10.2–11. 2 mm; body color dark brown to piceous; head ( Fig. 5d View FIGURE ) with eyes small but moderately convex, their diameter about equal to length of tempora; frontal furrows moderately impressed, shallowly punctate; vertex with post-temporal transverse sulcus deep, sharply but slightly more broadly impressed, more densely, coarsely, and widely punctate; gula with shallow, vaguely defined transverse grooves; antennomere 3 with sparse pubescence mainly in apical one-third; pronotum with posterior transverse impression moderately deep, but vaguely delineated; elytra with lateral margins moderately arcuate, microsculpture comprised of distinctly but shallowly impressed isodiameteric meshes; hindwings full-sized; prosternum, proepisternum, metasternum, and metepisternum coarsely but sparsely punctate; hind trochanter asetose; abdominal sternite VI of female with one pair of apicoparamedial setae. Male genitalia as in Fig. 14 View FIGURE ; median lobe with ventral surface faintly concave and with ventrolateral edges only faintly elevated and without distinct flange near mid-length; apex of apical lamella slightly asymmetrical and slightly pointed in lateral view.

Description. Fig. 13a View FIGURE . Size medium, BL male = 10.0–11. 2 mm, female 10.2–11. 2 mm, ratio EL/PL = 2.4–2.5. Body color piceous, or dark brown, all appendages reddish brown.

Head. Fig. 5d View FIGURE . Eyes small, moderately convex, their diameter about equal to length as tempora. Frontal furrows moderately impressed, narrow, distinctly divergent posteriorly, shallowly punctate. Vertex with post-temporal transverse sulcus deep, sharply impressed and densely and coarsely punctate. Tempora slightly swollen, roundly subangulate. Gula with shallow, vaguely defined transverse grooves.

Pronotum. Markedly cordate, moderately convex, narrowed posteriorly, widest distinctly anterior to middle of discal region; apical margination absent; lateral margination present, narrow, distinctly delineated throughout pronotal length; basal margination absent; anterior transverse impression absent or shallow and indistinct; median longitudinal impression moderately impressed; posterior transverse impression moderately deep, but vaguely delineated; anterior region of disk smooth; pronotal base coarsely punctate and rugulose; one pair of midlateral setae present at anterior one-third to one-fourth of discal region; one pair of basolateral setae present slightly anterior to basal angles.

Elytra. Elytral silhouette symmetrically subovoid, ratio EL/EW = 1.7, widest at or just behind middle, greatest elevation above lateral margin (in latateral view) posterior to middle; humeri distinctly present, roundly obtuse; lateral margins moderately arcuate; parascutellar striole present, short, distally merged in a distinct jog with free base of stria 1. Nine striae present; stria 1 moderately deeply and sharply impressed (more shallowly impressed in some specimens), striae 2 to 3, 4, or 5 sharply and deeply impressed in basal two-thirds and successively more shallowly impressed in apical third, striae 3 to 8 successively more shallowly impressed laterally and apically, stria 9 divergent medially from lateral groove in apical half; stria 1 moderately punctate at least in basal half, striae 2 to 8 successively more shallowly and sparsely punctate both laterally and apically. Parascutellar setiferous pore absent, discal setae absent, umbilicate series comprised of one subhumeral and three subapical setae. Elytral microsculpture comprised of distinctly but shallowly impressed isodiameteric meshes.

Hindwings. Full-sized, functional.

Thoracic venter. Prosternum, proepisternum, mesosternum and mesepisternum, metasternum, and metepisternum coarsely but sparsely punctate. Metepisternum ratio ML/MW = 2.1–2.2.

Legs. Hind trochanters asetose (one seta found unilaterally in one specimen). Tarsomeres with sparse long setae dorsally; tarsomere 5 with a single subapical pair of setae ventrally. Male proand mesotarsi each with small pads of adhesive setae on tarsomeres 1 and 2.

Abdomen. Sternite I coarsely and sparsely punctate. Sternite VI of both males and females with one pair of apicoparamedial setae.

Male genitalia. As in Fig. 14 View FIGURE .

Comments. Members of this species can be distinguished from those of B. chukuai by the features listed above in the key and diagnosis. They differ from members of all three subspecies of B. dreuxi in having the eyes more convex and the tempora more swollen and roundly angulate (rather than more smoothly rounded), the elytral striae only finely (rather than more coarsely) punctate, and the median lobe of the male genitalia shorter, thicker, and slightly more arcuate in lateral view compared with the illustration provided by Deuve (1998:228). They differ from members of B. morvani in having the eyes smaller, their diameter about equal to the length of the tempora (rather than greater than the temporal length), the antennae with antennomere 2 (the pedicel) longer, antennomere 3 with pubescence in at least its apical one-third (rather than without pubescence in addition to the apical setal whorl), the pronotum relatively longer and with a single midlateral seta on each side (rather with than two or three such setae), the elytral silhouette elongate-subovid with the lateral margins less rounded (rather than shorter, more ovoid, and with more markedly rounded lateral margins), and the median lobe of the male genitalia shorter, thicker, and more arcuate in lateral view (compared with the illustration provided for B. morvani ( Deuve 2004, Fig. 3 View FIGURE ). They differ from members of B. holzschuhi in having smaller eyes, their diameter about equal to the length of the tempora (rather than greater than the temporal length), the tempora more swollen and roundly angulate (rather than more smoothly rounded), the pronotum relatively shorter and broader and widest distinctly anterior to mid-length (rather than closer to mid-length), and the elytral silhouette relatively shorter, broader, laterally more evenly curved throughout, and widest at or closer to midlength (rather than laterally nearly straight in basal half and more curved posteriorly and widest near two-thirds elytral length). Again, we have not examined a male of B. holzschuhi for comparison of the genitalia.

Habitat distribution. Members of this species have been found under large stones along roadcuts at the base of cutbanks ( Fig. 41b View FIGURE ) and on the rocky banks of small to moderate-sized streams (Fig. FX41a). Within the Gaoligong Shan region, this species occurs at moderate elevations, with our records documenting its occurrence in the 2300 to 3100 m range ( Fig. 41b View FIGURE ).

Geographical distribution within the Gaoligong Shan. Fig. 13b View FIGURE . We examined a total of 17 specimens (six males and 11 females) from the northern to the southcentral part of the Gaoligong Shan in Fugong, Gongshan and Lushui Counties. Our records from Gongshan and Fugong Counties are on the eastern side of the range (in Core Areas 2 and 3, respectively) but those from Lushui County are from both western and eastern slopes (Core Areas 4 and 5, respectively) ( Fig. 48 View FIGURE ) (see Type material above for exact collection data) .

Overall geographical distribution. This species currently is known only from the northern to southcentral part of the Gaoligong Shan, in western Yunnan Province, China.

Geographical relationships with other Broscodera species. The northern and northcentral part of the geographical range of this species overlaps with that of Broscodera chukuai . However, we have not found the two species together (syntopic) ( Fig. 50 View FIGURE ) and our records suggest that they occupy non-overlapping altitudinal ranges and therefore are unlikely to co-occur. Broscodera gaoligongensis appears to be restricted to elevations below 3100 m and mainly well below that level, whereas B. chukuai has been found only at elevations above 3400 m ( Fig. 49 View FIGURE ). The ranges of the other described species do not include Yunnan Province.


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