Brachytydeus paraobliqua Panou and Emmanuel

Akyazi, Rana, Soysal, Mete & Altunç, Yunus Emre, 2022, Species complexes of leaf-inhabiting mites on Prunus laurocerasus L. (Rosaceae) trees in Ordu, Turkey, Acarological Studies 4 (1), pp. 9-20 : 14

publication ID 10.47121/acarolstud.996567


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scientific name

Brachytydeus paraobliqua Panou and Emmanuel


Brachytydeus paraobliqua Panou and Emmanuel

Material examined: 1♂ (İkizce, 11.08.2016).

Comments: Brachytydeus paraobliqua was found in Greece ( Panou and Emmanouel, 1996), Hungary ( Ripka et al., 2002; Tempfli et al., 2015) and Turkey. In Turkey, it was firstly reported in Samsun by Özman- Sullivan et al. (2005). Later, it was found on Diospyros kaki Thunb. and Diospyros lotus L. ( Ebenaceae ) by Akyazı et al. (2017) and stone fruit trees by AltunÇ and Akyazı (2019) in Ordu.

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