Bisetocreagris guangshanensis Gao & Zhang, 2017

Gao, Zhizhong, Chen, Huiming & Zhang, Feng, 2017, Description of two new cave-dwelling Bisetocreagris species (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from China, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (4), pp. 615-623 : 616-623

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1602-39

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scientific name

Bisetocreagris guangshanensis Gao & Zhang

sp. nov.

Bisetocreagris guangshanensis Gao & Zhang View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figures 1–3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3

Type material. Holotype male (Ps.- MHBU-GZ10060501 ), China: Guizhou Province, Suiyang County, Huangyang, Guangshan cave [28°17.92′N, 107°7.54′E], 5 June 2010, Huiming Chen leg. GoogleMaps Paratypes: 1 male (Ps.- MHBU-GZ10060502 ) ; 2 females (Ps.- MHBU-GZ10060503–04 ), same data as for holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality, Guangshan cave.

Diagnosis. Troglomorphic habitus; carapace with a pair of eyes with lens; epistome triangular and small; carapace with 8 setae on posterior margin; pedipalp slender, both chelal fingers with about 110 teeth; femur 5.32–5.70 times (length 2.11–2.18), patella 3.93–4.40 times (length 2.07–2.12) longer than broad, pedicel about half of total length of patella, hand with pedicel 2.36–2.44 times (length 1.61–1.72), chela with pedicel 4.90–5.27 times (length 3.48–3.58) longer than broad, finger 1.17 – 1.26 times (length 2.02–2.03) longer than hand with pedicel. Trichobothria ib, ist, and isb closely grouped at the base of the fixed chelal finger; the distance between b and sb longer than that of t and st.

Description of male ( Figure 1a View Figure 1 ). Color mostly light yellow brown, pedipalps and carapace reddish brown. Setae of body straight and acicular.

Carapace ( Figures 2a View Figure 2 , 3a View Figure 3 ) smooth, slightly longer than broad, with a total of 26 acute simple setae, including 4

on anterior margin and 8 on posterior margin; epistome triangular and small; a single eye with lens on each side.

Abdomen. Pleural membrane without granulation. Tergal chaetotaxy: 9–12: 11–12: 10–12:12:13:13–14: 13– 14: 12–13: 14: 13: (1–3) + 4: 2, 2 tactile setae on tergites X. Setation around genital area as in Figure 3g View Figure 3 . Chaetotaxy of remaining sternites (IV–XI): 14–20: 15–16: 16–18: 14–19: 18: 15–16: 14–17: (1–2) + 2: 2, sternites VI–VIII with a pair of medial discal setae, clearly longer than marginal setae.

Pedipalps ( Figure 3b View Figure 3 ): all segments scale-like sculptured, except chela, which are smooth ( Figure 2d View Figure 2 ); apex of coxa rounded and with 4 long and simple setae. Venom apparatus only present in fixed chelal finger, venom duct very short. Femur straight; patella claviform and internal face without a tubercle. Trichobothrial pattern ( Figure 3h View Figure 3 ): eb and esb closely situated near base of finger; ib, ist, and isb closely grouped at the base of the fixed finger; est situated at the middle of finger; et and it grouped together near fingertip; b situated at base of movable finger, sb situated at one-third base of the finger, st and t in distal half of movable finger, the distance between b and sb longer than that between t and st. Fixed chelal finger with about 121 teeth of unequal length, which are flat and of slightly unequal length in distal part, pointed in middle and basal part; movable finger with about 124 teeth, which are pointed and of slightly unequal length in distal part, blunt and retrorse in middle part, flat and round in basal part, all teeth contiguous.

Chelicera ( Figure 3b View Figure 3 ). Palm with 7 setae, movable finger with 1 submedial seta; fixed finger with 15–16 teeth; movable finger with 14–15 teeth; serrula exterior with about 40–42 lamellae; serrula interior with 21–22 lamellae; galea ( Figure 3d View Figure 3 ) short and divided into 2 main branches, each branch secondarily divided into 2 terminal branchlets; rallum ( Figure 3c View Figure 3 ) of 8 blades, all blades with anteriorly directed spinules, distalmost blade somewhat widened at its base and slightly shorter than second blade, distalmost 2 blades slightly separated from others.

Leg IV ( Figures 2h View Figure 2 , 3k View Figure 3 ). Telotarsus with 1 tactile seta (TS = 0.45–0.51). Subterminal setae ( Figure 3j View Figure 3 ) bifurcate, basal branch also terminally bifurcate; arolium not divided, shorter than the slender and simple claws.

Dimensions (in mm) and ratios (in parentheses).

Body length 3.73–4.79. Carapace 1.38–1.45/1.17–1.20 (1.18–1.21). Pedipalps: trochanter 1.03–1.06/0.42–0.44 (2.41–2.45), femur 2.11–2.18/0.37–0.41 (5.32–5.70), patella 2.07–2.12/0.47–0.54 (3.93–4.40), chela (with pedicel) 3.48–3.58/0.66–0.73 (4.90–5.27), chela (without pedicel) 3.16–3.22 (4.41–4.79), hand length (without pedicel) 1.29–1.36 (1.86–1.95), movable finger length 2.02–2.03 (1.49–1.57 times longer than hand without pedicel). Chelicera 0.93–0.98/0.47–0.49 (1.98–2.00), movable finger length 0.66–0.70. Leg I: trochanter 0.40– 0.45/0.29–0.30 (1.38–1.50), femur 1.11–1.16/0.22–0.23 (4.83–5.27), patella 0.70–0.76/0.19–0.22 (3.45–3.68), tibia 0.97–1.03/0.16 (6.06–6.44), basitarsus 0.44–0.48/0.14 (3.14–3.43), telotarsus 0.63–0.66/0.14–0.15 (4.20–4.71). Leg IV: trochanter 0.60–0.66/0.29–0.31 (1.94–2.28), femur + patella 1.89–2.01/0.36–0.38 (4.97–5.58), tibia 1.72– 1.86/0.20–0.22 (8.45–8.60), basitarsus 0.53–0.61/0.16–0.17 (3.31–3.59), telotarsus 0.75–0.81/0.15–0.17 (4.76–5.00).

Short description of female paratypes.

Mostly same as holotype. Carapace with a total of 26 setae, including 7–8 setae on anterior margin and 7–8 setae on posterior margin. Tergal chaetotaxy: 9–10: 9–10: 10–12: 11–12: 12–16: 13–14: 13–14: 13–15: 13–15: 11–13: (3–4) + 4: 2, including 2 medial discal setae on tergites IV–XI. Anterior genital sternite with ca. 24 small marginal setae; posterior genital sternite with ca. 21 marginal setae, including 3 medial discal setae; chaetotaxy of sternites IV–XI: 19: 20–21: 19: 18–21: 20–21: 15–21: 15–17: 2+2: 2, sternites VI–VIII with a pair of medial discal setae, clearly longer than marginal setae.

Pedipalps. Fixed chelal finger with 104–108 teeth, movable finger with 112–114 contiguous teeth apically pointed, flat in middle and rounded in basal.

Chelicera. Palm with 7 simple and acuminate setae, movable finger with 1 submedial seta; serrula exterior with 37–41 lamellae; serrula interior with 23–24 lamellae; galea elongate and divided into 2 main branches, both of them secondarily divided into 2 terminal branchlets; rallum of 8 blades, similar to that of holotype.

Dimensions (in mm) and ratios (in parentheses).

Body length 4.69–4.74. Carapace 1.33– 1.36/1.11–1.18 (1.15–1.20). Pedipalps: trochanter 1.03–1.12/0.40–0.43 (2.58–2.60), femur 2.07–2.18/0.37–0.41 (5.32–5.59), patella 2.03–2.06/0.46–0.53 (3.89–4.41), chela (with pedicel) 3.31–3.51/0.70–0.73 (4.73–4.81), chela (without pedicel) 3.04–3.16 (4.33–4.34), hand length (without pedicel) 1.64–1.67, movable finger length 1.84–1.98 (1.37– 1.51 times longer than hand without pedicel). Chelicera 0.94–1.01/0.46–0.49 (2.04–2.06), movable finger length 0.69–0.72. Leg I: trochanter 0.38–0.41/0.26–0.27 (1.46– 1.52), femur 1.09–1.01/0.18–0.19 (5.74–6.11), patella 0.68–0.73/0.18–0.20 (3.65–3.78), tibia 0.96–1.00/0.14–0.15 (6.67–6.86), basitarsus 0.42–0.44/0.12–0.13 (3.38–3.50), telotarsus 0.60–0.66/0.14 (4.28–4.71). Leg IV: trochanter 0.59–0.61/0.28–0.29 (2.10–2.11), femur + patella 1.83– 1.89/0.32–0.34 (5.56–5.72), tibia 1.74–1.76/0.18–0.20 (8.70–9.78), basitarsus 0.54–0.56/0.15–0.17 (3.29–3.60), telotarsus 0.77–0.84/0.15–0.16 (5.13–5.25).

Distribution. This species is known only from the type locality.

Remarks. According to Mahnert and Li (2016), B. guangshanensis belongs to the group of Chinese subterranean Bisetocreagris showing pedipalpal pedicel of pedipalpal patella about half as long as patella (about the same length as club). Five species belong to this group: B. baozinensis Mahnert & Li, 2016 , B. cavernarum Mahnert & Li, 2016 , B. chinacavernicola , B. chuanensis Mahnert & Li, 2016 , and B. martii Mahnert, 2003 .

The new species resembles B. chinacavernicola , but it can be distinguished from the latter by apex of coxa with 4 long and simple setae (5+ 1 in B. chinacavernicola ), the triangular epistome (rounded in B. chinacavernicola ), the male pedipalpal patella 3.93–4.40 times longer than broad (4.7 times in B. chinacavernicola ), and the scale-like sculptured pedipalpal segments except chela (smooth in B. chinacavernicola ) ( Schawaller, 1995).

B. guangshanensis also resembles B. cavernarum , but the new species has only 1 pair of eyes with lens, the posterior eyes totally absent, while the latter has 4 eyes and the anterior 2 with indistinct lenses, the posterior eyes reduced. B. guangshanensis also differs from B. cavernarum by the males having a stouter pedipalp (in B. guangshanensis : femur 5.32–5.70, chela with pedicel 4.90– 5.27, chela without pedicel 4.41–4.79 times longer than broad, in B. cavernarum : femur 5.80, chela with pedicel 5.40, chela without pedicel 5.00 times longer than broad); and by the stouter legs (leg I: patella and tibia of leg I 3.45– 3.68 and 6.06–6.44 times, femur of leg IV 4.97–5.58 in the new species, while patella and tibia of leg I 4.10 and 6.80 times, femur of leg IV 6.5 times in the latter).

B. guangshanensis can be separated from B. chuanensis by the males with a more slender pedipalpal femur (5.32– 5.70 times vs 4.40–4.60 times) and patella (3.93–4.40 times vs. 3.10–3.50 times); pedipalpal femur smooth in B.chuanensis , while all segments of pedipalp except the chela have scale-like sculpturing in the new species.

B. guangshanensis differs from B. baozinensis by the presence of eyes (absence of eyespots in B. baozinensis ) and by the stouter pedipalps (e.g., femur 5.32–5.70 times vs 7.0–7.7 times). The shape of pedipalps is also different; the new species can be distinguished from B. martii by the much more slender and longer pedipalps (e.g., length 2.11–2.18 vs. 4.25 times, length 1.58) ( Mahnert, 2003).

Bisetocreagris gracilenta Gao & Zhang , sp. nov.

Figures 4–6 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6

Type material. Holotype female (Ps.-MHBU-Zha011), China: Guizhou Province, Suiyang County, Shanmu cave [28°24.347′N, 107°27.503′E], 720 m a.s.l., 26 May 2011, Zuwei Zha leg. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The name gracilenta is from the Latin meaning “slender or thin” and refers to the slender pedipalps and legs.

Diagnosis. Troglomorphic habitus; carapace without eyes or eyespot; epistome triangular and small; carapace with 9 setae on posterior margin; very slender pedipalps and legs (pedipalp: femur 8.50, patella 7.61 times longer than broad; Leg I: femur 7.14, tibia 11.74, Leg IV: femur + patella 9.87, tibia 9.87 times longer than deep); rallum of 7 pinnate setae; both chelal fingers with more than 120 teeth; hand with pedicel 2.86 times and chela with pedicel 7.14 times longer than broad, finger 1.55 times longer than hand with pedicel; trichobothria ib, ist, and isb closely grouped at the base of the fixed finger; est situated at the middle of finger.

Description of female ( Figure 4 View Figure 4 ). Color mostly brown, pedipalps, carapace, and chelicerae reddish brown, sternites and legs dark brown. Setae of body straight and acicular.

Carapace ( Figures 5a View Figure 5 , 6a View Figure 6 ) smooth, 1.33 times longer than broad, with a total of 23 acute simple setae, including 4 on anterior margin and 9 on posterior margin; epistome triangular and small; without eyes or eyespot.

Abdomen. Pleural membrane color milk-white, without granulation, only with longitudinal wrinkles. Chaetotaxy of tergites: 9: 7: 9: 9:9: 8: 10: 11: 10: 9+2: 7: 2, 2 tactile setae on tergites X. Setation around genital area as in Figure 6g View Figure 6 . Both sides of sternites II – III darkly colored and sclerotized. Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–XI: 21: 21: 22: 21: 22: 16: 15: 7: 2.

Pedipalps ( Figure 5d View Figure 5 ): all segments smooth; apex of coxa rounded and with 5 setae; venom apparatus only present in fixed chelal finger, venom duct very short in fixed finger. Femur straight; patella claviform, and internal face with a tubercle. Trichobothrial pattern ( Figure 6h View Figure 6 ): eb and esb closely situated near base of fixed finger; ib, ist, and isb closely grouped at the base of the fixed finger; est situated at the middle of finger; et and it grouped together near fingertip; b situated at base of movable finger, sb situated at basal part of movable finger, st and t in distal half of movable finger. The distance between b and sb is somewhat equal to that of t and st. Fixed chelal finger with about 121 teeth of unequal length, which are flat and of slightly unequal length in distal part, pointed, and somewhat retrorse in middle part, pointed in basal part, movable finger with about 124 teeth, which are pointed and of slightly unequal length in distal part, blunt and retrorse in middle part, flat and round in basal part, all teeth contiguous.

Chelicera ( Figures 5b View Figure 5 , 6b View Figure 6 ). Palm with 5 setae, movable finger with 1 submedial seta; fixed finger with 12–13 teeth; movable finger with 17–18 teeth; serrula exterior with 44–47 lamellae; serrula interior with 36–38 lamellae; galea ( Figure 6d View Figure 6 ) elongated and divided into 2 main branches, each branch secondarily divided into 2–3 terminal branchlets; rallum ( Figure 6c View Figure 6 ) of 7 blades, all blades with anteriorly directed spinules, distalmost blade somewhat widened at its base and slightly shorter than second blade.

Leg IV ( Figures 5f View Figure 5 , 6l View Figure 6 ). Subterminal setae bifurcate ( Figure 6k View Figure 6 ), dorsal branch also terminally bifurcate; arolium not divided, shorter than the slender and simple claws.

Dimensions (in mm) and ratios (in parentheses).

Body length 5.44. Carapace 2.22/1.67 (1.33). Pedipalps: trochanter 1.90/0.58 (3.28), femur 4.93/0.58 (8.50), patella 5.02/0.66 (7.61), chela (with pedicel) 7.21/1.01 (7.14), chela (without pedicel) 6.61 (6.54), hand length (without pedicel) 2.28 (2.26), movable finger length 4.47 (1.96 times longer than hand without pedicel). Chelicera 1.59/0.74 (2.15), movable finger length 1.01. Leg I: trochanter 0.75/0.41 (1.83), femur 2.50/0.35 (7.14), patella 1.65/0.30 (5.50), tibia 2.70/0.23 (11.74), basitarsus 1.01/0.20 (5.05), telotarsus 1.35/0.21 (6.43). Leg IV: trochanter 1.21/0.44 (2.75), femur + patella 4.44/0.45 (9.87), tibia 4.76/0.45 (9.87), basitarsus 1.30/0.24 (5.42), telotarsus 1.63/0.24 (6.79).

Distribution. This species is known only from the type locality.


The new species belongs to the group of Chinese cavernicolous Bisetocreagris species having the pedicel of the pedipalpal patella much shorter (about one-third or one-fourth) than patella (much shorter than club). There are 3 named species, B. juanxuae Mahnert & Li, 2016 , B. scaurum , and B. titanium , within this group ( Mahnert and Li, 2016).

B. gracilenta can be distinguished from B. titanium by the ratio of chelal finger and hand with pedicel (hand with pedicel 0.65 times longer than finger in B. gracilenta , 1.30 times in B. titanium ) ( Mahnert, 2003).

The new species shares with B. juanxuae a similar size and a similar slenderness of its pedipalps, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the absence of eyes or eyespots (with 2 indistinct anterior eyes possessing indistinct lens in B. juanxuae ), by the stouter pedipalps (e.g. patella 7.61 times vs. 9.10 times, chela with pedicel 7.14 times vs. 10.00 times); both movable and fixed chelal fingers with around 120 teeth in the new species, while more than 145 in B. juanxuae .

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