Bactrianoscythris afghana, D’Entrèves, Pietro Passerin & Roggero, Angela, 2009

D’Entrèves, Pietro Passerin & Roggero, Angela, 2009, Eastern Palaearctic Scythrididae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea): description of a new genus and some new species, Zootaxa 2263, pp. 1-20 : 8-12

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scientific name

Bactrianoscythris afghana

sp. nov.

Bactrianoscythris afghana sp. nov.

( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 A, 5B, 6B, 6D, 7B)

Type material. Holotype 3 ( SMNK), “O[st]- Afghanistan, Salang-Pass, N-Seite, Khinjan, 2100 m 5– 11.vii.1966, H. G. Amsel leg.” [genital slide 1260 PdE]. Paratypes: 13 3 ( SMNK and PdE), same locality as holotype [genital slides 9427, 9429, 9430, 9431, 9432, 9437, 9438, 9440, 9441, 9442, 9443, 9445, 9448 PdE]; 3 ƤƤ ( SMNK and PdE), same locality as holotype [genital slide 9439, 9446, 9447 PdE].

Diagnosis. The narrow and arched valvae and the bifid S8 with two projections subapically can be used to distinguish the species from the others (Table 2). The female can be identified on the basis of the shape of the lamella antevaginal which is subrectangular and smaller than in B. annae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ).

Description. Wingspan 18 mm. Forewing pale brown, with broad, longitudinal, very pale brown line in the middle; fringe pale brown. Hindwing whitish pale brown, glossy, apices and hind margin pale brown; fringe very pale brown. Head, thorax and abdomen pale brown. Legs light brown. Antenna dark brown.

Male genitalia. Uncus small, cordiform; gnathos asymmetrical, proximal parts laminar, distal part downturned, pointed. Tegumen triangular, pedunculi short. Valvae asymmetrical, proximal part polygonal, with a projection carrying a tuft of short, tawny setae; distal three-fourth rectilinear, narrow, inwardly curved, apices rounded; distal third of left valva with rounded lamina on inner margin. Vinculum as long as tegumen, distal margin rounded. Phallus longer than valvae, downcurved, bisinuate in distal third, apex sharp. Juxta shield-shaped, short and narrow. S8 elongate, narrowed in distal third, with bifid, blunt apices and two perpendicular projections near apex; deep and narrow triangular notch on proximal margin; T8 unmodified, subrectangular, membranous.

Female genitalia. Apophyses anteriores triangular, connected by V-shaped sclerotized ridge. Lamella antevaginalis a subrectangular plate, thickened on sides, with a membranous, triangular, narrow area in middle. Lamella postvaginalis oval, with transverse, thick, bilobed structure. Ductum bursae wrinkled, with distal portion sclerotized. Segments VI and VII with sclerotized ring.

Variation. Male and female have a similar external appareance, but the female is slightly darker.

Etymology. The species was named after Afghanistan, where it was collected in 1966.

Remarks. For information about Salang Pass and Khinjan, see B. khinjani sp. nov. above. The species is relatively common, since 17 individuals were collected from the same locality.


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)















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