Atypus baotianmanensis Hu 1994

Zhu, Ming-Sheng, Zhang, Feng, Song, Daxiang & Qu, Ping, 2006, A revision of the genus Atypus in China (Araneae: Atypidae), Zootaxa 1118, pp. 1-42 : 6-8

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Atypus baotianmanensis Hu 1994


Atypus baotianmanensis Hu 1994 View in CoL

( Figs 1–9 View FIGURES 1–9 )

Atypus baotianmanensis Hu 1994: 127–130 View in CoL , figs1–9 (female holotype, 1 male and 34 female paratypes from Baotianman, Henan Province, China, SDU, presumably lost). — Song, Zhu & Chen 1999: 35, figs 15P, T–U. — Yoo & Kim 2002: 28, fig. 62.

Material examined. CHINA: Henan Province, Neixiang County, 33°00’N, 111°48’E, Baotianman National Nature Reserve , 1 female and 2 juvenile females, 25 July 2004, M. S. Zhu, J. X. Zhang, S. J. Dong and W. G. Lian leg. ( MHBU) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This species resembles A. pedicellatus sp. nov. in the body form and coloration, but females differ in having smaller receptacula with a diameter of only 2/5 of lateral patches of pores on atrium ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–9 ); males differ by their wide and fan­like conductor ( Figs 8–9 View FIGURES 1–9 ) and their kidney­shaped fourth pair of sternal sigilla ( Figs 3, 7 View FIGURES 1–9 ).


Male. Total length (including chelicerae) 18.30. Carapace 4.50 long, 4.00 wide; abdomen 5.20 long, 3.50 wide. Eyes as for female. Chelicerae with 13 teeth on promargin and granular texture on pro­ and retrolateral faces. Sternum wider than long, third pair of sigilla close to fourth pair. Abdomen dusky brown, with white thin hairs and yellow spots dorsally, scutum red­brown. PLS with four segments. Legs dark brown, femora I, II with granular texture. Leg formula: 4123. Conductor fan­like, with widened apex ( Figs 8–9 View FIGURES 1–9 ) ( Hu 1994).

Female. Total length (including chelicerae) 18.72. Carapace 5.67 long, 5.08 wide; abdomen 8.55 long, 6.21 wide. Carapace smooth and yellow­brown, with dark border. Eye tubercle black. Eye region occupying nearly one­fifth of width of pars cephalica. Anterior eye row distinctly recurved, posterior eye row slightly recurved. Eye diameters: AME 0.25, ALE 0.25, PME 0.15, PLE 0.18. Distances AME–AME 0.30, AME–ALE 0.15, PME–PME 0.85, PME–PLE 0.05. MOA 0.50 long, front width 0.78, back width 1.18. Fovea transverse, occupying about 1/6 of carapace width at that point. Chelicerae dark brown, with 15 teeth on promargin. Labium wider than long. Anterior lobe of pedipalp coxa with large number of cuspules at inner­lateral part. Sternum wider than long, sigilla as for male.

Abdomen oval, dark red­brown, with brownish thin hairs and few setae, dorsal tergite orange. ALS 0.61 long, PMS 1.05 long, PLS 2.11 long (basal joint 0.85, median 0.95, subapical 0.85, apical 0.82).

Legs dark yellow brown, with brown hairs and few short and thin spines. Metatarsus IV with three dorsal spines. Leg formula: 1423.

Vulva ( Figs 4–5 View FIGURES 1–9 ): atrium relatively long, basal stalks of receptacula thinner and long.

Habitat. In forest, silk tubes are attached to the base of pine trees. We checked about 1,000 pine trees in Baotianman National Nature Reserve, Neixiang County, Henan Province, China, but found only six tubes, three of which had spiders inside.

Distribution. China: Henan; Korea.

Remarks. This species was originally described by Hu (1994, figs 1–9) based on the specimens collected from Neixiang County, Henan Province, China (presumably lost, we did not find the type specimens in the collection in the College of Life Sciences, Shandong University). Judging from the specimens (1 mature female and 2 juvenile females) collected from the type locality, the receptacula are large with basal stalks of median pair of receptacula about as long as long diameter of receptacula. The illustrations given by Hu (1994) show that the conductor is fan­like with its distal end widened. Yoo & Kim (2002) recorded males of this species from Korea but did not provide detailed information, such as number, collecting time and locality, and the illustrated palpal organ cannot be interpreted.














Atypus baotianmanensis Hu 1994

Zhu, Ming-Sheng, Zhang, Feng, Song, Daxiang & Qu, Ping 2006

Atypus baotianmanensis

Yoo, J. C. & Kim, J. P. 2002: 28
Song, D. X. & Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. 1999: 35
Hu, J. L. 1994: 130
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