Atlanticus (Atlanticus) medius Liu, 2013

Liu, Chun-Xiang, 2013, Review of Atlanticus Scudder, 1894 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Tettigoniinae) from China, with description of 27 new species, Zootaxa 3647 (1), pp. 1-42 : 21-22

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3647.1.1

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scientific name

Atlanticus (Atlanticus) medius Liu

sp. nov.

Atlanticus (Atlanticus) medius Liu View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ; 2K View FIGURE 2 ; 3J View FIGURE 3 ; 4J View FIGURE 4 ; 7V View FIGURE 7 ; 9M View FIGURE 9 ; 11J View FIGURE 11 ; Table 1)

Holotype. Male [IOZ(E)361998], China: Hebei Prov., Zhengding (Original label: Chahar, Yangjiaping), 1931.VII.10, Coll. O. Peil.

Diagnosis. Large-sized compared to the congeners in Sinensis Group. Proximal five-sixths of stridulatory file on underside of male left tegmen with 64 distinct teeth gradually becoming larger centrad ( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ). Most of mirror of male right tegmen covered by pronotum ( Fig. 2K View FIGURE 2 ). Apical margin of male tenth abdominal tergum with a trumpet-shaped cleft in apical half. Male cercus short, slightly acuminated to an internal uncinate tooth in basad of centre, then abruptly narrowed, and slightly incurved in apical quarter portion with an obtuse pointed apex. Apical margin of male subgenital plate with a wide “U”-shaped notch between slender styli, notch one-quarter of length of stylus ( Fig. 11J View FIGURE 11 ).

Description. Holotype. Male. Disc of prozona slightly convex, and metazona approximately flat. Pronotum narrowest in proximal third, and then gradually ampliate caudad. Lateral lobes of pronotum longer than high, deepest at middle; anterior margin very slightly concave, posterior margin oblique with a very indistinct central concavity, ventral margin slanting caudad to posterior angle. Tegmen extending to the third abdominal tergum at rest, with a reticulation of poorly defined veins; posterior portion convex. Fore femur with 1 interior ventral spine. Middle femur with 1 external ventral spine in apical quarter. Hind femur with 2 interior and 3 exterior ventral spines. Fore tibia with 3 dorsal spines on exterior margin and 6 ventral spines on both margins. Middle tibia with 6 ventral spines on both margins, 2 exterior and 4 interior spines on dorsal margins. Hind tibia with 25 exterior and 23 interior spines on dorsal margins.

Coloration. Generally brown. The following parts shining black: outer surface of two basal antennal joints; lateral surfaces of fastigium verticis; postocular fascia; upper portion of pleurae. Occiput and disc of prozona rustlike; disc of metazona brown with a few indefinite rust-like striation. Lateral lobes of pronotum with a comparatively narrow brown fascia along the lower margin extruding upward almost to touch lateral carinae in middle and extending a little above humeral notch; remainder testaceous. Tegmen pale yellowish, stridulatory area on left tegmen brown with dark veins; a wide fascia between radial vein and costal margin testaceous. Fore and middle legs dark brown. A robust line separated the upper half from the lower half brown. Ventral spines of hind femur dark brown. Abdominal tergite testaceous, with blackish caudal margin.

Female unknown.

Notes. This new species resembles the co-distributor A. (A.) macropterus sp. n. in the shape of body and pronotum, but differs by the length of male tegmen, the male stridulatory apparatus and male apex.

Etymology. The new species is named for its medium-sized tegmen when comparing with the co-distributor.

Distribution. China (Hebei).













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