Asteromphalus cleveanus Grunow, 1876

Lobban, Christopher S., 2015, Benthic marine diatom flora of Guam: new records, redescription of Psammodictyon pustulatum n. comb., n. stat., and three new species (Colliculoamphora gabgabensis, Lauderia excentrica, and Rhoiconeis pagoensis), Micronesica 2015 (2), pp. 1-49 : 2-3

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Asteromphalus cleveanus Grunow


Asteromphalus cleveanus Grunow Fig. 7

ASTEROLAMPRALES Round & Crawford : Asterolampraceae H.L. Smith.

Ref. illus.: Hernández-Becerril 1991, pl. 12, fig. 3

Samples: GU52N-4

Dimensions: Length 42 µm, width 33 µm, areolae 16 in 10 µm in the middle of the segment.

Diagnostics: One singular ray reaching the center, 9 ordinary rays around it (i.e., 10 segments), the segments attached to the central area by long costae; small areolae.

Comments: Record based on one broken LM view found in a turf sample from farmer fish territory but presumably redeposited from the plankton. The shape of the valve and the number of rays distinguishes this species from A. flabellatus (Brébisson) Greville ( Hustedt 1927 –1930, fig. 279; Hernández-Becerril 1991, pl. 12, figs 1, 2).

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