Aspidistra erythropoecila C.R.Lin, Z.C.Lu & W.B.Xu

Lin, Chun-Rui, Lu, Zhao-Cen, Pan, Bo, Wan, Xin-Yu, Xu, Wei-Bin & Liu, Yan, 2024, Five new species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) from Guangxi, China, Phytotaxa 652 (2), pp. 100-114 : 104-106

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.652.2.2


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scientific name

Aspidistra erythropoecila C.R.Lin, Z.C.Lu & W.B.Xu

sp. nov.

2. Aspidistra erythropoecila C.R.Lin, Z.C.Lu & W.B.Xu , sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Type:— CHINA. Guangxi: Hechi City, Dahua Yao Autonomous County, Yalong Town, limestone, under sparse forests, on steep rocky shady, around point 23.9754° N, 107.8659° E, at elevation about 500 m, not common, 26 May 2023, Chun-Rui Lin 1783 (holotype: IBK00461667 , GoogleMaps isotype: IBK00461668 ).

Diagnosis:— The new species is morphologically similar to A. albiflora , but clearly distinguished by its larger leaf blade 16–24× 5–7.5 cm, bracts almost equal to perianth, stamens inserted in the lower part of tube, anthers oblong, 2.5–3 mm long, stigma upper surface white with irregular reddish speckle.

Herbs perennial, evergreen, rhizomatous. Rhizome creeping, subterete, 5–8 mm in diameter, densely covered with nodes, and by pale gray-brownish flexuose fibres. Roots numerous. Leaf sheath 3–4, light green, 1–8 cm long, enveloping base of petiole, becoming pale gray-brownish when dry. Leaves solitary, 1–2 cm apart; petiole stiff upright, 5.5–17 cm long, 2–3 mm in diameter, somewhat thicker towards the base, adaxially sulcate; leaf blade usually elliptical to ovate-oblong, 16–24 cm long, 5–7.5 cm wide, green, sometimes with light yellow spots, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, inequilateral, apex acuminate, margin entire, midvein moderately prominent abaxially, each half of leaf blade with 5–6 inconspicuous secondary veins on lower surface. Peduncle 1–2 cm long, with 4–5 bracts, bracts gradually wider from base to top of peduncle, the distal ones at base of perigone broadly ovate, 10–12 mm long, 12–16 mm wide, white with pale green tips, apex acuminate. Flower solitary; perigone campanulate, fleshy, white, 6-lobed apically; lobes slightly reflexed, subequal, broadly ovate, 3–4 mm long, 4–5 mm wide at base, apex rounded and usually slightly incurved; tube 7–8 mm long, 7–8 mm in diameter. Stamens 6, opposite to lobes, inserted in the lower part of perianth tube, positioned conspicuously lower than stigma, filaments 1–2 mm long; anthers oblong, 2.5–3 mm long and ca. 1.5 mm wide, pollen yellow. Pistil nearly clavate, 6–7 mm long, white, ovary inconspicuous, style cylindrical, 2–3 mm in diameter, stigma slightly enlarged, circular, 4–5 mm in diameter, upper surface flat and with irregular reddish speckle, margin irregularly undulate and slightly bent upward.

Phenology:— Flowering from April to June.

Etymology:— The specific epithet ‘ erythropoecila ’ is derived from its stigma surface white with red patches, that is also its characteristic of being easy to recognize from other species. The Chinese name is given as ‘ ĽỄǵƦḂ ã ’(Chinese pinyin: hóng bān zhī zhū bào dàn).

Distribution and ecology:— The new species is currently found from Dahua County and its adjacent Du’an County, mid-west Guangxi, China ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 : triangle). It grows under sparse forests on steep slopes in limestone hills, shaded by crevices of rocks, at elevations 300– 600 m.

Additional specimens examined (paratype):— CHINA. Guangxi: Dahua Yao Autonomous County, Yalong Town , at elevation about 560 m, 13 March 2023, Wei-Bin Xu, Zhao-Cen Lu & Chun-Rui Lin 15570 ( IBK00461669 About IBK ) ; Du’an County, Bao’an Town , 24.1067° N, 107.8695° E, at elevation 360 m, 9 June 2023, Yun-Biao Liao & Chun-Rui Lin 1817 ( IBK00461670 About IBK ) GoogleMaps .

Conservation status:— During our survey, only two populations with about 50 individuals each of the new species were found. Further field surveys into the limestone area in the mid-west Guangxi may provide more information on its distribution. Until further investigation, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2022), the new species should be designated as Data Deficient (DD). This new species has green leaves and white flowers, which has potential good ornamental value for shade plants, therefore, further monitoring and protection are necessary to prevent excessive collection for ornamental uses.

Notes:— Aspidistra erythropoecila is similar to A. albiflora C.R.Lin, W.B.Xu & Yan Liu in Lin et al. (2011: 443) in the white flowers, but differs by the larger (vs. smaller) leaf blade 16–24× 6–8 cm (vs. 9–14× 3–5 cm), bracts almost equal to (vs. longer) perianth, perianth lobes shorter (vs. longer) than tube, stamens inserted in the lower part (vs. middle) of tube, anthers oblong (vs. ovate), 2.5–3 mm (vs. 2 mm) long, pistil nearly clavate (vs. obconical), stigma upper surface white with irregular reddish markings (vs. pure white). It is also related to Aspidistra cavicola D. Fang et K.C. Yen in Fang et al. (1993: 183), but differs by the leaf blade larger (vs. smaller), margin entire (vs. distal denticulate), bracts white (vs. apex often with red spots) and almost equal (vs. shorter) to perianth, perianth lobes pure white (vs. outside often with red spots at apex), stigma 4–5 mm (vs. 2.5 mm) in diameter, upper surface white with irregular reddish markings (vs. white), lower surface white (vs. dark red). A detailed comparison of the three species is presented in Table 2 View TABLE 2 .

The most common species in the genus Aspidistra are purple-red flowers, while white flowers are relatively rare. In addition to the new species and A. albiflora , there are also as A. dolichanthera X.X.Chen in Chen & Fang (1982: 77), A. peltate Aver., Vuong, T.N.Bon & V.S.Dang in Averyanov et al. (2021: e03090), A. longzhouensis C.R.Lin, T.Meng & Yan Liu in Meng et al. (2023: 80), etc. with white flowers, which have good ornamental and utilization value in gardens.

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