Arcanotherium savagei ( Court, 1995 )

Delmer, Cyrille, 2009, Reassessment of the generic attribution of Numidotherium savagei and the homologies of lower incisors in proboscideans, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 561-580 : 563

publication ID 10.4202/app.2007.0036

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scientific name

Arcanotherium savagei ( Court, 1995 )


Arcanotherium savagei ( Court, 1995)

Figs. 1–5 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig .

1995 Numidotherium savagei sp. nov.; Court 1995: 651, figs. 2–7.

Type material: Holotype: BMNH M. 82163a (field no. 6821/10), partial right mandibular ramus with p2–m3 . Paratypes: BMNH M. 82163b, partial left mandibular ramus with eroded m2–m3, undoubtedly from the same individual as the holotype (field no. 6821/?, listed by Court (1995) as m1–m2) ; BMNH M. 82167, left and right lower mesial incisors associated with holotype (field no. 6821/11) ; BMNH M. 82165, associated lower dentition comprising right p2–m2 and left p3–m3 (field no.686/2); BMNH M. 82168, isolated left m3 (field no.684/21, listed as 6821/21 by Court (1995); this is surely incorrect, as there are no more than 15 field numbers allocated to proboscideans from locality 6821); BMNH M. 82174, left scapular glenoid (field no. 6821/1); BMNH M. 82175, left ulna (field no. 6821/3); BMNH M. 82179, this specimen does not display any number), right cuneiform (field no. 6821/?, listed as 6821/9 by Court (1995)); BMNH M. 82180, right lunar (field no. 6821/8); BMNH M. 82177a–b, associated left and right femoral fragments (field nos. 6821/7–8); BMNH M. 82170, isolated left m2 talonid (field no. 684/11; listed by Court (1995) as 684/25; no specimen bearing this number is present in the collection, but 684/11 fits the description); BMNH M. 82169, right m3 (field no. 6955/1, mentioned by Court (1995) as a talonid of m3; this specimen is now complete, the missing protolophid having been found since in the collection); BMNH M. 82173, fragmentary atlas vertebra (field no. 6821/2); BMNH M. 82181,?metacarpal (field no. 6821/ 1); BMNH M. 82182,?metapodial (field no. 6821/14).

Type locality: Dor El Talha, Libya .

Type horizon: Idam Unit, early Oligocene.

Other referred specimens.— BMNH M. 82164, mandibular symphysis (field no. 686/2); BMNH M. 82166, right mandibular ramus with erupting p4 and m2, and numerous associated fragments of mandible and skull (field no. 686/8); BMNH M. 82183, partial symphysis with erupting mesial incisor (field no. 696/9); BMNH M. 82398, right M2 (field no. 686/2); BMNH M. 82171, lophid of indeterminate lower molar (field no. 684/32); BMNH M. 82172, right M1 (field no. 6816/3); MNHN LBE 20, left M1; MNHN LBE 30, fragmented upper molar; BMNH M. 82176, left ulna (field no. 6816/4); BMNH M. 82178, partial tibia (field no. 6821/4).

Emended diagnosis (modified from Court 1995).—Medium−sized proboscidean, intermediate in size between Numidotherium koholense and Barytherium grave . Mandible with a symphysis extending posteriorly to the level of p2 and an ascending ramus rising at the level of the junction between m2 and m3. Dental formula I?/i2 C?/c0 P?/p3 M3/m3; i 1 and i2 roots of similar size, those of i2 growing deeper in the symphysis; i1 mesio−lingually flattened, with distal edge crenulated buccally when unworn. Lophodont cheek dentition. Premolars more molarised than those of the early (non−elephantiform) proboscidean taxa Phosphatherium , Daouitherium , Numidotherium , Barytherium , and Moeritherium , with a metaconid distinguishable on p2 and strongly developed lingual to the protoconid on p3. Upper molars with a small paraconule, mesial to the protoloph, and massive mesial and lingual cingula.

Overall, the cheek dentition of Arcanotherium savagei is less lophodont than those of Barytherium and Numidotherium , with tips of cusps distinguishable and slightly elevated above the lophs. The scapula displays a tuberculum supraglenoidale which is smaller than that of B. grave and which lacks the distinct medially deflected coracoid process of N. koholense . The ulna of A. savagei shows a distinct lateral articular facet for the capitulum of the humerus, which is incipient in Barytherium and N. koholense , and a strong widening of its distal epiphysis. The lunate is wider anteriorly than posteriorly, with a small contact for the ulna. The cuneiform carpal is more rectangular than that of N. koholense , with a contact facet for the pisiform larger than that of deinotheres and elephantiforms.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Arcanotherium savagei ( Court, 1995 )

Delmer, Cyrille 2009

Numidotherium savagei

Court, N. 1995: 651
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