Aphaniosoma conspicuum, Ebejer, 2009

Ebejer, Martin J., 2009, A revision of Afrotropical Chyromyidae (excluding Gymnochiromyia Hendel) (Diptera: Schizophora), with the recognition of two subfamilies and the description of new genera, African Invertebrates 50 (2), pp. 321-321 : 391-393

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scientific name

Aphaniosoma conspicuum

sp. nov.

Aphaniosoma conspicuum sp. n.

Figs 37 View Fig , 38 View Fig

Etymology: From Latin conspicuus (conspicuous), and refers to the large postabdominal structures.

Diagnosis: Yellow species with all setulae on fr of more or less uniform length; scutum with grey longitudinal stripes, scut completely yellow, abdominal tg brown with yellow hind margins, but apical one or two segments in both male and female pale. Male postabdomen pale and phallic structures large, pregenital st with distinct dentate processes on apical margin; ph apd with very large basal lobes.



Head: Yellow, only ocelli ringed with black; fr with markedly convergent side margins so that at level of antenna fr 0.5× width that at level of anterior oc; eye oval, lying oblique, length of horizontal diameter about 1.5× length of vertical diameter; gena broad, equal to about 0.7 height of eye, yellow and with fine pale yellowish white setulae; face small, membranous, with low linear facial carina; 2 short setae at anterior buccal margin; mouthparts small, yellow; antenna yellow, arista brown except for yellow first segment; 2 orb and 3 short setulae in front of these; 8–10 brown fr setulae of more or less equal length, ocellars long, divergent, 1 vti and 1 vte, short pvt; setae and setulae dark brown. Thorax: Scutum yellow, yellow pollinose with 4 brown longitudinal stripes; mtn brown, scut and pleura yellow. Chaetotaxy: 4+6 dc the hindmost well-developed, one preceding it about half its length, remainder as short as other scutal setulae, 2+6 acrs, 1 pprn, 1 ihu, 1 posthu, 2 ntpl, 1 pa, 6 ia, 4 scut, 1 anepisternal and 1 katepisternal at upper posterior corner.

Wing: Hyaline with pale brown veins; distance between crossveins about 1.4× length of posterior crossvein; distance between R 2+3 and R 4+5 on costa about 0.5 that between R 4+5 and M 1+2, apical section of Cu about 2.8× length of posterior crossvein. Haltere yellow.

Legs: Yellow and pale setulose, setulae becoming a little darker on tarsomeres; tarsomere 5 a little brownish.

Abdomen: Each tg brown with a yellow hind margin; brown setulae dorsally, yellowish white laterally and ventrally; cerc pale yellow.

Postabdomen: Almost entirely yellow, only a very small spot on middle of ep brown. Very large, pale phallic complex is easily seen, since it is extruded in most of the specimens.


Similar to male. Postabdomen: Very small; tg 8 broader laterally, st 8 membraneous, hypr thinly sclerotized and with pair of short apical setulae and some minute tubercles; st 7 small almost round.

Length: ơ body 1.1 mm, wing 1.2 mm; ^body 1.2 mm, wing 1.3 mm.

Holotype: ơ KENYA: Hunter’s Lodge nr Kiboko, 02°14'S: 37°43'E, 8–9.viii.2003, A. Freidberg ( TAUI). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 3ơ 1^same data as holotype ( TAUI); 2^Hunter’s Lodge, 02°13'S: 37°43'E, 13–16.ix.2005, A. Freidberg ( TAUI); 4ơ 2^Simba, 02°09'S: 37°35'E, 15.ix.2005 (2ơ TAUI, 1ơ 1^NMWC), 21.ix.2005 (1ơ 1^NMSA), A. Freidberg GoogleMaps .


National Museum of Wales


KwaZulu-Natal Museum













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