Antocha (Antocha) dilatata Alexander, 1924

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Hye-Woo, 2013, Antochini crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae: Limoniinae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 2 (2), pp. 167-184 : 174-175

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2013.2.2.167

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scientific name

Antocha (Antocha) dilatata Alexander, 1924


Antocha (Antocha) dilatata Alexander, 1924 View in CoL

Alexander, 1924: 566; Savchenko, 1983: 106; Torii, 1992b: 174.

General coloration brownish grey. Male body length, 4.5-5.7 mm, female about 6 mm. Male wing length 4.6- 6.6 mm, female 6.5-7.0 mm.

Head dark brown, covered with light gray pruinosity, which especially intense on genae. Male antenna 0.9-1.3 mm long. Scape and pedicel light gray covered with scarce gray pruinosity. Flagellum light brown or yellowish brown at base passing into brown apically. Verticils shorter than respective segments. Flagellomeres covered with dense whitish pubescence. Rostrum brown to dark brown. Palpus brown to dark brown.

Thorax brown, but densely covered with light gray pruinosity. Pronotal scutum grayish brown with narrow yellowish brown posterior margin. Mesonotal praescutum dull gray with three brown stripes, which could be hardly visible through pruinosity. Central stripe wide with indistinct lighter median line and somewhat lighter lateral margins. Few short setae situated between stripes. Mesonotal scutum light gray, central parts of lobes slightly darkened. Scutellum uniformly light gray. Mediotergite light gray with slightly darkened posterior portion. Pleura brown beneath dense gray pruinosity. Ventral part of katepisternum indistinctly blackened. Wing ( Fig. 1C View Fig ) subhyaline or whitish subhyaline, veins light brown, yellowish at wing base. Stigma indistinct. Sc short, Sc 1 ending some distance before fork of Rs; basal deflection of CuA 1 some distance before fork of M. Haltere with yellowish brown base, whitish stem and light brown knob. Coxae brownish yellow, fore coxa gray pruinose frontally. Trochanters brownish yellow. Femora brownish yellow, covered with dense semi-erect light setae. Tibiae light brown. Basal tarsomere light brown, terminal segments brown. Claw of male with setiferous subbasal teeth.

Abdomen grayish brown. Abdominal tergites grayish brown with narrow whitish posterior margins. Sternites lighter than tergites, rusty gray with narrow whitish posterior margins. Male genitalia ( Fig. 2C View Fig ): gonocoxite relatively long but stout, conspicuously rusty yellow, long, erect golden setae uniformly distributed; outer gonostylus tapering gradually to the gently curved, subacute blacken- ed apex; inner gonostylus conspicuously dilated on inner margin at base. Parameres short, appearing as rather broad flattened blades. Aedeagus slender, sides at base weakly setiferous. Ovipositor undescribed and not illustrated.

Type specimens include females, but they are not described or illustrated.

Flight period. lasts from early May through middle of August.

Distribution. Known from Japan and Far East of Russia. Collected from the elevation up to 200 m in Korea.

Examined material. 1 J, North Korea, Ompo , altitude 200 feet (approximately 60 m) , 1937.05.21, coll. A. Yankovsky; 2 JJ, North Korea, Ompo , altitude 650 feet (approximately 200 m) , 1937.08.11, coll. A. Yankovsky; 1 J, North Korea, Ompo , altitude 700 feet (approximately 200 m) , 1938.05.08, coll. A. Yankovsky.

Note on biology. Species is attracted to light ( Savchenko, 1983).













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