Amurosaurus riabinini Bolotsky and Kurzanov, 1991

Godefroit, Pascal, Bolotsky, Yuri L. & Itterbeeck, Jimmy Van, 2004, The lambeosaurine dinosaur Amurosaurus riabinini, from the Maastrichtian of Far Eastern Russia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49 (4), pp. 585-618 : 589

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13522956

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scientific name

Amurosaurus riabinini Bolotsky and Kurzanov, 1991


Amurosaurus riabinini Bolotsky and Kurzanov, 1991

Holotype: AEHM 1 /12, associated left maxilla and dentary.

Type locality: Upper part of Nagornaia Street, west of Blagoveschensk City, Amur Region, Russia.

Type horizon: Udurchukan Formation ( Wodehouseia spinata Aquilapollenites subtilis palynozone), “middle”–late Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous.

Emended specific diagnosis.— Lambeosaurine dinosaur characterised by the following autapomorphies: prominent median process between basipterygoid processes; sagittal crest particularly elevated on the caudal part of the parietal and forming a high, triangular and deeply excavated triangular process on the occipital aspect of the skull; squamosals separated from each other by this crest along their entire height; caudal process of postorbital particularly elongated, narrow, and regularly convex upwardly; prefrontal forming at least half of the width of the floor for the supracranial crest; ulna and radius sigmoidal both in lateral and in cranial views.

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