Alloeorhynchus bellatulus Brailovsky, 2017

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2017, A review of the Mexican species of Alloeorhynchus Fieber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nabidae: Prostemmatinae) with description of six new species, new distributional records, and key to the species, Zootaxa 4338 (2), pp. 305-318 : 308

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Alloeorhynchus bellatulus Brailovsky

sp. nov.

Alloeorhynchus bellatulus Brailovsky sp.nov.

Description. Holotype male. Dorsal coloration. Head shiny dark reddish brown, apically paler; antennal segment I yellow, apically pale castaneous, remainder segments pale castaneous; anterior lobe of pronotum shiny yellow; collar shiny yellow with posterior border shiny reddish brown; posterior lobe shiny yellow with narrow black band along posterior border and lateral borders of humeri; scutellum dull black; hemelytron shiny throughout; clavus yellow except claval commissure dark castaneous; corium yellow with apical third dark brown; hemelytral membrane pale yellowish white, with basal third pale brown; connexivum shiny yellow; dorsal abdominal segments III–V yellow, VI brown with anterior margin yellow and VII brown. Ventral coloration. Head shiny reddish brown; rostral segments and legs shiny yellow; prothorax shiny yellow with posterior border shiny reddish brown; mesothorax shiny reddish brown; metathorax dull brown; abdominal sternite II–IV shiny yellow, V shiny yellow with shiny castaneous band lateral to middle line, and VI–VII shiny castaneous with pleural margin shiny yellow. Structure. Head: Antennal segment II twice as long as segment I; rostrum stout, reaching posterior margin of prosternum. Thorax. Pronotum wider than long; anterior lobe twice as long as posterior lobe. Hemelytron macropterous, extending beyond the apex of last abdominal segment; veins of hemelytral membrane distinct without visible cells.

Female. Color and habitus similar to male holotype.

Variation. Anterior lobe of pronotum with collar entirely shiny yellow

Measurements. Male. Body length 3.52; head width across eyes 0.48; interocular distance 0.17; antennal segments: I 0.28, II 0.60, III 0.44, IV =ca. 0.76 (curled); pronotum: length of anterior pronotal lobe 0.46, length of posterior pronotal lobe 0.36,maximum width of anterior pronotal lobe 0.56, maximum width of posterior pronotal lobe 1.00; scutellum: length 0.35, width 0.39.

Measurements. Female. Body length 3.93; head width across eyes 0.52; interocular distance 0.19; antennal segments: I 0.36, II 0.68, III 0.56, IV =ca. 0.83 (curled); pronotum: length of anterior pronotal lobe 0.56, length of posterior pronotal lobe 0.40,maximum width of anterior pronotal lobe 0.66, maximum width of posterior pronotal lobe 1.20; scutellum: length 0.52, width 0.59.

Type material. HOLOTYPE male: MEXICO: OAXACA, km. 16 road Puerto Escondido-Oaxaca , 10-VI- 2004, E. Barrera & R. Mariño ( UNAM) . PARATYPES: 1 female: MEXICO: CHIAPAS, Tapachula , 19-IV-1983, H. Brailovsky ( UNAM) ; 1 female: MEXICO: OAXACA, km. 182, road Tehuacan-Oaxaca , 15-VI-1984, M. Garcia ( UNAM) .

Etymology. From the Latin adjective “ bellatulus ”, meaning pretty, beautifull; adjective.

Discussion. This species resembles A. delicatus Harris and A. nigrolobus Barber in having the anterior lobe of the pronotum shiny yellow; the clavus shiny yellow with the claval commissure dark castaneous, and the corium shiny yellow with the apical third dark castaneous. In A. delicatus , described from Panama, connexival segments III–VI have a group of black spinules resembling an elongate spot, which is absent in A. bellatulus sp. nov., and A. nigrolobus in which the connexiva are entirely shiny yellow. Alloeorhynchus nigrolobus described from the southern United States (Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, and here recorded from Mexico) has the posterior lobe of the pronotum shiny reddish brown. In A. bellatulus new species, described from Mexico, the posterior lobe is shiny yellow with only the posterior border and lateral borders of the humeri shiny reddish brown.

Distribution. Known only from Mexico.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico













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