Alcestoma queenslandicum, Lawrence, 2020

Lawrence, John F., 2020, The Australian Lymexylidae (Coleoptera: Tenerionoidea) with one new genus and two genera new to Australia, Zootaxa 4895 (2), pp. 211-238 : 214-217

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scientific name

Alcestoma queenslandicum

sp. nov.

Alcestoma queenslandicum sp. n.

( Figs 2–3, 6, 9–10 View FIGURES 1–11 , 28 View FIGURES 25–35 )

Diagnosis. This species resembles A. serropalpoides in general shape and coloration, but differs in the coarser, sparser pronotal punctation, more densely setose upper surfaces and more sharply serrate antennomeres 4–10; unfortunately the aedeagus of that species has not been described. A. queenslandicum differs from A. insulare , not only in general shape and colour (darker and more slender) but in the structure of the aedeagus, which has a narrowly rounded parameroid apex, lacking the apical row of spines which characterises the Seychelles species.

Description. Total length: males, 7.80–13.10 mm (10.60 ± 1.70, n = 22), females, 7.00–22.00 (13.00 ± 3.60, n = 69); body 4.05–5.25 (4.13) times as long as combined elytral width. Colour of head black above; pronotum reddish-brown to dark brown or black, sometimes reddish along margins; elytra reddish-brown to dark brown or black, sometimes reddish along suture; undersurfaces, legs and antennae yellowish-brown to reddish-brown or dark brown. Upper surfaces densely, more or less evenly clothed with moderately long, inclined, fine hairs; undersurfaces with somewhat shorter hairs. Head 1.10 times as long as wide, abruptly constricted to form neck, which is 0.64 times as wide as head. Eye about 0.54 times as long as head width, slightly emarginate anteriorly, protruding and finely facetted, with short, fine interfacetal hairs; distance across eyes 10.4 times shortest distance between them both dorsally and ventrally. Vertex without transverse ridge. Temples 0.13 times as long as eye length. Antennal insertions concealed by frontal ridges which extend slightly into eye emargination. Clypeus 0.30 times as long as wide with parallel sides and truncate apex. Labrum 0.65 times as wide as clypeus, 0.61 times as long as wide, with sides slightly curved, apex subtruncate and surface densely setose. Antennae in male about 1.1 times as long as head width behind eyes; antennomere length ratio: 1.67: 1.00: 1.87: 1.93:1.80: 1.80: 1.67: 1.87: 1.67: 1.53: 2.47; antennomere length/width: 1.67, 1.07, 2.15, 1.81, 1.50, 1.59, 1.67, 1.93, 1.79, 1.77, 3.70. Antenna in female 1.73 times as long as head width behind eyes; antennomere length ratio: 1.59: 1.00: 1.59: 1.71: 1.82: 1.94: 1.88: 2.00: 1.94: 1.88: 3.77; antennomere length/width: 1.59, 1.13, 1.42, 1.00, 1.03, 1.18, 1.28, 1.31, 1.43, 1.52, 1.77. In both sexes antennomeres 1–3 slightly widened apically; 4–10 distinctly serrate; 11 widest at about middle, acute at apex and not weakly divided by transverse impression; mandible about 1.9 times as long as wide; outer edge sharply curved at apical third, apex bidentate but with smaller tooth subapical; incisor edge simple; mola absent; prostheca consisting of a patch of short setae. Galea 1.2 times as long as wide, widest near broadly rounded apex, densely setose; lacinia slightly shorter than and 0.2 times as wide as galea, subacute apically; first maxillary palpomere in male 1.5 times as long as wide and slightly shorter than second, which is 0.87 times as long as wide; third palpomere about twice as long as second, more or less globular and deeply excavate and fourth palpomere 1.5 times as long as third, 4.3 times as long as wide and narrowly rounded apically; palp organ relatively complex, with at least 8 primary lobes and numerous secondary lobes. Ratio of palpomere lengths in female 1.00: 3.60: 2.80: 5.60; apical palpomere 2.67 times as long as wide, widest near apex, which is obliquely truncate. Mentum 0.6 times as long as wide, widest at truncate apex; ligula longer than mentum, widest at apex, which is slightly emarginate; labials palps separated by slightly less than the basal width of one; ratio of palpomere lengths 1.00: 2.60: 3.80; apical palpomere 2.09 time as long as wide, widest subapically, with obliquely truncate apex. Submentum elongate, not clearly separated from gula; gular sutures slightly converging anteriorly. Cervical sclerites divided, anterior plate about twice as long as posterior one, each broadly curved at each end and distinctly concave in middle. Pronotum ( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 1–11 ) 1.10–1.30 (1.20) times as long as wide, widest at posterior fifth; sides slightly curved, continuous with broadly curved anterior edge, so that anterior angles are absent; posterior angles subright with rounded tips; posterior edge weakly biemar-ginate; lateral margins slightly explanate and somewhat elevated, extending onto anterior edge; disc finely and densely punctate ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–11 ), punctures usually separated by less than half a puncture diameter and bearing moderately long setae, usually decumbent but suberect in places; interspaces relatively smooth and shiny. Prosternum 1.33 times as long as mid length of procoxal cavity, slightly, evenly convex, with straight, complete notosternal sutures. Prosternal process very short, broad at base, narrowing to subacute apex. Procoxal cavities large and broadly open externally and internally, with small notch at base of notosternal suture; postcoxal (hypomeral) process very short and angulate; protrochantin reduced but externally visible, more or less trapezoidal; endopleuron short, broadly expanded at apex. Scutellum 0.8 times as long as wide, not elevated posteriorly, without sub-basal curved carina, with sides slightly converging to subtruncate apex, distinctly separated from scutum, which has median endocarina. Elytra 3.10–4.08 (3.62) times as long as wide and 3.11–4.08 (4.13) times as long as pronotum, with sides subparallel or slightly wider behind middle, outer angles more or less rounded and apices independently narrowly rounded but narrowly separated; humeri weakly developed; disc with four very weak, longitudinal costae; punctation very fine, moderately dense and confused, punctures usually separated by more than a puncture diameter and bearing a decumbent seta; interspaces moderately sculptured and somewhat shiny. Mesoventrite triangular, 0.95 times as long as wide, widest at posterior end and gradually narrowed to anterior end which is very narrow and truncate, separating the broad mesanepisternal coxal rests; anterior portion of mesoventrite with pair of longitudinal, converging ridges extending from the posterior end of each coxal rest to the apex and joined at about middle by a transverse, slightly curved ridge. Posterior edge of mesoventrite forming a short, apically acute intercoxal process. Mesocoxal cavities large, weakly impressed, almost completely contiguous, broadly closed laterally by the mesepimeron; trochantin visible, small, irregularly quadrangular. Metaventrite 1.44 times as long as wide, strongly convex, longest at midline, with discrimen extending anteriorly almost to the posterior edges of the mesocoxal cavities; posterior edges of metaventrite on either side of discrimen straight but strongly oblique, extending from posterior edge of metanepisternum on each side posteromesally to a small, cleft, mesal projection adjacent to base of discrimen. Metanepisernum 12 times as long as wide, widest anteriorly, sides narrowed to narrowly truncate apex. Metendosternite with very long stalk, paired, elongate-oval laminae about twice as long as wide, slender lateral arms extending dorsally and a pair of anterior tendons arising from the mesal edges of the laminae. Hind wing about 2.4 times long as wide; apical field 0.43 times as long as wing length, with three linear sclerites forming an irregular epsilon: anterior oblique moderately thick sclerite, more slender posterior oblique sclerite and median, slender, vein-like sclerite; another lightly pigmented triangular sclerite at the base of the others and crossing the r4 cross-vein. Radial cell about 0.10 times wing length, 3.7 times as long as wide, with curved, oblique base forming an inner posterobasal angle of about 120°; cross-vein r3 absent, r4 moderately long and straight; radio-medial loop forming a 45° angle with apex of MP 1+2 and basal portion of RP extending to about midwing. MP 1+2 strongly developed, with medial spur straight, extending to wing margin. MP 3+4 undivided and extending to wing margin, basally with short, oblique cross-vein and very short basal stub. CuP meeting AA 3 without forming wedge cell, giving rise to CuA 1+2, which is moderately long, oblique and forked to form short CuA 1 meeting MP 3+4 and a long CuA 2 extending to wing margin; AA 4 extending almost to wing margin. Anal lobe well-developed, without embayment, with only one vein (AP 3+4). Procoxa 3.1 times as long as wide, widest near base and slightly narrowed to apex, strongly projecting. Mesocoxa 1.8 times as long as wide, widest near base and narrowed apically, slightly projecting near midline. Metacoxa 3.12 times as long as wide, strongly oblique and slightly projecting near midline, with very short, curved coxal cowling, a long, sinuate line occupying almost entire width and a straight groove and internal ridge. Profemur 3.07 times as long as wide; protibia 9.2 times as long as wide; protarsi about 0.72 times as long as tibia, with segment lengths 3.43: 1.43: 1.14: 1.00: 2.57. Mesofemur 3.56 times as long as wide; mesotibia about 15.5 times as long as wide, slightly narrower at base than apex; mesotarsi about 0.84 times as long as tibia, with segment lengths 4.14: 2.00: 1.57: 1.00: 1.57. Metafemur, metatibia and metatarsi similar to those of midleg. Pretarsal claws moderately long and slender with relatively small, bisetose empodium. Abdomen with first ventrite about 0.7 times as long as second, ventrites 2–4 equal in length and 5 slightly shorter than 4 and broadly rounded; intercoxal process on ventrite 1 very short and angulate, continued internally as a median carina separating metacoxae; concealed sternite II well-developed, with median carina; abdominal tergite VII (pygidium) 1.66 times as long as wide, widest at base, with sides gradually converging to broadly rounded apex and lined with pair of sublateral struts extending almost to apex. Abdominal sternite VIII in male about as long as wide; sides subparallel basally, then converging to broadly rounded apex; tergite VIII 1.48 times as long as wide; sides subparallel at base and converging to narrowly rounded apex; disc with a narrow, longitudinal translucent area at middle. Segment IX in male 1.87 times as long as wide, widest at apical third, apex deeply emarginate to form two rounded lobes; pregenital ring broadly rounded anteriorly; posteriorly segment X not clearly separated from IX. Aedeagus normally oriented, with tegmen dorsal to penis; basale 0.80 times as long as apicale and 1.67 times as long as wide in dorsal view, with narrowly rounded base; widest at basal fourth with sides beyond this point subparallel; apex almost completely fused to apicale, except apicolaterally where there are small condyles; apicale 1.85 times as long as wide, sides subparallel basally, diverging beyond middle than converging subapically; apex deeply emarginate forming pair of broad, mesally curved, apically rounded, setose parameroids; base of apicale with pair of broad tegminal struts extending anteriorly and mesally to join at midline near base of penis. Penis about as long as tegmen, 15 times as long as wide, distinctly curved ventrally, its base with broad, median, oblique, ventral projection attached to tegminal struts. Ovipositor about 8 times as long as wide, with distinct proctigeral, paraproctal and coxital bacula; paraprocts 1.5 times as long as gonocoxites, which are 3.0 times as long as combined width; each gonocoxite subdivided into a basal lobe about twice as long as wide and lightly sclerotised with heavily sclerotised oblique baculum and apical lobe, which is 2.7 times as long as basal lobe, 10 times as long as wide, parallel-sided, densely setose and narrowly rounded at apex; apical lobes relaively widely separated and parallel; gonostylus 0.12 times as long as gonocoxite, 5 times as long as wide, slightly expanded apically and setose.

Types: Holotype, ♁ “ 18.55S 149.09E QLD Mt. Spec. S3 880m 6 Dec. 1994 – 10 Jan. 1995 M. Cermak F I Trap JCU 5 m ” ( ANIC #25-075148 About ANIC ) GoogleMaps

Paratypes: QLD: Bald Mtn. Area   GoogleMaps , 3-4000 ft., via Emu Vale, 22–27.ii.1971, L. Hill (1♀, QMB); Bartle Frere , West Base (17°23’S, 145°46’E), 50m, 25.xi.1994 – 10.i.1995, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Hasenpusch (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Bartle Frere , West Base (17°23’S, 145°46’E), 700m, 10.i.–31.iii.1995, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Hasenpusch (2♀♀, QMB; 1♀, GS, ANIC); GoogleMaps Bartle Frere , West Base (17°23’S, 145°46’E), 700m, 7.iii.–5.v.1995, flight intercept traps, Monteith & Hasenpusch (4♀ ♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Boggom , via Taroom (25°27’S, 150°08’E), 13.xi.1996, at light, G. B. Monteith (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Charmillan Ck. Xing, Tully Falls Road , 950m, 8.xii.1989 – 5.i.1990, pitfall & intercept traps, Monteith , Thompson & Janetski (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Davies Creek Rd. , 20 km ESE Mareeba, 750m, 4–13.xii.1988, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Thompson (2♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Hugh Nelson Range , 2.5 km S of Cra-ter N.P., 1100m, 5–14.xii.1988, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Thompson (3♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Hughes Road, Topaz (17°26. S, 145°42’E), 650m, 6.xii.1993 – 25.ii.1994, RF intercept, Monteith, Cook, Janetzki (6♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps KarnakDevil’s Thumb , 8–12 km NW Mossman, Site 4, 300m, 26.xii.1989 – 15.i.1990, flt. Intercept, ANZSES Expedition (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Kenny Road (17°28’S, 145°32’E), 850m, 8.xii.1990 – 5.ii.1991, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Seymour (2♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Mossman Bluff Track , 5–10 km W Mossman, Site 4, 600m, 20.xii.1989 – 15.i.1990, flight intercept, Monteith , Thompson , ANZSES (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Mossman Bluff Track , 5–10 km W Mossman, Site 5, 760m, 16–30.xii.1988. flight intercept, Monteith , Thompson , ANZSES (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Mossman Bluff Track , 5–10 km W Mossman, Site 7, 1000m, 16–30.xii.1988, flight intercept, Monteith, Thompson, ANZSES (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Mt. Edith (17°06’S, 145°37’E) GoogleMaps , GS2 , 1050 m, 1.xii.1994 – 3.i.1995, Malaise trap, P. Zborowski (1♁, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Fisher (17°33’S, 145°32’E), BS2, 1150m, 4.ii–21.iii.1995, Malaise traps, P. Zborowski (1♁, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Huntley (28°08S, 152°26E), 1250m, 29–30.i.1993, G. B. Monteith (1♁, QMB); GoogleMaps Mt. Lewis Rd. , 22 km from Highway, Site 3, 1000m, 18.xii.1989 – 13.i.1990, flight intercept, Monteith, Thompson, ANZSES (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Mt. Lewis Rd. , 11 km from Highway , Site 1, 1000m, 18.xii.1989 – 13.i.1990, flight intercept, Monteith , Thompson , ANZSES (1♁, QMB); GoogleMaps Mt. Massey Creek (17°37S, 145°34E), BS3, 1000m, 1.xii.1994 – 3.i.1995, flight intercept trap. JCU (West), P. Zborowski (1♁, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Misery Summit (15°52’S, 145.14’E), Site 2, 850m, 16.xii.1990 – 17.i.1991, Flight intercept GoogleMaps , QLD Mus. & ANZSES (3♀♀, QMB,); Mt. Spec , S 3 (18°55’S, 146°09’E), 880m, 6.xii.1994 – 10.i.1995, flight intercept traps, M. Cermak (8♁♁, 7♀♀, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Spec , S 3 (18°55’S, 146°09’E), 880m, 10.i.–6.ii.1995, flight intercept traps, M. Cermak (1♀, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Spec, S3 (18°55’S, 146°09’E), 880m, 6.ii–9.iii.1995, flight intercept traps, M. Cermak (7♁♁, 12♀♀, ANIC); GoogleMaps Mt. Spec, S2 (18°55’S, 146°10’E), 880m, 9.iii–6.iv.1995, flight intercept traps, M. Cermak (1♁, 1♀, ANIC); GoogleMaps Paluma Dam Rd. Site 4, 750m, 17.xi–8.xii.1990, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Sey-mour (1♁, QMB); GoogleMaps Paluma Dam Rd. Site 4, 750m, 8.xii.1990 – 5.ii.1991, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Seymour (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Paluma Dam Rd. Site 5, 850m, 8.xii.1990 – 5.ii.1991, flight intercept trap, Monteith & Seymour (3♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps South Koombooloomba Dam , 1.5 km N Tully River Xing, 750m, 8xii.1989 – 5.i.1990, pitfall & intercept traps, Monteith, Thompson, Janetski (1♁, 12♀♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Stone Creek (Hasenpusch) (17.28’ S, 146.01’ E), 100m, 1.x–1.xi.1995, intercept trap, J. Hasenpusch (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Tower nr. The Crater NP (17°27’S, 145°29’E), 1230m, 10.i.1995 – 31.iii.1996, FIT intercept trap, Monteith & Hasenpusch (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Tully , 11 km NNW, Upper Boulder Ck., 850m, 16–19.xi.1984, Cook, Monteith, Thompson (1♀, QMB); GoogleMaps Westcott Rd., Topaz (17°24’S, 145°41’E), 680m, 6.xii.1993 – 25.ii.1994, intercept, Monteith, Cook, Janetzki (1♀, QMB); Windsor Tableland, site 1, 27.i.1988 – 10.i.1989, flight intercept, E. Schmidt & ANZSES (1♀, QMB) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. The species is restricted to Queensland, with records from Mt. Huntley in Main Range National Park, close to the New South Wales border north at least to Mt. Misery near Cooktown.

Biology. Nothing is known on the biology of this species. Adults are usually collected in flight intercept traps or Malaise traps.


Australia, Queensland, South Brisbane, Queensland Museum


Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra City, CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


Australian National Insect Collection















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