Agyneta vinki, Dupérré, Nadine, 2013

Dupérré, Nadine, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the spider genera Agyneta and Tennesseellum (Araneae, Linyphiidae) of North America north of Mexico with a study of the embolic division within Micronetinae sensu Saaristo & Tanasevitch 1996, Zootaxa 3674 (1), pp. 1-189 : 74-79

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3674.1.1

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scientific name

Agyneta vinki

sp. nov.

Agyneta vinki View in CoL new species

Figs 213–222 View FIGURES 213 – 222 , map 14

Type material: Male holotype from Oregon, Imber, 24.ix.1964, W. Ivie ( AMNH). EXAMINED.

Etymology: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Dr. Cor Vink , Kiwi arachnologist and wonderful friend.

Diagnosis: Males are diagnosed from most species in the genus by the three prongs of the lamella characteristica ( Fig. 213 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). From A. panthera by the absence of cymbial tubercles ( Fig. 214 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ), elongated in the latter ( Fig. 224 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Females are diagnosed from all species by their wide proximal part of scape constricted medially ( Fig. 219 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). From A. panthera by their shorter median part of scape (Fig, 221), much longer in the latter ( Fig. 231 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ).

Description: Male: Total length 1.74; carapace length 0.88, width 0.71.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace dark orange-brown, shiny, finely reticulate; suffused with dark gray along radiating lines, margin; trident mark present. Sternum dark brown, suffused with dark gray. Clypeus height 2. Chelicerae orange with transverse dark gray suffused band, excavated; ~17 seta-tipped tubercles; promargin three teeth, retromargin three denticles, both margins with triangular, elongated projection near base of fang. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~35 striae, well spaced apically, narrowing basally. ABDOMEN: Patterned, vertical gray band reaching halfway on the abdomen and five transverse gray chevrons ( Fig. 217 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). LEGS: Orange; leg I total length: 4.38; leg III total length: 2.72; Tm I: 0.24, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Palpal retrolateral tibial apophysis small, pointed; dorsal tibial apophysis reduced, rugose; two retrolateral trichobothria and one dorsal ( Fig. 213 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Cymbium triangular; glabrous depression present ( Fig. 213 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ); cymbial tubercles absent; prolateral notch shallow ( Fig. 214 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Paracymbium apical pocket long, anterior pocket short and curved, making a medium cover, posterior pocket long ( Fig. 213 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Embolus tip pointed, with serrated extension; basally with one large prong; ventrally with numerous small spines; Fickert’s gland absent; ventral lamella small, pointed; thumb going slightly over the embolus proper ( Fig. 215 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Embolus proper set apically, dorsal part larger, not serrated ( Fig. 215 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Anterior terminal apophysis with pointed tip and with numerous long protrusions; posterior terminal apophysis small with blunt tip; lamella characteristica large, with two pointed prongs and a blunt one ( Fig. 216 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ).

Female: Total length 2.14; carapace length 0.85, width 0.65.

MAP. 14. Localities of Agyneta vinki n. sp.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Same coloration as male. Chelicerae orange; promargin 5 teeth, retromargin 5 denticles. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~56 striae, well spaced apically, narrowing basally. ABDOMEN: Patterned, with short vertical gray band and five broken chevons ( Fig. 218 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). LEGS: Same as male; palp tibia, metatarsus suffused with gray, tarsus normal, claw absent; leg I total length: 3.46; leg III total length: 2.39; Tm I: 0.25, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Epigynum with wide proximal part of scape, constricting and then enlarging; epigynal slits rounded; pit hook depression shallow ( Fig. 219 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ); lateral lobes elongated and folded; stretcher and pit small ( Fig. 220 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Median part of scape wide and short; genital pores positioned slightly pass the base of the lateral lobes ( Figs 221, 222 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ). Internal genitalia with an oval ventral receptacula with a large rectangular base ( Fig. 221 View FIGURES 213 – 222 ).

Other material examined: USA: California: 16km E Hammond, 1066m, 20.iii.1941, 1Ƥ, S., D. Mulaik ( AMNH); Ave 312, 0.8km E road 196, 29.iii–04.iv.1979, pitfall, oak duff, 1Ƥ, D. Caroll ( CAS); Kaweah Lake, 30.iv.1978, manzanita leaf litter, 13, 04.xii.1978, 13, moss on rocks, D. Caroll ( CAS); Robies del Rio, Hastings National History Reserve, 13, Linsdale ( AMNH); San Francisco, 1Ƥ ( CAS); Stanford University, 1920-1921, 13, J. Chamberlin ( AMNH). Oregon: Imbler, 26.ix.1964, 13, J., W. Ivie ( AMNH). Utah: Dry Canyon, 22.ii.1932, 1Ƥ, 02.iv.1941, 1Ƥ, W. Ivie ( AMNH); Emmigration Canyon, 24.ii.1940, 2Ƥ, S., D. Mulaik ( AMNH); Salt Lake City, Mill Creek Canyon, 2438m, 05.xi.1939, 1Ƥ, D. Mulaik ( AMNH); Storm Mountain, Bog Cottonwood Canyon, 22.x.1939, 13, W. Ivie ( AMNH). Washington: Cow Lake [47.135N, 118.158W] 545m,, under rock at base of rim rock, 1Ƥ, R. Crawford ( UWBM); Milk Canyon [46.855N, 120.819W] 883– 914m., 0 9–11.xi.1996, under stones, 73, Y. Marusik ( AMNH); Naches River [46.631N, 120.59W] 359m, 23.ii.1991, alder litter by road, 1Ƥ, R. Crawford ( UWBM); Oak Creek [46.723N, 120.815W] 524–549m, 29.ii.1992, under rocks, 1Ƥ, R. Crawford ( UWBM); Pitcher Canyon [47.365N, 120.348W] 19.iv.1986, under rocks, 1Ƥ, R. Crawford ( UWBM); Wenatchee [47.438N, 120.357W] 10.x.1980, under rock, semi-dry, 23, 14.x.1980, tall grass and stones, 1Ƥ, 20.x.1980, maple duff, 23, D. Caroll ( CAS); Wenatchee canyon [47.406N, 120.79W] 27.x.1984, damp gully, sparse litter, 132Ƥ, D. Caroll ( CAS); Wenatchee, TFRC [47.438N, 120.357W] 22.x.1982, maple duff, 132Ƥ, 18.x.1984, grass and maple duff, 832Ƥ, 31.iii.1985, ravine, damp grass and duff, 137Ƥ, D. Caroll ( CAS).

Distribution: Western USA.

Agyneta panthera new species Figs 223–232 View FIGURES 223 – 232 , map 15

Type material: Male holotype form California, Los Angeles Basin, Westwood, 12 Nov. 1952, R. Schick ( AMNH). EXAMINED.

Etymology: The specific epithet is in reference to the coloration pattern of the legs ressembling a panthera .

Diagnosis: Males can be separated from all Agyneta species by their greatly enlarged and strongly pointed ventral cymbial tubercle ( Fig. 224 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Females are distinguished from most species by their wide proximal part of scape slightly expanding basally ( Fig. 229 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). To differentiate from A. vinki , see the diagnosis of the latter.

Description: Male: Total length 1.79; carapace length 0.85, width 0.73.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace dark orange-brown, shiny, finely reticulate; suffused with dark gray along radiating lines and margin; trident mark present. Sternum dark brown, suffused with dark gray. Clypeus height 2. Chelicerae orange, with transverse dark gray suffused band, excavated; ~13 seta-tipped tubercles; promargin four teeth, retromargin three denticles, both margins with small rounded projection near base of fang. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~32 striae, well spaced apically, narrowing basally. ABDOMEN: Patterned, with vertical gray band reaching halfway on the abdomen and five transverse gray chevrons ( Fig. 227 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). LEGS: Light orange, base and tip of femur, tibia and metatarsus with dark gray bands; leg I total length: 3.59; leg III total length: 2.28; Tm I: 0.26, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Palpal retrolateral tibial apophysis small, pointed; dorsal tibial apophysis reduced, rugose; two retrolateral trichobothria and one dorsal ( Fig. 223 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Cymbium triangular; glabrous depression present ( Fig. 223 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ); dorsal cymbial tubercle absent; ventral cymbial tubercle elongated, smooth; prolateral notch shallow ( Fig. 224 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Paracymbium apical pocket long, anterior pocket short and curved, making a medium cover, posterior pocket long and curved ( Fig. 223 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Embolus tip pointed, with pointed projection; basally with one large prong; ventrally with numerous small spines; Fickert’s gland absent; ventral lamella transparent, small; thumb going slightly over the embolus proper ( Fig. 225 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Embolus proper set apically, ventral part larger, not serrated ( Fig. 225 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Anterior terminal apophysis with pointed tip and numerous long protrusions; posterior terminal apophysis with small squared tip; lamella characteristica large, with two pointed prongs and a blunt one ( Fig. 226 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ).

Female: Total length 2.52; carapace length 0.94, width 0.79.

MAP. 15. Localities of Agyneta panthera n. sp.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Same coloration as male. Chelicerae orange; promargin five teeth, retromargin four denticles. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~50 striae, well spaced apically, narrowing basally. ABDOMEN: Patterned, same as male ( Fig. 228 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). LEGS: Same as male; palp tarsus normal, claw absent; leg I total length: 3.78; leg III total length: 2.67; Tm I: 0.23, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Epigynum with wide proximal part of scape, very slightly enlarging apically; epigynal slits oval; pit hook depression minuscule ( Fig. 229 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ); lateral lobes long and folded; stretcher medium; pit deep ( Fig. 230 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Median part of scape long and narrow; genital pores situated in middle of the lateral lobes ( Fig. 231 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ). Internal genitalia with elongated receptacula with large base ( Fig. 230 View FIGURES 223 – 232 ).

Other material examined: USA: Arizona: Grand Canyon, Colorado river side, mile 169, 27.x.1982, Tamarix duff, 13, V. Roth ( AMNH); Grand Canyon, Colorado river side, mile 172, 27.x.1982, Tamarix duff, 13, V. Roth ( CAS); North Hollywood, 01.xii.1979, avocado litter, 23, D. Caroll ( CAS). California: 24km W Santa Monica, 20.iii.1941, 13, W. Ivie ( AMNH); 9km SW Victorville, 09.iii.1941, 1Ƥ, A., W. Ivie ( AMNH); Hermosa Beach, 18.iii.1941, 131Ƥ, W. Ivie ( AMNH); Rancho Sante Fe, 01–14.1959, Alfafa field, 13, E. Schlinger ( AMNH); San Joachim Valley, 16–31. vii.1995, 1 Ƥ, R. Schick ( AMNH); Sunland, v.1936, 13, R. Schick ( AMNH); Topanga Canyon, 18.iii.1941, 538Ƥ, W. Ivie ( AMNH); Westwood, Los Angeles Basin, 12.xi.1952, 13, R. Schick ( AMNH). Nevada: Mercury, N.T.S, 07.iii.1961, 13, 29.xi.1961, 13 ( AMNH).

Distribution: Southwestern USA.


American Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences


University of Washington, Burke Museum















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