Agapostemon (Agapostemon) subtilior Cockerell, 1898

Portman, Zachary M., Arduser, Mike, Powley, Mary E. & Cariveau, Daniel P., 2024, Taxonomy of Agapostemon angelicus and the A. texanus species complex (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) in the United States, European Journal of Taxonomy 958, pp. 203-241 : 219-232

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.958.2671

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Agapostemon (Agapostemon) subtilior Cockerell, 1898

stat. nov.

Agapostemon (Agapostemon) subtilior Cockerell, 1898 stat. rev.

Figs 1B View Fig , 2C–D View Fig , 3B, D View Fig , 4B, E View Fig , 5C–H, L View Fig , 6B, E View Fig , 7B View Fig , 8C View Fig , 9 View Fig

Original reference

Agapostemon subtilior Cockerell, 1898: 27 , ♀. Neotype, ♀ (designated by Roberts 1972), Pasco, Washington State, 25 May 1896, deposited in UCMC, shown in Fig. 9 View Fig .


Agapostemon borealis Crawford, 1901: 160 , ♀ (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Sandhouse 1936). Holotype, ♀, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Livingston leg., 4 Apr. 1896, deposited in ANSP. Images examined by ZP. Syn. nov.

Agpostemon californicus Crawford, 1901: 164 , ♂ [not ♀] (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Sandhouse 1936). Lectotype, ♂ (designated by Cockerell 1927, see remarks), Pacific Grove, California, Saunders leg., Jul. 1894, deposited in UNSM [UNSMe12747]. Images examined by ZP. Syn. nov.

Agapostemon texanus vandykei Cockerell, 1925: 191 , ♀ (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Sandhouse 1936). Holotype, ♀, Yosemite Valley, California, E.C. Van Dyke leg., 25 Jun. 1921, deposited in CAS, type no. 1652. Images examined. Online record: Syn. nov.

Agapostemon californicus psammobius Cockerell, 1937: 150 , ♂ ♀ (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Roberts 1972). Holotype, ♂, San Miguel Island, California, Cockerell leg., Jul. [1937], deposited in CAS. Images examined. Online record: Syn. nov.

A gapostemon angelicus View in CoL idahoensis Michener, 1937: 314, ♀ (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Roberts 1972). Holotype, ♀, Challis, Idaho, Louise Ireland leg., 26 Jun. 1932. Deposited in the Snow Entomological Museum at the University of Kansas. Not examined. Syn. nov.

Agapostemon californicus clementinus Cockerell, 1939b: 431 , ♂ (syn. under A. texanus View in CoL s. lat. by Roberts 1972). Holotype, ♂, San Clemente Island, California, Cockerell leg., 18 Jun. [1938], deposited in UCMC. Images examined by ZP. Syn. nov.

Taxonomy and references

Agapostemon texanus View in CoL – Robertson 1897: 328 [in part, combined with A. angelicus View in CoL and A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (description, range). — Crawford 1901: 160 [in part, mixed with A. texanus View in CoL s. s. and potentially A. angelicus View in CoL ] (key, taxonomy). — Sandhouse 1936: 82 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (key, diagnosis, distribution). — Roberts 1972: 533 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (key, diagnosis, distribution); 1973: 10 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (key, diagnosis, distribution). — Hurd 1979: 1953 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (catalog). — Moure & Hurd 1987: 190 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (catalog). — Portman et al. 2022: 117 View Cited Treatment [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (key, diagnosis [all images of “ A. texanus View in CoL ” show A. subtilior ]).

Agapostemon texanus subtilior – Crawford 1901: 160 (key, taxonomy). — Cockerell 1910b: 244 (record, description of male); 1927: 157 (key, taxonomy, records). — Graenicher 1911: 234 (records); 1935: 302 (distribution in WI).

Agapostemon subtilior – Vachal 1903: 95 (key, description).

Agapostemon borealis – Cockerell 1927: 157 (notes on taxonomy, key).

Agapostemon californicus – Cockerell 1927: 158 (designation of lectotype, distribution, key); 1939a: 138 (distribution, notes on variation). — Michener 1937: 314 (note on taxonomy).

Agapostemon vandykei – Cockerell 1927: 155 (raised to species, key).

Agapostemon californicus clementinus – Cockerell 1939a: 138 (distribution, notes on variation).

Agapostemon californicus psammobius – Cockerell 1939a: 138 (distribution, notes on variation).

Agapostemon texanus californicus – Michener 1951: 1124 (catalog).

Agapostemon texanus clementinus – Michener 1951: 1124 (catalog).

Agapostemon texanus psammobius – Michener 1951: 1124 (catalog).

Agapostemon texanus texanus View in CoL – Michener 1951: 1124 [combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (catalog). — Mitchell 1960: 454 [combined with A. texanus View in CoL s. s.] (key, description, distribution, floral records).

Agapostemon texanus vandykei – Michener 1951: 1124 (catalog).


Agapostemon subtilior females are similar to those of both A. texanus and A. angelicus . They can be separated from A. texanus by the genal striae in the hypostomal area, which are extremely coarse and deep in A. texanus ( Fig. 1C–D View Fig ) compared to only moderately coarse in A. subtilior ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Further, A. texanus have the punctures on the terga dense and contiguous ( Fig. 4C, F View Fig ), whereas A. subtilior tend to have the punctures separated with shining interspaces ( Fig. 4B, E View Fig ). Finally, in areas where they overlap, A. subtilior have the propodeum more weakly sculptured than A. texanus .

Females of A. subtilior and A. angelicus are quite similar and can be difficult to separate. They can be most reliably separated by the shape of the clypeus, which is weakly convex in A. subtilior , with the apex more evenly curved over onto the base of the apical fimbriae, and lacking a distinct narrow vertical overhang ( Fig. 2 C–D View Fig ). In contrast, A. angelicus has the clypeus flattened ( Fig. 2A View Fig ), with the transition to the apical margin forming a 90-degree angle above the base of the apical fimbriae, this angle demarcated by a weak carina rather than evenly curved over ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). Agapostemon subtilior can be further recognized by the more weakly sculptured dorsal surface of the propodeum ( Fig. 3B View Fig ), compared to strongly sculptured in A. angelicus ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). In cases where A. subtilior has the propodeum somewhat more strongly sculptured, the rugae are typically strongly anastomizing. The pleura of A. subtilior are also more weakly rugose ( Fig. 3D View Fig ) compared to A. angelicus ( Fig. 3C View Fig ), especially posteriorly.

There are additional, less reliable characters that can help separate females of A. subtilior and A. angelicus . The length of the dorsal surface of the propodeum of A. subtilior is typically shorter, not much longer than the length of the metanotum ( Fig. 3B View Fig ), whereas A. angelicus typically has the propodeum distinctly longer than the metanotum ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). The terga of A. subtilior are typically more sparsely punctured ( Fig. 4B View Fig ), with distinct shiny interspaces, particularly laterally, just basal of the premarginal line on T1 and T2 ( Fig. 4E View Fig ), compared to the more closely punctured terga in A. angelicus ( Fig. 4A, D View Fig ); however, this character can be somewhat variable. In addition, A. subtilior typically have the black mark on the apex of the clypeus thickened medially ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; sometimes forming a ‘tooth’), compared to straight across in A. angelicus ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). There are also differences in hair color, with A. subtilior typically having the hairs of the thorax and legs yellowish compared to whitish in A. angelicus , though this character is not particularly reliable, and A. subtilior typically have more extensive black hairs on the outer hind tibial scopa, with the black hairs generally extending in a line down most of the tibia whereas black hairs are generally absent or limited to the hairs directly under the basatibial plate in A. angelicus . Finally, A. subtilior are, on average, larger than A. angelicus .

Male A. subtilior are similar to those of both A. angelicus and A. texanus , and they can be separated principally by the genitalia and coloration of the hind tibia. Agapostemon angelicus has the hind tibia with the anterior face all light ( Fig. 5A View Fig ; not counting a dark spot on the apex) and a well-developed dark mark posteriorly ( Fig. 5B View Fig ). In contrast, A. subtilior has a dark mark on the basal anterior face of the hind tibia ( Fig. 5F, H View Fig ) OR lacks dark marks on both the anterior and posterior face ( Fig. 5C–D View Fig ). In addition, the genitalia are different, with A. subtilior having a much narrower basal stylus and a broader medial plate ( Fig. 6B View Fig ) compared to A. angelicus ( Fig. 6A View Fig ).

Male A. subtilior are very similar to those of A. texanus , but they can be separated by the dark mark on the posterior face of the hind tibia and the genitalia. Specifically, A. subtilior have a smaller dark mark on the rear face of the hind tibia, which ranges from totally absent ( Fig. 5D View Fig ) to taking up the apical half of the tibia ( Fig. 5H View Fig ), and in cases where the dark mark takes up half the tibia, it ends rather abruptly. In contrast, A. texanus has a larger dark mark, taking up at least half of the posterior face of the hind tibia, and the basal portion is generally more narrowed and attenuated rather than abruptly ending ( Fig. 5J View Fig ). The genitalia of A. subtilior and A. texanus are very similar, but they can be separated principally by the shape of the basal stylus: in A. subtilior the basal stylus extends laterally with the end relatively abruptly turned up towards the apex ( Fig. 6E View Fig , black arrow), whereas in A. texanus the basal stylus is more evenly curving and is distinctly closer to the medial plate ( Fig. 6D View Fig , black arrow).

Material examined

CANADA – BRITISH COLUMBIA • Robson : 1 ♂; 12 Sep. 1937; HR Foxlee leg.; UMSP .

USA – CALIFORNIA – Alameda Co. • Oakland : 1 ♂; 29 Aug. 1924; AT Hertig leg.; UMSP . – Berkshire Co. • Monterey : 1 ♂; 25 Sep. 1934; Melander leg.; MCZ; 3 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂; 25 Sep. 1934; AL Melander leg.; MCZ . – Los Angeles Co . • Claremont : 1 ♀; 13 May 1902; collector unknown; MCZ La Poente : 1 ♀; 24 Mar. 1967; collector unknown; UMSP La Puente : 1 ♂; 1 Jul. 1968; R Lundberg leg.; UMSP Middle Ranch, Catalina Island : 1 ♀; 21 Mar. year unknown; WP Cockerell leg.; UMSP Pasadena : 1 ♀; 24 Mar. 1934; CD Michener leg.; MCZ; 1 ♂; 13 Sep. 1934; CD Michener leg.; Stephanomeria sp. ; MCZ; 2 ♀♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ San Clemente Island (32.9408 -118.5339): 3 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂; 16Apr. 2018; MD Abemayor leg.; net, Calystegia macrostegia ; UMSP GoogleMaps San Dimas : 1 ♀; 28 Mar. 1960; ROS leg.; UMSP . – Modoc Co. • Goose Lake : 1 ♀; date unknown; Holleman leg.; MCZ . – Monterey Co. • Pacific Grove : 2 ♀♀; date unknown; Mann leg.; MCZ . – Orange Co. • Laguna Beach : 1 ♀; 16 Aug. 1979; Wheeler leg.; MCZ . – Riverside Co. • Elsinore : 1 ♀, 4 ♂♂; 24 Aug. 1962; HE Evans leg.; MCZ Riverside : 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 21 Jul. 1936; AE Pritchard leg.; UMSP . – San Bernardino Co . • Colton : 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂; date unknown; FA Eddy leg.; MCZ Redlands : 1 ♀; date unknown; N Banks leg.; MCZ . – San Diego Co . • Anza Borrego (33.108 -116.4976): 4 ♀♀; 23 Mar. 2012; KJ Hung leg.; Blue bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 20 Apr. 2013; Hung, Borchers, Lee leg.; white bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Anza Borrego (33.1369 -116.3796): 1 ♀; 23 Mar. 2013; KJ Hung leg.; white bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Ced. Rid. pk (32.7219 -117.1186): 4 ♀♀; 26 Apr. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 15 Jul. 2022; JL Mullins leg.; net, Isocoma menziesii ; UMSP GoogleMaps Coronado (32.6398 -117.1423): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2013; KJ Hung leg.; net; UMSP GoogleMaps Coronado (32.6864 -117.1904): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2013; KJ Hung leg.; net, Helianthus sp. ; UMSP GoogleMaps Cuyamaca Rancho (32.9169 -116.5715): 2 ♂♂; 13 Sep. 2013; KJ Hung, Japaacha leg.; net, Corethrogyne filaginifolia ; UMSP GoogleMaps Cuyamaca Rancho (32.9236 -116.5658): 2 ♀♀; 27 May 2013; Hung, Borchers, Lee leg.; white bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Cuyamaca Rancho (32.9731 -116.5772): 1 ♀; 27 May 2013; Hung, Borchers, Lee leg.; yellow bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Governor Dr. (32.8555 -117.1883): 2 ♀♀; 26 Apr. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 12 May 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 26 May 2022; JL Mullins leg.; white bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 26 May 2022; T Le leg.; fluorescent blue bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Jacumba : 1 ♂; 12 Aug. 1917; Wheeler leg.; MCZ; 1 ♂; 12 Aug. 1917; J Bequaert leg.; Eriogonum fasciculatum ; MCZ La Jolla (32.9237 -117.2584): 1 ♂; 2 Aug. 2013; KE Borchers leg.; net, Cordylanthus rigidus ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 2 Aug. 2013; KJ Hung leg.; net, Stephanomeria sp. ; UMSP GoogleMaps Mission Tr. (32.8346 -117.0751): 1 ♂; 9 May 2022; B Spencer leg.; fluorescent blue bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps SD NWR (32.7319 -116.9557): 1 ♀; 2 May 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.7201 -117.0778): 1 ♂; 15 Jun. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.7922 -117.0605): 1 ♂; 1 Jun. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.822 -117.0755): 1 ♂; 12 Jul. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.8346 -117.0751): 1 ♂; 11 May 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 2 Jun. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.8928 -117.0916): 1 ♀; 21 Apr. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 23 Jun. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 14 Jul. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps San Diego (32.8996 -117.0752): 1 ♂; 13 May 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 14 Jul. 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Spring Valley (32.7274 -116.94): 2 ♀♀; 2 May 2016; K Hung, A Lee leg.; fluorescent bowl trap; UMSP Warren’s : 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 1917; Wheeler leg.; MCZ . – San Luis Obispo Co . • Miles : 3 ♂♂; 11 Jul. 1936; AE Pritchard leg.; UMSP Pao Robles : 1 ♀; 26 Sep. 1926; AL Melander leg.; MCZ . – Santa Barbara Co . • San Clemente Island : 1 ♀; 10 May 1939; Cockerell leg.; MCZ; 1 ♀; May 1939; JT Scott leg.; MCZ San Miguel Island : 1 ♀; 3 May year unknown; Cockerell leg.; MCZ; 1 ♀; 3 May year unknown; WP Cockerell leg.; MCZ San Rosa Island : 2 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP Santa Cruz Island : 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 4 Jun. 2011; collector unknown; UMSP; 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 6 Jun. 2011; collector unknown; UMSP; 6 ♀♀; 11 Sep. 2011; collector unknown; UMSP Santa Cruz Island (33.9866 -119.6695): 1 ♀; 6 Sep. 2012; collector unknown; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Cruz Island (33.9908 -119.6786): 1 ♀; 24 Apr. 2012; collector unknown; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Cruz Island (33.9998 -119.7277): 1 ♀; 4 Jun. 2012; collector unknown; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Black Mountain (33.9791 -120.0794): 4 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Black Mountain (33.9792 -120.07942): 3 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 22 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Black Mountain (33.98157 -120.07454): 2 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; S Calloway, D Knapp leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9442 -120.1176): 19 ♀♀; 6 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9442 -120.1177): 17 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94424 -120.11773): 52 ♀♀; 2 Jun. 2017; D Knapp leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9452 -120.1164): 27 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94524 -120.11646): 24 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94567 -120.1179): 7 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9457 -120.1178): 3 ♀♀; 4 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9457 -120.1179): 8 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.946 -120.1087): 2 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 4 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pitfall traps; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94602 -120.10871): 2 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94721 -120.11671): 11 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9479 -120.1105): 5 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 39 ♀♀; 4 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 8 ♀♀; 6 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.948 -120.1107): 5 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94808 -120.1107): 15 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94916 -120.10148): 43 ♀♀, 4 ♂♂; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; S Calloway, D Knapp leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9495 -120.1043): 40 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 12 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.94959 -120.10439): 25 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; S Calloway, D Knapp leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.951 -120.1091): 11 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9511 -120.1007): 20 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 13 ♀♀, 5 ♂♂; 8 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9511 -120.1092): 1 ♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.95116 -120.10071): 60 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.95116 -120.10922): 11 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2017; D Knapp, S Calloway leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 18 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂; 21 Jun. 2017; S Calloway, D Knapp leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps Santa Rosa Island, Soledad Ridge (33.9513 -120.1007): 21 ♀♀; 29 Mar. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 32 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2014; R Alarcón leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps . – Santa Clara Co . • Stanford U: 1 ♂ ( A. californicus paralectotype); 19 Sep. 1898; CT Brues leg.; MCZ; 2 ♂♂; 19 Sep. 1898; collector unknown; MCZ . – Sonoma Co. • Mesa Grande : 1 ♀; Jul. 1908; N Banks leg.; MCZ . – Stanislaus Co . • Modesto : 1 ♀; Jun. 1939; WC Cook leg.; light trap; UMSP . – COLORADO – Fremont Co . • Swissvale : 1 ♀; 17 Jun. year unknown; M Steele leg.; MCZ . – Jefferson Co. • Clear Creek : 1 ♂; date unknown; Oslar leg.; MCZ . – CONNECTICUT – Litchfield Co. • Colebrook : 1 ♂; 19 Aug. 1918; WM Wheeler leg.; MCZ; 1 ♀; 3 Aug. 1922; WM Wheeler leg.; MCZ; 1 ♂; 16 Aug. 1922; WM Wheeler leg.; MCZ . – Tolland Co. • Storrs : 1 ♀; 26 May 1931; collector unknown; MCZ . – ILLINOIS – Carroll Co. • Upper Mississippi River NWR: 1 ♀; day and month unknown 2015; collector unknown; MAPC . – Lee Co. Nachusa (41.886 -89.3228): 1 ♀; 21 Aug. 2020; J Klostermann leg.; pantrap; NACH GoogleMaps . – Rock Island Co. • Rock Island : 1 ♂; date unknown; OW Oestlund leg.; UMSP . – INDIANA – Lake Co . • Indiana Dunes NP , Marquette Trail (41.6111 -87.2365): 1 ♀; 23 Jul. 2019; McGill leg.; B pan; UMSP GoogleMaps Indiana Dunes NP , Miller Woods b/w Lake St. & Grand Blvd (41.6057 -87.2644): 1 ♂; 12 Jul. 2018; McLaughlin leg.; W pan; UMSP GoogleMaps . – MASSACHUSETTS – Middlesex Co. • Dracut : 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ Holliston : 1 ♂; 1 Sep. year unknown; N Banks leg.; MCZ . – Nantucket Co. • Nantucket : 1 ♀; 8 Aug. 1929; CW Johnson leg.; MCZ . – Suffolk Co. Thomson Island (42.3145 -71.0119): 1 ♂; 30 Aug–7 Sep. 2005; J Rykken leg.; malaise trap; MCZ GoogleMaps . – Worcester Co. • Petersham : 1 ♀; 24 Jun. year unknown; CT Brues leg.; MCZ . – MICHIGAN – Alger Co . • Sable Dunes : 2 ♀♀; 7–8 Jul. 1982; M Arduser leg.; malaise trap; MAPC; 3 ♀♀; 9–15 Jul. 1982; M Arduser leg.; malaise trap; MAPC; 2 ♀♀; 16–17 Jul. 1982; M Arduser leg.; malaise trap; MAPC; 1 ♀; 17–22 Jul. 1982; M Arduser leg.; malaise trap; MAPC; 1 ♀; 23–28 Jul. 1982; M Arduser leg.; malaise trap; MAPC . – Dickinson Co. • 5 mi. E Turner: 1 ♂; 16 Aug. 1983; M Arduser leg.; net, Centaurea maculosa ; MAPC; 1 ♂; 16 Aug. 1983; M Arduser leg.; net, Helianthus maximilliani ; MAPC . – MINNESOTA – Anoka Co. Bunker Hills Reg. Park (45.2176 -93.2899): 1 ♂; 8 Aug. 2016; J Garnder leg.; bowl trap; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.2037 -93.2792): 2 ♀♀; 29 Apr. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 23 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 1 Jul. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 3 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 19 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.2105 -93.2877): 1 ♀; 29 Apr. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 58 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 19 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 31 Aug. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.2165 -93.2909): 1 ♂; 10 Aug. 2015; J Gardner leg.; net, Helianthus pauciflorus ; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.2176 -93.2899): 1 ♀; 29 Apr. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 25 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 18 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 1 Jul. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 10 Aug. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂; 3 Sep. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 3 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 8 ♀♀; 19 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 8 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 8 Aug. 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.3978 -93.1592): 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jul. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 6 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 19 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 9 Jun. 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 21 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.40267 -93.164): 1 ♀; 4 May 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.4029 -93.1993): 1 ♀; 22 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 19 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.43096 -93.1894): 2 ♀♀; 4 May 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.4323 -93.1894): 3 ♀♀; 22 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Natural History Area : 1 ♀; 24 Sep. 1990; collector unknown; UMSP Lino Lakes : 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 1969; MJ Woloch leg.; net, daisies; UMSP Rum River Central Regional Park (45.3003 -93.3826): 1 ♂; 1 Sep. 2016; J Gardner leg.; net, Cirsium vulgare ; CNBL GoogleMaps . – Becker Co . • (47.03367 -96.0814): 3 ♀♀; 6 Jun. 2017; A Waananen leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2017; R Tucker leg.; net, Zizia aurea ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 8 ♀♀; 4 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 25 Jul. 2017; S Marconie leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Heliksen WPA (47.07929 -96.0579): 1 ♀; 4 Jul. 2017; M Gullickson leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps . – Big Stone Co . • (45.30653 -96.2874): 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2017; C Herron-Sweet leg.; blue vane; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2017; S Marconie leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 5 Jul. 2017; A Waananen leg.; net, Dalea purpurea ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Larson Slough WPA (45.3612 -96.3119): 2 ♀♀; 3 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Ortonville : 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 1935; HS Telford leg.; UMSP Schellberg Prairie Bank (45.32595 -96.3714): 1 ♀; 30 Aug. 2018; M Rancour leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps . – Brown Co. • (44.2114 -94.542): 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2019; SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jul. 2019; MK, ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.2936 -94.6332): 1 ♀; 8 Jul. 2019; MK, ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps . – Chisago Co. Pleasant Vly Orchard (45.3533 -92.7523): 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps . – Clay Co. • (46.64058 -96.2578): 1 ♀; 1 Jun. 2017; R Tucker leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps • (46.64143 -96.4625): 2 ♂♂; 12 Aug. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 10 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps • (46.74468 -96.4675): 5 ♀♀; 20 Jun. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 28 Aug. 2017; J Brokaw leg.; net, Ratibida pinnata ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Aug. 2017; I Lane leg.; blue vane; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Aug. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps • (46.80157 -96.4056): 1 ♀; 21 Aug. 2017; A Waananen leg.; blue vane; UMSP GoogleMaps Bluestem SNA (46.85422 -96.4723): 13 ♀♀; 2 Jun. 2017; A Waananen leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 22 Jun. 2017; C Herron-Sweet leg.; blue vane; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 22 Jun. 2017; C Herron-Sweet leg.; net, Calylophus serrulatus ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 28 Jun. 2017; A Waananen leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 21 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Clay County WMA (46.74776 -96.3535): 1 ♀; 14 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Ulen WMA (47.082 -96.3382): 8 ♀♀; 11 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps . – Cottonwood Co . • (43.9917 -95.218): 1 ♀; 31 May 2019; ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 25 Jun. 2019; MK, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.99175 -95.2175): 13 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; WB, SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.0012 -95.2591): 3 ♀♀; 31 May 2019; CH leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀; 25 Jun. 2019; LN, MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 25 Jun. 2019; MK, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.00121 -95.2591): 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 2021; LF, SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; SM, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Dakota Co . • Rosemount (44.7036 -93.102): 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2020; A Coker leg.; vacuum; CNBL. GoogleMaps Douglas Co . • (45.8455 -95.7581): 1 ♀; 16 Jul. 2004; S Pimm, S Wagenius leg.; yellow pan trap; CBG GoogleMaps Staffanson TNC (45.81606 -95.746): 1 ♀; 22 Jun. 2018; M Rancour leg.; net, Heliopsis helianthoides ; UMSP GoogleMaps Staffenson Prairie , 3 mi. NW Kensington: 1 ♀; 5 Jul. 1977; E Ordway, B Goecke leg.; net, Coreopsis palmata ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 13 Sep. 1977; B Goecke leg.; net, Aster novaeangliae ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 30 May 1978; B Goecke leg.; net, Zizia aptera ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 27 Jun. 1979; E Ordway leg.; net, Aster novaeangliea ; UMSP. GoogleMaps Faribault Co . • (43.74105 -93.888): 1 ♀; 15 Jul. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.7411 -93.8879): 1 ♀; 19 Jul. 2019; LN, ED, MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL. GoogleMaps Freeborn Co . • 1 ♀; 11 Aug. 1936; E Woolveton leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Goodhue Co . • Lake Pepin : 1 ♀; 25 May 1956; Patel leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Hennepin Co . • Bauer Dr (45.1905 -93.4204): 1 ♀; 1 Jun. 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 9 ♀♀; 9 Jun. 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Crow Hassan Reserve (45.1846 -93.9283): 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 1991; CC Reed leg.; Achillea millefolium ; CRC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 9 Sep. 1991; CC Reed leg.; Amorpha canescens ; CRC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 1992; CC Reed leg.; CRC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 1992; CC Reed leg.; CRC GoogleMaps Eagle Creek (44.7793 -93.3842): 1 ♀; 11 Jun. 1996; CC Reed leg.; Penstemon grandiflorus ; CRC; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 1996; CC Reed leg.; Penstemon grandiflorus ; CRC GoogleMaps East Phillips Comm. Garden (44.958 -93.2502): 3 ♂♂; 8 Aug. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 4 ♂♂; 18 Aug. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; 8 Sep. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 13 Sep. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂; 21 Sep. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 1 Jun. 2018; A Irber leg.; net, Allium schoenoprasum ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2018; A Irber leg.; net, Brassica rapa ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2018; A Irber leg.; net, Glechoma hederacea ; CNBL GoogleMaps Fairview Prk (45.0065 -93.2865): 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Fairview Prk (45.0076 -93.2864): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Hall Prk (44.9948 -93.2887): 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Hall Prk (44.995 -93.2884): 2 ♂♂; 26 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Lake Minnetonka : 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 1932; DG Denning leg.; UMSP Matthews Prk (44.9585 -93.2313): 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 25 Aug. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Pollinator Patch 23st Ave S (44.9515 -93.2416): 1 ♀; 27 Jun. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 8 Sep. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL GoogleMaps Pollinator Patch 3rd Ave S (44.9601 -93.2502): 1 ♂; 21 Sep. 2017; A Irber leg.; sweep net; CNBL GoogleMaps Windom Prk (45.0124 -93.2355): 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP GoogleMaps Windom Prk (45.9585 -93.2313): 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2015; I Lane leg.; vacuum; UMSP. GoogleMaps Isanti Co . • Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.3922 -93.164): 1 ♀; 22 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.3922 -93.1643): 9 ♀♀; 22 May 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (45.4323 -93.1894): 1 ♀; 6 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 19 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Irving & John Anderson County Park (45.4614 -93.0675): 2 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 16 May 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Irving & John Anderson County Park (45.462 -93.061): 5 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 10 Jun. 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Irving & John Anderson County Park (45.4663 -93.0542): 2 ♀♀; 21 May 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Jackson Co . • (43.51976 -94.874): 1 ♀; 17 Jun. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Graham Creek WMA (43.7823 -95.4131): 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2019; ED, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 26 Jun. 2019; LN, SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps Graham Creek WMA (43.78235 -95.4131): 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2021; LF, SM, CHS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Sioux Valley WMA (43.51555 -95.2989): 2 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 2021; EB, LS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Kandiyohi Co. • (45.20311 -95.1528): 1 ♀; 20 Jun. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps • (45.3529 -95.1192): 5 ♀♀; 2 Jun. 2017; C Herron-Sweet leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 20 Jun. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 26 Jun. 2017; R Tucker leg.; net, Cirsium arvense ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2018; T Eicholz leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 27 Jun. 2018; G Pardee leg.; net, Trifolium hybridum ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 7 Sep. 2018; M Rancour leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Brenner Lake WPA (45.40062 -95.2463): 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2018; S Marconie leg.; bowl; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Kittson Co. • 1 ♂; 28 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Lancaster: 2 ♂♂; 26 Aug. 1935; DG Denning leg.; UMSP; 1 ♀; 26 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. – Lac qui Parle Co. • Florida Creek WPA (44.86759 -96.2836): 2 ♀♀; 1 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Lincoln Co. • 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 1936; D Sandager leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Lyon Co. • (44.52408 -95.8357): 1 ♀; 10 Jun. 2021; WB, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.5311 -95.8983): 1 ♀; 20 Jun. 2019; MK, CHS leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.5639 -95.7592): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; SG, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.564 -95.7593): 2 ♀♀; 9 Jun. 2021; SM, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Lines WMA (44.58493 -95.635): 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2021; IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 22 Jun. 2022; WL, MM leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Marshall Co. • Argyle : 1 ♂; 26 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Martin Co. • (43.5495 -94.7961): 1 ♂; 17 Sep. 2019; LF, KF leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps Krahmer WMA (43.69432 -94.6017): 1 ♀; 17 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Rooney Run WMA (43.6904 -94.692): 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2019; CHS leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Aug. 2019; SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Meeker Co. • (44.8927 -94.5042): 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; blue vane; CNBL GoogleMaps • (45.0267 -94.5367): 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 26 Aug. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; blue vane; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Mille Lacs Co. • JQ Fruit Farm : 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2013; K Foord leg.; GoogleMaps UMSP; 3 ♀♀; 23 May 2016; K Foord leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Murray Co. • (44.0709 -95.5718): 3 ♀♀; 31 May 2019; CHS leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; ED, MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; MK, ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.07093 -95.5718): 8 ♀♀; 16 Jun. 2021; CHS, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 16 Jun. 2021; SM, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.0868 -95.7738): 1 ♀; 31 May 2019; KF leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 16 Aug. 2019; CHS leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.08854 -95.6725): 1 ♀; 28 Jun. 2022; ED, DPC, WL leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.15208 -95.8779): 2 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.1521 -95.8779): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Nobles Co. • (43.5233 -95.7276): 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 2019; ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 2019; LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.5793 -95.7551): 2 ♀♀; 3 Jun. 2019; CHS leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀; 3 Jun. 2019; ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 2019; LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 10 ♀♀; 25 Jun. 2019; KF, SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 11 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 2021; IR, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 13 Jul. 2021; IR, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 16 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 2022; MM, LT leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Norman Co. • Halstad : 1 ♂; 31 Aug. 1935; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Otter Tail Co. • 2 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 1936; HS Telford leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Polk Co. • 1 ♀; 4 Jul. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂; 14 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Crookston : 1 ♂; 30 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 1956; BA Haws leg.; sweet clover; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Pope Co. • (45.49639 -95.5788): 2 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 2017; A Waananen leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps • (45.52598 -95.479): 16 ♀♀; 1 Jul. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 7 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 1 Aug. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 26 Aug. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 151 ♀♀; 5 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 6 Jul. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps • (45.73565 -95.7054): 3 ♀♀; 6 Jun. 2017; S Marconie leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Ben Wade WPA (45.74681 -95.5819): 1 ♀; 1 Jul. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Overby WPA (45.50158 -95.3045): 5 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 66 ♀♀; 4 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 5 Jul. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Ramsey Co. • Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park (45.1005 -93.0371): 3 ♀♀; 5 Jun. 2015; E Evans leg.; net, Trifolium repens ; CNBL GoogleMaps Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park (45.10069 -93.0367): 1 ♀; 5 Jun. 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park (45.1184 -93.0061): 1 ♀; 21 Jun. 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park (45.1187 -93.0049): 8 ♀♀; 5 Jun. 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park (45.1237 -93.0044): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Battle Creek Regional Park (44.9384 -92.9933): 1 ♀; 8 Jun. 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.21434 -93.2798): 1 ♀; 24 Jun. 2016; J Gardner leg.; net, Crepis tectorum ; CNBL GoogleMaps Bunker Hills Regional Park (45.21659 -93.2865): 1 ♀; 24 Jun. 2016; J Gardner leg.; net, Crepis tectorum ; CNBL GoogleMaps Long Lake Regional Park : 7 ♀♀; 12 Jun. 1996; CC Reed leg.; Penstemon grandiflorus ; CRC; 4 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 1996; CC Reed leg.; Penstemon grandiflorus ; CRC Roseville, 3035 Fairview Ave (45.0325 -93.1775): 1 ♀; 26–27 Apr. 2003; Holzenthal leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Sucker Lake : 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 1952; collector unknown; net; UMSP University Farm : 1 ♀; 22 May 1960; TM Peters leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Redwood Co. • (44.2996 -94.9282): 1 ♀; 7 Sep. 2019; ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 7 Oct. 2019; ED leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 7 Nov. 2019; MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.29963 -94.9282): 1 ♀; 21 Jun. 2022; MM, WL leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2022; WL, MM leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.58255 -95.21): 1 ♀; 23 Jun. 2022; WL, MM leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Rock Co. • 1 ♀; 19 Jun. 1938; Nicholson-Pederson leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Blue Mounds State Park: 1 ♀; 27 Jun. 1973; EF Cook leg.; Malaise trap; UMSP. – Sherburne Co. • Becker City Park (45.4171 -93.8964): 1 ♀; 29 Apr. 2015; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (45.46477 -93.6744): 3 ♀♀; 5 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (45.49192 -93.6968): 1 ♀; 5 May 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Stearns Co. • St Cloud : 1 ♀; 10 Aug. 1970; collector unknown; UMSP GoogleMaps State College, St. Cloud : 1 ♀; 1 Oct. 1965; collector unknown; UMSP. – Stevens Co. • Coleman Prairie , 4 mi. SE Morris: 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 1916; E Ordway leg.; UMSP Fults WPA (45.66481 -95.9795): 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps John Freeman WMA (45.46111 -95.9681): 1 ♀; 22 May 2018; G Pardee leg.; net, Taraxacum officinale ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 7 Jun. 2018; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Swift Co. • (45.20793 -95.949): 2 ♀♀; 7 May 2018; A Ritchie leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 31 May 2018; S Marconie leg.; net, Erigeron philadelphicus ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 1 Jun. 2018; G Pardee leg.; blue vane; UMSP; GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀; 1 Jun. 2018; M Rancour leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 20 Jun. 2018; I Lane leg.; blue vane; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2018; T Eicholz leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 22 Aug. 2018; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps • (45.27196 -96.0645): 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2017; M Gullickson leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Bengtson WPA (45.25929 -95.2977): 3 ♀♀; 1 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Rice WPA (45.34487 -95.3201): 1 ♀; 26 Jun. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Todd Co. • (46.3465 -94.8796): 1 ♂; 3 Sep. 2019; M Dutta, D Harder leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; blue vane; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; 4 Sep. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; blue vane; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Wadena Co. • potato field margin (46.4638 -95.0446): 1 ♀; 25 Jun. 2019; E Middleton leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Washington Co. • Belwin Conservancy (44.924 -92.79): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Belwin Conservancy (44.9357 -92.8): 2 ♀♀; 12 Jun. 1995; CC Reed leg.; Penstemon grandiflorus ; CRC Belwin Conservancy (44.9493 -92.791): 1 ♀; 7 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Belwin Conservancy (44.9502 -92.791): 1 ♀; 4 Sep. 2015; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps St Croix Savannah SNA (44.9953 -92.7785): 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; net, Potentilla recta ; CNBL GoogleMaps St Croix Savannah SNA (44.9953 -92.7801): 1 ♀; 9 Jun. 2015; J Gardner leg.; net, Hesperis matrionalis ; CNBL GoogleMaps St Croix Savannah SNA (44.9957 -92.7826): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2016; J Gardner leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Watonwan Co. • (43.896 -94.6232): 1 ♀; 24 Jul. 2019; SG, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.0514 -94.5258): 1 ♀; day and month unknown 2019; SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 1 Aug. 2019; KF leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Aug. 2019; RM, LF, KF leg.; bee bowls; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; day and month unknown 2019; LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.05143 -94.5259): 3 ♀♀; 17 Jun. 2021; SM, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 8 Jul. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 9 ♀♀; 21 Jun. 2022; MM, WL leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Wedena Co. • Sabeka : 1 ♂; 9 Aug. 1935; CE Mickel leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Wilkin Co. • Rice SNA (46.58837 -96.368): 1 ♀; 1 Jun. 2017; C Herron-Sweet leg.; bowl; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 20 Jun. 2017; M Gullickson leg.; bowl; UMSP GoogleMaps Rothsay WMA (46.51869 -96.3758): 2 ♀♀; 9 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Wright Co. • Strawberry Basket (45.3345 -93.882): 2 ♀♀; 19 Jun. 2013; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 3 Jun. 2014; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 10 Jun. 2014; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 7 ♀♀; 23 May 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 8 ♀♀; 9 Jun. 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 19 Jun. 2015; K Foord leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Yellow Medicine Co. • (44.685 -96.3092): 2 ♀♀; 29 Jun. 2019; LN, SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.68504 -96.3092): 2 ♀♀; 10 Jun. 2021; CHS, LS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.7072 -96.3972): 1 ♀; 15 May 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Archerville WMA (44.6328 -96.3278): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; SG, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps Archerville WMA (44.63281 -96.3278): 1 ♀; 10 Jun. 2021; EB, ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – MONTANA – Beaverhead Co. • Trapper Creek Rd (45.6373 -112.7581): 3 ♀♀; 2–3 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Trapper Creek Rd Cabin (45.6381 -112.7584): 2 ♀♀; 2–3 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Big Horn Co. • Tongue River S.P ., 1064 m (45.1062 -106.7924): 1 ♀; 18–19 May 2020; Z Pritchard, KE Behme leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Blaine Co. • BLM land S of Cow Island (47.9226 -109.5174): 1 ♀; 23 Jul–26 Aug. 2021; J Kole, J Wallace leg.; BVT; MTEC GoogleMaps Bagan Rd , 2 mi. S CAN bdr (48.9732 -109.1328): 1 ♀; 18 May–22 Jul. 2021; J Kole, J Rainey leg.; BVT; MTEC GoogleMaps SW of Hays, Hays Rd , 1037 m (47.9364 -108.8867): 1 ♀; 2–3 Aug. 2020; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps W Hays; Timber Ridge Rd , 957 m (47.9682 -109.0171): 1 ♀; 2–3 Aug. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Carbon Co. • Bobcat Pass Rd , 1289 m (45.0822 -108.8248): 1 ♀; 13–14 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Bobcat Pass Rd , 1336 m (45.0707 -108.8371): 1 ♀; 13–14 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Daniels Co. • N side of Killenbeck Res (48.8672 -105.7303): 1 ♀; 30–31 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Deer Lodge Co. • Lost Creek Rd (46.1847 -112.9061): 1 ♀; 1 Jul. 2019; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Lost Creek Rd , 1558 m (46.1568 -112.8903): 2 ♀♀; 30 Jun–1 Jul. 2019; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Fallon Co. • Rolling Hills Trail (46.4339 -104.1946): 1 ♀; 23–24 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Jefferson Co. • High Ore Rd (46.2722 -112.2045): 2 ♀♀; 28–29 Jun. 2019; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Lake Co. • HWY 28 , 1 mi. W Elmo (47.8217 -114.3899): 2 ♀♀; 8–9 Jun. 2020; J Wallace leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Liberty Co. • Willow ; Creek Rd , Lake Elwell (48.4091 -111.2343): 1 ♀; 14 Jul. 2020; J Wallace leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Madison Co. • Granite Creek Rd (45.3306 -111.9917): 4 ♀♀; 27–28 Jun. 2019; Z Pritchard leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – McCone Co. • 3 mi. down Weldon Rd (47.5197 -105.8095): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps 4 mi. down Weldon Rd (47.5366 -105.812): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Flat Lake Rec Area (48.0137 -106.364): 1 ♀; day and month unknown 2020; DL Gustafson leg.; MTEC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 21 Nov. 2020; DL Gustafson leg.; MTEC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; day and month unknown 2020; DL Gustafson leg.; MTEC GoogleMaps Weldon Rd entrance (47.4717 -105.8092): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Petroleum Co. • Arid Shale Pine Forest (47.116 -108.5889): 1 ♀; 20–21 Aug. 2020; C Delphia, J Runyon leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Phillips Co. • Coal Mine Hill Rd (47.7805 -107.4796): 1 ♀; 19 May–22 Jul. 2021; J Kole, J Rainey leg.; BVT; MTEC; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 22 Jul–25 Aug. 2021; J Kole, J Wallace leg.; BVT; MTEC GoogleMaps Enrico Lning centr Cmpgrd (47.7425 -107.7802): 1 ♀; 22 Jul–25 Aug. 2021; J Kole, J Wallace leg.; BVT; MTEC GoogleMaps Montana Gulch Campground (47.8987 -108.6304): 1 ♀; 2–3 Aug. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Montana Gulch Campground (47.9004 -108.632): 1 ♀; 2–3 Aug. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Powder River Co. • Wilbur Crk Rd , 1064 m (45.5722 -105.9941): 1 ♀; 11 Jul. 2019; Z Pritchard, F Etzler leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Prairie Co. • 2 mi. down Coal Crk Rd (46.8286 -105.257): 2 ♀♀; 7 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Ravalli Co. • WARC, 2.6 km NE Corvallis (46.3287 -114.0858): 1 ♀; 21–22 May 2020; K Hubbel leg.; bee bowl; MTEC; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 28–29 May 2020; K Hubbel leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Richland Co. • CR.115 sapling clearing (47.5763 -104.2687): 2 ♀♀; 14 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Sanders Co. • Big Gulch Rd , 1049 m (47.5279 -114.5617): 2 ♀♀; 8–9 Jun. 2020; J Botti, J Wallace leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Sheridan Co. • 2-Track nr Pond , Westley (48.9322 -104.0764): 1 ♀; 2 Jun. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Silver Bow Co. • Highland Rd , 1635 m (45.8479 -112.6724): 1 ♀; 6–7 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, W Griffiths leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Soap Gulch Rd , 1722 m (45.681 -112.6586): 1 ♀; 2–3 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Soap Gulch Rd , 1830 m (45.6946 -112.6391): 1 ♀; 2–3 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Sweet Grass Co. • 0.25 mi. E McLeod (45.6617 -110.1131): 1 ♀; 5 Sep–6 Oct. 2020; MA Ivie, LL Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Teton Co. • Bellview Road (47.7965 -112.2256): 1 ♀; 21 Jul. 2020; J Wallace leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Blackleaf Rd , 3 mi. W Bynum (47.9864 -112.3836): 1 ♀; 22–23 Jul. 2019; Z Pritchard, C Fimbel leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps N of Bynum , Hwy 89 , 1224 m (47.9865 -112.3157): 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 2020; J Wallace, MA Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Toole Co. • Potter Rd (48.6533 -111.932): 1 ♀; 16 Jul. 2020; J Wallace leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Wheatland Co. • 8.5 mi. S Judith Gap, 1385 m (46.5517 -109.7662): 2 ♀♀; 20–21 Aug. 2020; CM Delphia, J Runyon leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – Wibaux Co. • 4 mi. down St Phillip Rd (46.831 -104.1112): 1 ♀; 15–16 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – NEW HAMPSHIRE – Carroll Co. • Wolfeboro : 1 ♂; 20 Aug. 1911; W Reiff leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Cheshire Co. • Mt. Monadnock : 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Coos Co. • Shelburne : 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – NEW MEXICO – San Miguel Co. • Las Vegas, Arroyo Pecos : 1 ♀; date unknown; WP Cockerell leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – NEW YORK – Albany Co. • 2mi. S. Rensselaerville: 1 ♂; 5 Sep. 1970; HE Evans leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – NORTH DAKOTA – Barnes Co. • (46.99628 -98.27705): 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; net; UMSP GoogleMaps 10.7 km NE of Rogers (47.11298 -98.06702): 1 ♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 11.7 km NE of Rogers (47.09531 -98.04099): 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 11.7 km NE of Rogers (47.09572 -98.0468): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 11.7 km NE of Rogers (47.0962 -98.07721): 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; net, Brassicaceae sp.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.2 km NE of Rogers (47.08152 -98.17183): 11 ♀♀; 25 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 2 Aug. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 4 ♂♂; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.2 km NE of Rogers (47.0823 -98.1718): 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 3.3 NNE of Rogers (47.09591 -98.15093): 2 ♀♀; 26 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 3.3 NNE of Rogers (47.10305 -98.1933): 1 ♀; 18 May 2011; E Evans leg.; net, Taraxacum ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 13 Jul. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2012; K Lee, R Rudd leg.; net; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 2012; R Rudd leg.; net, Grindelia squarrosa ; UMSP GoogleMaps 4.5 km NE of Rogers (47.09616 -98.1509): 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 12 Sep. 2012; J Gardner, K Foord leg.; net, Cirsium ; UMSP GoogleMaps 6.3 km NW of Sandborn (46.9945 -98.257): 3 ♀♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 6.6 km NW of Sandborn (46.9794 -98.2916): 3 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 7.8 km NW of Sandborn (46.97964 -98.28512): 8 ♀♀; 26 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 7.8 km NW of Sandborn (46.994 -98.293): 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 9.5 km NE of Rogers (47.09572 -98.0468): 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 9.5 km NE of Rogers (47.11018 -98.07701): 3 ♀♀; 25 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Griggs Co. • 3.5 km SE of Karnak (47.25538 -98.03372): 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Morton Co. • Mandan : 1 ♀; 14 May 1939; HS Telford leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Pembina Co. • Pembina : 1 ♀; 9 Jul. 1935; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Richland Co . • Wahpeton : 2 ♀♀; 18 May 1939; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Stutsman Co. • (47.24218 -98.91154): 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; net; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; net, Heterotheca villosa ; UMSP GoogleMaps • (47.254 -98.92969): 1 ♀; 12 Jul. 2012; K Pouliquen, M Smart leg.; net; UMSP GoogleMaps • (47.25482 -98.94766): 8 ♂♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; net; UMSP GoogleMaps • (47.25488 -98.9019): 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; J Castro, E Evans leg.; net, Melilotus officinalis ; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.4 km E of Edmunds (47.24819 -98.93286): 3 ♀♀; 26 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 2 Aug. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.4 km E of Edmunds (47.25226 -98.9328): 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 12 Jul. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 22 Apr. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 13 Jul. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 4.6 km SE of Edmunds (47.22578 -98.9096): 12 ♀♀; 26 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 4.6 km SE of Edmunds (47.2258 -98.9217): 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 9 ♀♀; 12 Jul. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Aug. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; J Castro, E Evans leg.; net, Brassica rapa ; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; net; UMSP GoogleMaps 5.6 km SE of Edmunds (47.2259 -98.901): 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 12 Jul. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 10 Aug. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 6.8 km NE of Pingree (47.18306 -98.81944): 4 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 6.8 km NE of Pingree (47.18348 -98.82031): 7 ♀♀; 26 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.2 km NE of Pingree (47.1948 -98.8056): 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 13 Jul. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.2 km NE of Pingree (47.20049 -98.80618): 8 ♀♀; 25 May 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 19 ♀♀; 15 Jun. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 7 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.7 km NE of Pingree (47.1816 -98.7945): 2 ♀♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 15 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps – OHIO – Lucas Co. • Oak Openings Metro Park : 1 ♀; 27 Aug. 1996; M Arduser leg.; MAPC; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14–16 Jun. 2006; M Arduser leg.; bowls; MAPC. GoogleMaps – OREGON – Benton Co. • Corvallis : 1 ♀; Jul. 1896; collector unknown; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15 May 1897; collector unknown; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 1897; collector unknown; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Jun. 1897; collector unknown; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Multnomah Co. • Portland: 1 ♀; 1 Jul. 1921; MO Nelson leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; day and month unknown 1927; E Walley Jones leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Umatilla Co. • Umatilla : 1 ♀; 24 Jun. 1882; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – RHODE ISLAND – Providence Co. • Providence : 1 ♀; 3 Jun. 1928; B Lewis leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – SOUTH DAKOTA – Custer Co. • Custer : 2 ♂♂; 15 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Fall River Co. • Hot Springs : 2 ♀♀; 4 Aug. 1940; RH Daggy leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Jackson Co. • Bad Lands , Cedar Pass : 1 ♂; 14 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Jerauld Co. • Wessington Springs : 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 1939; PH Harden leg.; GoogleMaps UMSP; 1 ♀; 23 Jun. 1939; P Harden leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 20 Jun. 1940; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Pennington Co. • Sheridan Lake : 3 ♂♂; 10 Sep. 1971; Woods leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Unknown Co. • Black Hills : 1 ♀; 15–30 Jun. 1930; F Miller leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – UTAH – Box Elder Co. • Cedar Hills : 1 ♀; 10 Aug. 1972; GF Knowlton leg.; net, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ; UMSP GoogleMaps • Penrose: 1 ♀; 28 May 1963; TK Stodd leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Washington Co. • Pinto : 1 ♂; 24 Sep. 1957; GF Knowlton leg.; net, Chrysothamnus sp. ; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Weber Co. • Ogden : 2 ♀♀; 3 Oct. 1942; GF Knowlton leg.; net, rabbitbrush; UMSP. GoogleMaps – WASHINGTON – Benton Co. • Yakima R. , Lone Tree [Prosser]: 3 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 1882; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Chelan Co. • Wenatchee : 1 ♀; 5 Jul. year unknown; Wickham leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Kittitas Co. • Yakima R ., Nelson’s : 2 ♀♀; 4–5 Jul. 1882; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Whitman Co. • Wawawai : 1 ♂; 6 Sep. 1908; WM Mann leg.; MCZ; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂; date unknown; WM Mann leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Yakima Co. • Yakima City: 5 ♀♀; 2–4 Jul. 1882; collector unknown; MCZ. GoogleMaps – WISCONSIN – Bayfield Co. • Moquah Barrens State Natural Area (46.6157 -91.3117): 1 ♀; 18 Jun. 2020; E North leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Moquah Barrens State Natural Area (46.6319 -91.2235): 1 ♀; 22 May 2020; E North leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Moquah Barrens State Natural Area (46.6533 -91.2743): 1 ♀; 18 Jun. 2020; E North leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Burnett Co. • Grantsburg , Johnson Rd : 1 ♂; 27 Jul. 1996; M Sabourin leg.; malaise; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Lacrosse Co. • Upper Mississippi River NWR : 2 ♀♀; day and month unknown 2015; collector unknown; MAPC. GoogleMaps – Polk Co. • Tewksbury Scientific and Natural Area (45.3031 -92.7311): 1 ♀; 22 Jun. 2018; K Friedrich leg.; vac; CNBL. GoogleMaps – WYOMING – Albany Co. • dirt farm , 8 mi. SE Laramie: 1 ♀; 15 Jun. 1974; VJ Tepedino leg.; net, Cryptantha flavoculata ; UMSP GoogleMaps Laramie : 1 ♀; 21 Jun. 1934; BC and VD Christenson leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Platte Co. • Glendo : 2 ♀♀; 29 Jun. 1930; G Fairchild leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps – Weston Co. • Clifton : 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 15 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps .


Agapostemon subtilior has historically been treated as a synonym of A. texanus , and the bulk of what was previously considered A. texanus in the US is now referable to A. subtilior . Agapostemon subtilior was originally described by Cockerell (1898), who correctly determined it was distinct (though he appears to have been comparing it to what is now A. angelicus rather than A. texanus s. s.). However, A. subtilior was synonymized under A. texanus by Sandhouse (1936), and this was followed by subsequent revisers, including Mitchell (1960) and Roberts (1972). Cockerell (1910b), in his brief description of the male, appears to have appropriately associated the sexes, as he mentions the more delicately sculptured metathorax, smaller size, and reduced black marks on the legs.

Some of the extreme variation in coloration and sculpture mentioned by Roberts (1972) was due to his lumping of A. subtilior and A. texanus , though A. subtilior is still a variable species, displaying a relatively broad range of variation in density and shininess of the scutum and the degree of sculpturing of the propodeum. The propodeum in particular is quite variable, and the presence or absence of an inner triangle, which has been given much weight by many previous authors, is too variable to be a reliably useful character for identification. The metallic coloration of the integument (green, blue, or goldengreen) has also been given weight by some workers, but we have found this character to be extremely variable and unreliable as well. We have not been able to examine the type of Agapostemon angelicus idahoensis , but the horizontal ridges on the propodeum described by Michener (1937) is a condition seen occasionally in A. subtilior females.

There is a mildly unsettling amount of variation in the A. subtilior that extend down into southern California (at one point considered a separate species, A. californicus ). Many of these specimens have the propodeal triangle more rugose, as well as having the scutum more densely punctured, to the point where they are hardly doubly-punctate. However, examination of the genitalia of specimens throughout southern California and the Channel Islands reveal no differences between A. subtilior from there and other parts of its range. In addition, though the California females of A. subtilior tend to have the scutum more densely sculptured and the propodeum more coarsely sculptured, there is a fair amount of variation, and the degree of variation is such that many are indistinguishable from specimens of A. subtilior from the midwestern and eastern United States. Therefore, we are considering A. californicus a synonym of A. subtilior .

The type of A. californicus (which we consider a junior synonym of A. subtilior ) has garnered some confusion and was previously considered lost ( Moure & Hurd 1987). This species was described by Crawford (1901) based on multiple specimens from disparate locations in California and Idaho. The females lack the doubly punctate scutum and belong to the species A. femoratus ( Roberts 1972) . Sandhouse (1936) synonymized the male sex with A. texanus s. lat. and did not mention the females. Sandhouse (1936) referenced a lectotype of A. californicus designated by Crawford in the Smithsonian, but according to Moure & Hurd (1987) one was never properly designated by Crawford, and we also have not located any published designation by Crawford. Instead, Cockerell (1927) properly designated the male from Pacific Grove, California as the lectotype, and we have located that specimen in the University of Nebraska State Museum (UNSMe12747) even though Moure & Hurd (1987) had considered the lectotype to be lost. Roberts (1972) incorrectly referenced a female lectotype in the Smithsonian and it is unclear what he was referring to. There is a male specimen deposited in the Smithsonian (USNM ENT00536739), which appears to be the specimen Sandhouse (1936) treated as the lectotype (and presumably the specimen Roberts (1972) considered the type and incorrectly noted the sex); however this, specimen is a paralectotype.

The A. subtilior occurring in the Channel Islands of California deserve special mention. Cockerell (1939b) described two subspecies from the Islands, A. californicus clementinus from San Clemente Island (also occurring in Santa Barbara Island), and A. californicus psammobius from San Miguel Island. Cockerell (1939b) considered the other islands to have forms that matched the mainland species, which was then considered A. californicus . Of particular note, Cockerell (1939b) discussed differences in their genitalia. At this point, ZP has examined approximately 600 specimens of A. subtilior from the Channel Islands, including males and females from San Clemente Island, Santa Rosa Island, Santa Cruz Island, and two females from San Miguel Island. Dissection and examination of the male genitalia from various islands revealed no differences with the mainland form. The San Clemente specimens are bluer and somewhat larger, but dissection of the genitalia of two males from the island revealed no differences from typical A. subtilior , and there were no other morphological differences found in other important characters such as the sculpturing of the body and shape and size of the hind leg segments. As a result, we consider all forms from the Channel Islands to be synonyms of A. subtilior . However, additional data, such as genetic data, may require that this question be revisited in the future.


The nesting biology of A. subtilior has not been investigated, though it is a solitary ground-nester. The species is polylectic.


Agapostemon subtilior is a widespread species that ranges from coast to coast across the northern and central US, and it extends down further south in the western US, especially in California, where we have confirmed it as far south as the border of Mexico. The distribution is surprisingly similar to that of Bombus fervidus (Fabricius, 1798) s. lat. (i.e., B. fervidus + B. californicus Smith, 1854 ). Agapostemon subtilior extends further south in the eastern US along the Appalachian Mountains ( Roberts 1972), but we have not had the opportunity to examine those specimens (recent records from further southeast, such as Florida, all appear to be georeferencing errors or misidentifications). We have confirmed specimens from: CA, CO, CT, IA, IL, IN, MA, MI, MN, MT, ND, NH, NM, NY, OH, OR, RI, SD, UT, WA, WI and WY. Agapostemon subtilior appears to be a common species throughout most of its range.


USA, Minnesota, St. Paul, University of Minnesota


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


Marc A. A. Pollet






USA, Montana, Bozeman, Montana State University




University of Minnesota Insect Collection


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Montana State Entomology Collection














Agapostemon (Agapostemon) subtilior Cockerell, 1898

Portman, Zachary M., Arduser, Mike, Powley, Mary E. & Cariveau, Daniel P. 2024

Agapostemon texanus californicus

Michener C. D. 1951: 1124

Agapostemon texanus clementinus

Michener C. D. 1951: 1124

Agapostemon texanus psammobius

Michener C. D. 1951: 1124

Agapostemon texanus texanus

Mitchell T. B. 1960: 454
Michener C. D. 1951: 1124

Agapostemon texanus vandykei

Michener C. D. 1951: 1124

Agapostemon californicus clementinus

Cockerell T. D. 1939: 431

Agapostemon californicus clementinus

Cockerell T. D. A. 1939: 138

Agapostemon californicus psammobius

Cockerell T. D. A. 1939: 138

Agapostemon californicus psammobius

Cockerell T. D. A. 1937: 150

Agapostemon borealis

Cockerell T. D. A. 1927: 157

Agapostemon californicus

Michener C. D. 1937: 314
Cockerell T. D. A. 1927: 158

Agapostemon vandykei

Cockerell T. D. A. 1927: 155

Agapostemon texanus vandykei

Cockerell T. D. A. 1925: 191

Agapostemon subtilior

Vachal J. 1903: 95

Agapostemon borealis

Crawford J. C. 1901: 160

Agpostemon californicus

Crawford J. C. 1901: 164

Agapostemon texanus subtilior

Graenicher S. 1911: 234
Cockerell T. D. A. 1910: 244
Crawford J. C. 1901: 160

Agapostemon subtilior

Cockerell T. D. A. 1898: 27

Agapostemon texanus

Portman Z. M. & Arduser M. & Lane I. G. & Cariveau D. P. 2022: 117
Moure J. S. & Hurd P. D. 1987: 190
Hurd P. D. 1979: 1953
Roberts R. B. 1973: 10
Roberts R. B. 1972: 533
Sandhouse G. A. 1936: 86
Crawford J. C. 1901: 160
Robertson C. 1897: 328
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