Afrostylopyga angolensis, N. & Anisyutkin, 2014

Anisyutkin, L. N., 2014, New and little known Blattidae (Dictyoptera) from the collection of the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève, Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 33-50 : 35-38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.10115004

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scientific name

Afrostylopyga angolensis

sp. nov.

Afrostylopyga angolensis View in CoL sp. nov. Figs 1-21, 26-29

MATERIAL: Ƌ holotype; Angola , “Plan Alto Lobito VII ”, “ Angola Miss. se. Suisse 1928-29”. – 1 larva paratype; Angola , “Lobito pl. VIII”, “ Angola Miss. se. Suisse 1928-29”.

DESCRIPTION OF MALE: Vertex of head, thoracal tergites, abdomen and most of legs dark reddish brown; eyes black; facial part of head yellow, with large brown macula at middle and with brownish labrum and apices of mandibulae, vertex striate (Fig. 1); antennae brown; mouthparts yellow, but two apical segments of maxillary palps and apical segment of labial palps brownish; most of coxae yellow; fore legs comparatively lighter, reddish. Surfaces smooth and lustrous; facial part of head, pronotum and, to a lesser degree, meso- and metanotum with weak punctation; facial part of head with wrinkles (Fig. 1). Head rounded, slightly longer than wide (Fig. 1); eyes comparatively small; ocellar spots small; distance between eyes 1.5 times eye length; distance between antennal sockets 2.9 times scape length; approximate length ratio of articles 3-5 of maxillary palps 1.1: 1: 1 (Fig. 2). Pronotum trapezoidal, with anterior margin nearly straight, lateral margin rounded and posterior margin weakly projected caudally (Fig. 3), postero-lateral angles weakly projected caudally. Mesonotum with posterior margin very widely arcuate (Fig. 3). Metanotum with lateral margins widely rounded and posterior margin sinuate (Fig. 3). Tegmina reduced to lateral lobes; wings absent (Fig. 3). Pronotum, costal margin of tegmina along with outer margin, metanotum and abdominal tergites II-V marginated laterally (Figs 3, 9). Anterior margin of fore femur armed according to the type A (sensu Bey-Bienko, 1950; Roth, 2003), with 15-16 spines, including three apical ones. All tibiae not thickened distally, apical spines not reinforced (Fig. 4). Tibiae with three rows of spines on outside. Structure of hind tarsi (Figs 5-8): metatarsus about as long as other articles combined, with two rows of spines along lower margin [exterior row (Fig. 5, e.r.) consisting of 21-22, interior one (Fig. 5, i.r.) of 10-11 spines]; 2nd article with 1-2/1-2 spines in exterior/interior rows, respectively; other articles without spines along lower margin (Fig. 7); metatarsus and articles 2-4 with apical euplantulae and two additional spines bordering euplantulae (Figs 6, 7, a.s.); claws symmetrical, simple; arolium vestigial (Fig. 8). Abdominal tergites without visible glandular specializations; postero-lateral angles attenuate caudally; tergites VI and VII weakly sclerotized (Fig. 9); tergite VI with lateral margins directed upward, with caudal margin straight; tergite VII short, mostly hidden under tergite VI, with medial projection. Anal plate transverse, with triangular median incision in caudal margin; divided by membranous median strip (Fig. 20, m.s.) into two parts. Cerci fusiform and flat. Paraprocts membranous, without armament, with very small sclerites (Fig. 10, s.s.) at lateral margin and long thin transverse sclerites on upper side (Fig. 10, t.s.). Hypandrium as in Fig. 11, with caudal margin roundly projecting between styles; styli elongated, fusiform.

Genitalia (Figs 16-19, 21, 26-29): Left phallomere (Figs 26-29) with sclerite L4C (L2D, here and in the following the terminology according to Grandcolas, 1996 is given in parentheses) large, bent ventrally in cranial part with long outgrowth (Figs 27, 29, l.o.), occupying most of dorsal and part of outer sides of phallomere, with dorsal field of spinules (Fig. 26, spi., similar to those of D. erythrocephala, Fig. 24, spi., but smaller), without outgrowths or process, caudally rounded and membranous; sclerite L4D (L3v) small, convex (Figs 26-29); sclerite L3 (L3d) comparatively slender

FIGS 1-11

Afrostylopyga angolensis gen. et sp. nov. (1) Facial part of head. (2) Distal articles of maxillary palps. (3) Head and thorax, dorsal view. (4) Fore tibia seen from anterior. (5) Hind metatarsus, ventral view. (6) The same seen from outside. (7) Articles 2-4 of hind tarsus seen from outside. (8) Hind pretarsus. (9) Abdominal tergites V-VII, dorsal view. (10) Right half of anal plate, ventral view. (11) Hypandrium, ventral view. Dotted areas show dark colour (1) or membranous parts (4-7, 10, 11). Abbreviations: V, VI, VII = numbers of abdominal tergites; a.s. = additional spines; d.e. = dorsoventral length of eye; e.r. = exterior row of spines; i.o. = interocular distance on vertex; i.r. = interior row of spines; par. = paraproct; s.s. = small sclerite of paraproct; t.s. = transverse sclerite of paraproct. For details see text. Scale bars 1 mm.

FIGS 12-19

Afrostylopyga angolensis gen. et sp. nov., male genitalia structures. (12) Ventral phallomere, ventral view. (13) The same seen from outside. (14) Sclerites R1 H and R1 G of right phallomere, dorsal view. (15) The same, ventral view. (16) Sclerite R1 G seen from outside. (17) Upper part of sclerite R2 , ventral view. (18) Lower part of sclerite R2 and sclerite R3 , dorsal view. (19) Sclerite R3 seen from outside. Dotted areas show membranous parts. Abbreviations: a.s. = apical spine of sclerite R1 G; o. = outgrowth on outer side of sclerite R1 G; R2 , R3 , R1 G, R1 H = sclerites of right phallomere. For details see text. Scale bars 1 mm .

(Figs 27, 29); sclerite L4F vestigial (Figs 27-28); sclerite L2 (L2v) occupying ventral and lower half of inner sides of phallomere (Figs 28-29), terminating in sharp caudal process with two spines (Figs 27-28, c.p.L2), with membranous lobe above this process (Fig. 28, m.l.); large membranous lobe (Figs 26-28, l.m.l.) partly sclerotized at apex, with small thin sclerite (Fig. 28, t.s.) situated above L2 on inner side of phallomere. Ventral phallomere L4G (VP) as in Figs 12-13, slightly bent upward, membranous at margins. Right phallomere complex in shape; basal sclerite R2 rounded, dorsoventrally compressed, consisting of upper and lower parts (Figs 17-18, 21); cranial part of sclerite R1H transverse, caudal with forked apex, well sclerotized (Figs 14-15, 21); sclerite R1G comparatively short, with apical spine (Figs 15-16, a.s.) and outgrowth on outer side (Fig. 16, o.); sclerite R3 as in Figs 18-19.

MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Head length 8.8, head width 7.9; pronotum length

10.3, pronotum width 14.3; tegmen length 5.7, tegmen width 2.1.

DESCRIPTION OF LARVA: Similar to male, but smaller; body (thoracic and abdominal tergites) from above lighter, more reddish.

COMPARISON: As given for the genus.

NOTES: The presence of unequal rows of spines on the lower margins of the tarsi (Fig. 5) is unusual and similar to the spination in the genus Macrostylopyga described from South-East Asia ( Anisyutkin et al., 2013). This is due to convergence, because these genera are very distinct by the structure of their very complicated male genitalia.

The structure of the anal plate, which is divided into two parts by a longitudinal membranous strip (Fig. 20, m.s.), seems to be unique among cockroaches.













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