Actenomeros budawang, Winterton, Shaun L., 2011

Winterton, Shaun L., 2011, Review of the stiletto fly genus Actenomeros Winterton & Irwin (Diptera, Therevidae, Agapophytinae), ZooKeys 120, pp. 55-63 : 57-60

publication ID

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scientific name

Actenomeros budawang

sp. n.

Actenomeros budawang   ZBK sp. n. Figs 1-4, 5A-E, H

Type material.

Holotype male, AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: Budawang National Park, ca. 5km on Western Distributor Road, 250m asl, MV lamp & UV fit, [-35.334, 150.034], 22.ix.2004, A. Zwick (ANIC).

Paratypes. AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: female, same data as holotype (CAS); male, 2 km W Thirlmere Lakes National Park, 25.ix.1988, G.R. Brown, M.A.Terras [-34.228, 150.536] (ASCU); 4 males, Warrumbungle National Park, Wambelong Creek, [-31.323, 149.027], 21. i– 9.ii.2009, Malaise trap across creek, S.L. Winterton (CAS).


Setae along costal margin elongate, length approximately twice width of costal vein; scutum uniform grey pubescent; articulated gonocoxal process completely absent; process on gonocoxite straight, elongate, not horn-like; ventral lobe of gonocoxite relatively short, anvil shaped, female with two rows of dark postocular macrosetae.


Body length: 8.0-9.5 mm [male]; 10.0 mm [female]. Head: Frons gold pubescent, short dark setae present in female, male frons narrower than anterior ocellus and narrowest point; occiput grey pubescent, postocular ridge with 2-3 poorly defined rows of black setae in both sexes; gena grey pubescent, admixed with fine dark setae; parafacial grey pubescent, without setae; mouthparts pale orange; scape and pedicel yellow, combined length approximately equal to flagellum length, numerous strong, dark setae present except on medial surface (Fig. 5H); flagellum with 3 segments, yellow with dark suffusion dorsally and distally, without dark setae on basal flagellomere; style dark. Thorax: Scutum and scutellum grey pubescent with three irregular brown pubescent stripes, numerous fine dark setae scattered over surface, longer in male; pleuron and coxae grey pubescent; fine pale setae sparsely scattered over proepisternum, anepisternum, katepisternum, pteropleural callus and coxae; strong dark macrosetae on anterior surface of coxa; legs pale yellow, trochanters brown, tarsi darkened distally; halter dark yellow to brown; wing uniformly smoky infuscate, venation dark; setae along costal margin elongate, length approximately twice width of costal vein. Scutal chaetotaxy: np, 4-5; sa, 2 (rarely 3); pa, 1; dc, 3-5; sc, 1 (rarely 2). Abdomen: Abdomen glossy brown-black, male with extensive silver velutum on segments 1-7, reduced to posterior margins of tergites 2-6 in female; numerous fine, white setae on all segments, shorter in female; terminalia brown with black setae. Male Genitalia (Fig 5A-E): Epandrium elongate, sub-quadrangular, narrowed posteriorly, numerous strong, dark setae laterally; posterior margin of tergite 8 medially emarginate, posteriorly directed setae on posterolateral corners; hypandrium triangular, relatively small, fused to gonocoxites laterally; gonocoxite with strong dark setae over outer surface; ventral lobe dark sclerotized with ventral directed process apically; gonocoxal apodeme relatively short; posteriorly directly process of gonocoxite straight, narrowed apically; articulated gonocoxal process completely absent; gonostylus well developed with strong spinose processes laterally and dorsally, setae along lateral surface; distiphallus straight, ridged like dorsally; dorsal apodeme broadly T-shaped; minute spines on distiphallus and dorsal apodeme; lateral ejaculatory apodeme relatively small, narrow. Female genitalia: tergite 8 with narrow process on anterior margin; furca sclerotized in a narrow ring, spermathecal sac shape trilobate as in figure 5I, spermathecal duct arrangement paired, one spermathecal duct joining to each spermathecal sac duct.


This species is named after the type locality, Budawang National Park, in central-southern New South Wales.


Actenomeros budawang sp. n. is similar in appearance to Actenomeros paradoxa comb. n., suggesting a likely close relationship. The former can be distinguished by the greatly enlarged ventral lobe, lack of ‘horn’ -like gonocoxal process and complete absence of the articulated gonocoxal process. The scutal chaetotaxy is variable in this species Actenomeros budawang sp. n.













