Acanthopsis villosa H.M.Steyn, 2015

Steyn, Hester M. & Van Wyk, Abraham E., 2015, Taxonomic notes on the Acanthopsis disperma-hoffmannseggiana complex (Acanthaceae, tribe Acantheae), with an interim key to members of the genus, Phytotaxa 219 (1), pp. 1-26 : 14-16

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.219.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Acanthopsis villosa H.M.Steyn

sp. nov.

4. Acanthopsis villosa H.M.Steyn View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3D View FIGURE 3 , 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Acanthopsis villosa is easily distinguished from A. disperma in being a small, perennial subshrub (vs. an acaulescent herb) and from A. hoffmannseggiana in having inflorescences 9–12 mm in diameter (vs. (12–)15–18(–20) mm in diameter) and a densely villose indumentum on the leaves (vs. leaves with strigose to spreading indumentum, never densely villose).

Type: — SOUTH AFRICA. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District . Boesmanplaat, along a turn-off to the west of the road between Gamoep and Platbakkies, 908 m, (3018 AB), 16 August 2013, Koekemoer 4398 (holotype PRE0863486 About PRE -0!; isotype NBG!) .

Acanthus carduifolius Th. ss spica villosa E.Mey. , ms. [name written on specimen] sensu Drège 2433 ( P)

Perennial, compact subshrub, up to 70(–100) mm tall with reduced branching and very short internodes (<5 mm long). Leaves oblanceolate, 40–60(–70) × (5–) 7–10 mm; margin strongly undulate, dentate spinose to coarsely dentate spinose, spines fine to strong, 2–4 mm long, yellow; densely villose with long spreading hairs and short, spreading glandular hairs; base attenuate; subsessile or with petiole 2–5(–10) mm long. Inflorescences often attenuate to cuneate with a number of small, ovate to obovate sterile bracts at the base; 25–50(–70) mm long and 9–12 mm in diameter; basal portion of bracts overlapping, rarely exposing parts of the inflorescence axis. Bracts hemispherical to wedge-shaped, 20–22 mm long, base 7–9 mm long; middle and upper bracts ending in 5 primary spines; central primary spine usually compound, with (1)2 or often 3 pairs of marginal secondary spines; 2 lateral primary spines usually with 1 long secondary spine (marginal or basal) directed towards central primary spine and 1(–3) much shorter additional marginal secondary spine(s); secondary spines usually shorter, occasionally equal to primary spines; spines spreading in flower and slightly recurved in fruit; bract base densely villose with long, spreading to atrorse hairs as well as short, deflexed hairs and short glandular hairs; spines glabrescent to villose with short spreading hairs as well as isolated short glandular hairs. Bracteoles linear, 8–9 mm long; densely silky hairy. Calyx with dorsal sepal ovate, cuspidate, 13–14 mm long, densely silky hairy; ventral sepal ovate, 10–11 mm long; densely silky hairy; lateral sepals 8 mm long, densely silky hairy. Flowers purple with cream to white throat, 24–26 × 10–12 mm, tube 7–10 mm long; central lobe usually broader than long, constricted at base, emarginate. Stamens with orangy-brown anthers, 2 mm long; filaments 5–6 mm long, glandular with spreading hairs towards the base. Style with patch of glandular hairs at the base. Capsules ovate in face view, flattened, glabrous, shiny, 7 × 3 mm; 2-seeded. Seeds not seen.

Etymology: —The epithet refers to the densely villose (long, soft weak hairs) indumentum of the leaves and bracts.

Distribution, ecology and phenology: —Only known from a few localities on the plains or inselbergs in Bushmanland, east of the Kamiesberg range, Northern Cape, South Africa ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). This distribution falls in the Namaqualand Hardeveld and Bushmanland Bioregions ( Mucina & Rutherford 2006) in the transitional zone between winter- and summer-rainfall regions (falling predominantly in autumn) in very dry areas with the mean annual precipitation ranging between less than 100–160 mm. It is found in the Succulent Karoo ( Rutherford & Westfall 1994, Low &Rebelo 1996, Mucina & Rutherford 2006)and Nama-Karoo Biomes ( Rutherford & Westfall 1994, Low & Rebelo 1996). According to Mucina & Rutherford (2006) and Desmet (2013) the localities within the Bushmanland Bioregion falls within outliers of Succulent Karoo vegetation (Succulent Karoo Biome) within the prevailing Bushmanland Arid Grassland (Nama-Karoo Biome). Specimens were collected at elevations of 900–1070 m, in well-drained sandy soils derived from granite and quartzite. Flowering time: mainly August to October.

Notes: —Although Drège’s specimen (Drège 2433, in P) was included in the concept of Acanthodium carduifolium (L.f.) Nees in Candolle (1847:278), most herbarium specimens (which are now included in A. villosa ),were misidentified as A. disperma (probably because of the dense inflorescences with bracts ending in a compound central primary spine, but without long, viscid glandular hairs), in contrast to A. hoffmannseggiana which has long, viscid glandular hairs on the bracts.

Conservation status: — Acanthopsis villosa has a restricted distribution (Extent of Occurrence 7458 km ²), but is not threatened, and is therefore assessed as Least Concern ( IUCN 2001) (L. von Staden, pers. comm. 2015).

Additional specimens examined: — SOUTH AFRICA. Northern Cape: Little Bushmanland, Aggeneys, Natken farm. North-facing slope of western portion of Naip se Berg 1 km NW of Natken farm house, 1050 m, 29°21’34”S 18°17’04”E, (2918 AD), 6 October 1999, Desmet 2028 ( NBG!) GoogleMaps ; 20 km east of Springbok on road to Pofadder , (2918 CA), April 1970, Hugo 208 ( NBG!) ; Namaqualand District. West of Ratelkraal , (2918 CA), 7 September 1950, Maguire 330 ( NBG!) ; Namaqualand Dist. 25 miles east of Springbok at the farm Areb , (2918 CA), 6 August 1967, Rourke 804 ( NBG!) ; Bushmanland, Vaalputs, NECSA Site , (3018 AB), 2 August 2011, Van Rooyen 2790 ( PRE!, PRU!) ; Little Namaqualand, Alewyn’s Fontein , 950 m, (3018 BD), 22 December 1908, Pearson 3346 ( BOL!) ; Calvinia Div.; Braakfontein farm 33 mi. W [ N?] of Loeriesfontein , (3019 CB), 28 October 1963, Schlieben & Van Breda 9849 ( PRE!). Without precise locality: [Illegible] Kaus [Gebirge bei Goedemanskraal, Rustbank und Kookfontein, fide Drège (1843)], 3500 ft (III B), Drège 2433 ( P!), Marloth ex Meyer 6395 ( PRE!) .


South African National Biodiversity Institute


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


State Herbarium of South Australia


Chicago Academy of Sciences


South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)


University of Pretoria


University of Cape Town


Nanjing University


The CB Rhizobium Collection


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet

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