Janula bicornigera ( Simon, 1894a )

Rodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes, Rodrigues, Patrícia E. S., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Koh, Joseph K. H., 2022, An update on the phylogeny of Spintharinae with analysis based on morphological characters and taxonomy of Janula (Araneae, Theridiidae), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (3), pp. 749-787 : 781-783

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s13127-022-00547-x

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scientific name

Janula bicornigera ( Simon, 1894a )


Janula bicornigera ( Simon, 1894a) View in CoL ( Fig. 58 View Fig ).

Theridium bicorne Keyserling, 1891:193 , est. 7, figs. 140a-d, syntypes ♂, 4 ♀, Serra Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro View in CoL , Brazil, deposited in The Natural History Museum, London, examined by H. W. Levi.

Janulus bicornigera Simon, 1894a:517 , new name for Theridium bicorne Keyserling. According to Bonnet, 1956: 1483, preoccupied by T. bicorne Wider, 1834 , Linyphiidae View in CoL .

Episinus bicorniger ; Levi, 1964a: 20, figs. 55–57, ♂, ♀.

Episinus rio Levi, 1967b: 29 View in CoL , figs. 22–24, holotype female, Pico da Tijuca , Rio de Janeiro View in CoL , Brazil, 17.IV.1965, H. W. Levi leg., deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. New Synonymy.

Janula bicorniger ; Yoshida & Koh, 2011: 79.

Synonymy After an accurate examination of 393 males and 325 females from various locations in Rio de Janeiro View in CoL and São Paulo, we assume that Episinus rio Levi, 1967b View in CoL , described based on a female, is a junior synonym for Janula bicornigera View in CoL . In Janula bicornigera View in CoL females examined, in dorsal view, a subtle inclination of the epigynum corresponds to the figure presented by Levi (1967b, fig. 22) for Episinus rio View in CoL and in ventral view, the epigynum corresponds to that of Janula bicornigera View in CoL ( Levi, 1964a, fig. 56, as Episinus View in CoL ). Females have little variation in the width of the central area of the epigynum. All males examined are J. bicornigera View in CoL and have no variation in the structures of the palp.

Distribution Brazil (Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro , São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina).

Material examined and new records ( Fig. 58 View Fig ) BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Chapada dos Guimarães (15° 20′ 43″ S, 55° 53′ 50″ W), ♂, 15–26.VIII.1992, A. A. Lise & A. Braul Jr. leg. ( MCTP 13,007 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Minas Gerais: Santana do Riacho ( Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó , 19° 15′ S 43° 31′ W), 2 ♂, 16.VII.2001, E. S. S. Álvares & E. O. Machado leg. ( MCN 34,390 ) GoogleMaps ; Alto Caparaó ( Parque Nacional do Caparaó , 20° 26′ 5″ S, 41° 47′ 2″ W), 3 ♂, 5 ♀, 01–07. VII.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 79,650 –79,655) and 4 ♂, 4 ♀ ( MCN 40,134 –40,138) GoogleMaps . Espírito Santo: São Mateus ( Reserva Florestal da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce , 19° 6′ 54″ S, 39° 56′ 20″ W), 2 ♀, 21–25.VIII.1998, A. J. Santos et al. leg. ( MCN 31,154 ) GoogleMaps . Rio de Janeiro : Pinheiral ( Fazenda Santa Helena , 22° 34′ S, 44° 21′ W), 7 ♂, 11 ♀, 05–11.XI.1999 ( MCN 42,066 –42,070) GoogleMaps ; Campos dos Goytacazes (21° 45′ 14″ S, 41° 19′ 26″ W), ♀, 20.III.2002, M. Hoffmann leg. ( MCN 34,638 ) GoogleMaps ; Teresópolis (Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos , 22° 27′ S, 42° 59′ W), 6 ♂, 3 ♀, 18–22. VIII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,981 –78,988) and 5 ♂, 4 ♀ ( MCN 40,169 , 40,174 40,179 ) GoogleMaps ; Resende ( Parque Nacional de Itatiaia , 22° 28′ 08″ S, 44° 26′ 49″ W), 9 ♂, 6 ♀, 08–15.VI.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 38,988 –38,994) GoogleMaps ; Volta Redonda ( Floresta da Cicuta , 22° 31′ 23″ S, 44° 06′ 15″ W), 37 ♂, 7 ♀, 11–18.VI.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,923 View Materials 78,956 View Materials , 79,689 View Materials , 79,690 View Materials ) GoogleMaps and 34 ♂, 15 ♀ ( MCN 40,990 41,027 , 42,383 ) ; Petrópolis (22° 30′ 18″ S, 43° 10′ 44″ W), 6 ♂, 11 ♀, 12–14.XI.1999 ( IBSP 49,402 View Materials , 49,416 View Materials , 49,418 View Materials , 49,424 View Materials , 49,443 View Materials , 49,444 View Materials , 49,448 View Materials , 49,467 View Materials , 49,468 View Materials , 49,475 View Materials , 49,486 View Materials , 49,491 View Materials , 49,502 View Materials ) ( Fazenda Ranchinho da Roça , 22° 31′ S, 43° 11′ W) GoogleMaps , 34 ♂, 6 ♀, 08–15.II.2000, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 49,104 View Materials , 49,583 View Materials , 49,599 View Materials , 49,600 View Materials , 49,610 View Materials , 49,660 View Materials , 49,663 View Materials , 49,684 View Materials , 49,698 View Materials , 49,715 View Materials , 49,732 View Materials , 49,849 View Materials , 49,753 View Materials , 49,754 View Materials , 49,823 View Materials , 49,829 View Materials , 49,837 View Materials , 49,871 View Materials , 49,880 View Materials , 49,900 View Materials , 49,905 View Materials , 49,911 View Materials ) and 16 ♂, 25 ♀ ( MCN 40,956 –40,987) GoogleMaps ; Cachoeiras de Macacu ( Reserva Ecológica de Guapi-Assu , 22° 27′ 46″ S, 42° 39′ 10″ W), 9 ♂, 6 ♀, 08–12.XI.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,719 –85,730) and ♂, 7 ♀ ( MCN 40,655 –40,668) GoogleMaps ; Angra dos Reis ( Ilha Grande , Ponta do Aripeba , 23° 00′ 25″ S, 44° 19′ 04″ W), 4 ♂, 13–16.XI.1993, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 24,854 ) GoogleMaps . São Paulo: Miracatu ( Fazenda Iterei , 24° 03′ S — 47° 12′ W), 45 ♂, 29 ♀, 20–26.IX.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 73,279 – 73,327) and 21 ♂, 25 ♀ ( MCN 40,796 , 40,799 , 40,800 , 40,843 40,846 , 40,848 40,850 , 40,852 40,857 , 40,860 ) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo (Parque Estadual da Cantareira, 23° 24′ 05″ S, 46° 35′ 24″ W), 6 ♂, 7 ♀, R. P. da Rocha et al. leg. ( MCN 41,811 –41,817); (Parque Estadual da Cantareira, Cabuçu , 23° 24′ 05″ S, 46° 35′ 24″ W) GoogleMaps , 35 ♂, 9 ♀, 16–22.VII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 79,711 View Materials 70,728 View Materials , 85,044 View Materials 85,058 View Materials ); ( Parque Estadual do Jaraguá , 23° 27′ 34.3″ S, 46° 46′ 02.8″ W) GoogleMaps , ♂, 3 ♀, 14–19.X.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,900 –78,993) and ♂, ♀ ( MCN 41,989, 41,990) GoogleMaps ; Ubatuba ( Parque Estadual da Ilha Anchieta , 23° 32′ 22″ S, 45° 03′ 54″ W), 18 ♂, 23 ♀, 23–30.VII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 41,401 –41,412) GoogleMaps ; Guarulhos ( Parque Estadual da Cantareira , 23° 27′ 46″ S, 46° 31′ 58″ W), 8 ♂, 4 ♀, 16–22.VII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 41,450 –41,458) GoogleMaps ; Mogi das Cruzes ( Parque Natural Municipal da Serra do Itapety , 23° 29′ 07″ S, 46° 12′ 21″ W), 18 ♂, 7 ♀, 13–19.X.2003, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 79,691 –79,708) and 12 ♂, 8 ♀ ( MCN 41,028 – 41,038) GoogleMaps ; Ilhabela ( Parque Estadual de Ilhabela , 23° 48′ 54″ S, 45° 22′ 14″ W), 58 ♂, 35 ♀, 09–15.X.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,994 View Materials 79,022 View Materials , 79,629 View Materials 79,649 View Materials ) GoogleMaps and 33 ♂, 31 ♀ ( MCN 40,927 40,940 , 40,944 40,952 , 40,954 , 40,955 ) ; Iporanga ( Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira , 24° 35′ 09″ S 48° 35′ 34″ W), 27 ♂, 19 ♀, 08–15.XI.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 79,656 –79,688) and 13 ♂, 8 ♀ ( MCN) GoogleMaps ; Peruíbe ( Estação Ecológica Juréia Itatins , 24° 19′ 12″ S, 46° 59′ 52″ W), 29 ♂, 41 ♀, 17–21.III.1997, A. D. Brescovit et al. leg. ( IBSP 9707 View Materials , 9769 View Materials , 9844 View Materials , 9868 View Materials , 22,154 View Materials , 22,193 View Materials , 22,204 View Materials , 22,164 View Materials , 22,215 View Materials , 22,282 View Materials , 22,294 View Materials , 22,300 View Materials , 22,404 View Materials , 22,460 View Materials , 22,469 View Materials , 22,490 View Materials , 22,534 View Materials , 22,544 View Materials , 22,555 View Materials , 22,573 View Materials , 22,620 View Materials , 22,634 View Materials , 22,641 View Materials , 22,652 View Materials , 22,668 View Materials , 22,703 View Materials , 22,753 View Materials , 22,770 View Materials , 22,788 View Materials , 22,813 View Materials , 22,838 View Materials , 22,845 View Materials , 22,863 View Materials , 22,891 View Materials , 22,904 View Materials , 22,950 View Materials , 22,961 View Materials , 22,984 View Materials , 23,004 View Materials , 23,036 View Materials ) GoogleMaps and 13♂, 11♀ ( MCN 42,697 42,702 , 42,705 , 42,782 42,785 ) and 33 ♂, 31 ♀, 26.IV.-03.V.1999, A. D. Brescovit et al. leg. ( IBSP 24,581 View Materials , 24,606 View Materials , 24,638 View Materials , 24,650 View Materials , 24,720 View Materials , 24,754 View Materials , 24,806 View Materials , 24,818 View Materials , 24,837 View Materials , 24,858 View Materials , 24,873 View Materials , 24,900 View Materials , 24,948 View Materials , 24,974 View Materials , 25,011 View Materials , 25,023 View Materials , 25,044 View Materials , 25,154 View Materials , 25,175 View Materials , 25,183 View Materials , 25,189 View Materials , 25,211 View Materials , 25,222 View Materials , 25,243 View Materials , 25,256 View Materials , 25,279 View Materials , 25,298 View Materials , 25,263 View Materials , 25,304 View Materials , 25,309 View Materials , 25,339 View Materials , 25,355 View Materials , 25,362 View Materials , 25,364 View Materials , 25,407 View Materials , 25,415 View Materials , 25,424 View Materials , 25,425 View Materials , 25,456 View Materials , 25,478 View Materials , 25,495 View Materials , 25,508 View Materials , 25,533 View Materials , 25,598 View Materials , 25,550 View Materials , 25,618 View Materials , 25,816 View Materials ) ; Santa Rita do Passa Quatro ( Parque Estadual de Vassununga , 21° 42′ 36″ S, 47° 28′ 40″ W), ♂, ♀, 19–24.III.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,957, 78,958) GoogleMaps ; Ubatuba ( Praia do Lázaro , 23° 26′ 02″ S 45° 04′ 15″ W), ♀, 18.II.1988, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 17,421 ) GoogleMaps . Paraná: Foz do Iguaçu ( Parque Nacional da Foz do Iguaçu , 25° 22′ 24″ S, 54° 02′ 33″ W) ♀, 20–26. IX.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 40,865 ) GoogleMaps ; Morretes ( Serra da Graciosa , 25° 28′ S, 48° 51′ W), ♂, 09–20.I.1995, Equipe MCTP leg. ( MCTP 6938 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Santa Catarina: Ilhota ( Morro do Baú , 26° 54′ S, 48° 49′ 37″ W), ♀, 04.II.1996, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 27,291 ) GoogleMaps ; ♂, 13.V.1996, C. N. Duckett leg. ( MCN 27,578 ) GoogleMaps .

Janula nebulosa ( Simon, 1895) (Figs. 35, 36, 37, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58).

Janulus nebulosus Simon, 1895: 135 , holotype ♀, Serra do Communaty, Pernambuco, Brazil, deposited in Muséum National d´ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, examined by Levi, 1964a.

Janulus germaini Simon, 1895: 136 , holotype ♀, Paraguay, deposited in Muséum National d´ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, examined and synonymized by H. W. Levi, 1964a: 21, in Episinus View in CoL .

Episinus nebulosus ; Levi, 1964a: 21, figs. 64–68, ♀.

Episinus erythrophthalmus ; Levi, 1964a, partim, fig. 92, ♂ from Panama.

Janula nebulosa View in CoL ; Yoshida & Koh, 2011: 79.

Note Males and females were collected together in different locations in Brazil. The epigynum examined of the females corresponds to the figures of Levi (1964a: figs. 64–66). Mello-Leitão (1943: 167) recorded Janula nebulosa View in CoL (as Janulus nebulosus ) for Rio Grande View in CoL do Sul, based on a female, collected by Pe. B. Rambo. We examined the female and it is J. lutzenbergeri View in CoL sp. nov. Here we present new illustrations of male (Figs. 35, 51, 52, 53, 54) and female (Figs. 36, 37, 55) of Janula nebulosa View in CoL .

Distribution Panama, Bolivia, Brazil (Pará, Pernambuco, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro , São Paulo, Paraná) and Paraguay.

Material examined and new records ( Fig. 58 View Fig ) BRAZIL. Pará: Santarém ( Alter do Chão , 02° 26′ 34″ S, 54° 42′ 28″ W), ♂, ♀, 26.I.1994, H. Höfer leg. ( MCN 25,296 ) GoogleMaps . Pernambuco: Recife ( Horto Dois Irmãos , 08° 03′ 14″ S, 34° 52′ 51″ W), ♂, ♀, 30.V.-02.VI.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 49,123, 49,124) GoogleMaps . Tocantins: Araguaçu ( Fazenda Praia Alta , 12° 55′ 51″ S, 49° 49′ 33″ W), ♂, ♀, 5–13.VII.1997, L. S. Rocha leg. ( IBSP 11,992, 11,999) GoogleMaps ; Palmas (Serra do Lageado, Fazenda Ceo , 10° 11′ 04″ S, 48° 20′ 01″ W), ♂, 3 ♀, 16.XI.1992, L. A. Moura & E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 22,672, 31,370); (Chácara São Joaquim, 10° 11′ 04″ S, 48° 20′ 01″ W) GoogleMaps , ♂, 15.XI.1992, M. H. Galileo ( MCN 22,569 ) . Mato Grosso: Poconé (16° 15′ 25″ S, 56° 37′ 22″ W), 2 ♀, 03.VIII.1992, A. A. Lise ( MCTP 2610 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Chapada dos Guimarães (15° 20′ 43″ S, 55° 53′ 50″ W), 19 ♂, 18 ♀, 15–26.VII.1992, A. A. Lise & A. Braul Jr. ( MCTP 2148 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá ( Passo do Lontra , 19° 00′ 32″ S, 57° 39′ 10″ W), 10 ♂, 6 ♀, IV.1998, J. Raiser et al. leg. ( IBSP 21,523 View Materials , 21,594 View Materials , 21,632 View Materials , 21,661 View Materials , 21,672 View Materials , 21,698 View Materials , 21,722 View Materials , 21,750 View Materials , 21,763 View Materials , 21,853 View Materials , 21,883 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Bonito (21° 07′ 15″ S, 56° 28′ 55″ W), 20 ♂, 16 ♀, 14–23.X.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 7859 View Materials 78,976 View Materials ) GoogleMaps and 16 ♂, 17 ♀ ( MCN 40,911 –40,926) GoogleMaps . Goiás: Catalão (18° 02′ 39″ S, 48° 00′ 36″ W), 10–16.II.2003, J. P. Guadanucci & F. S. Cunha leg. ( IBSP 85,731 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , ♀, 10–16.II.2003, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,732 View Materials ) . Minas Gerais: Taiobeiras (15° 48′ 28″ S, 42° 13′ 58″ W), ♂, ♀, 08–17.IV.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( MCN 40,612 ) GoogleMaps ; Santana do Riacho ( Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó , 19° 15′ 08″ S, 43° 31′ 50″ W), ♂, 16.VII.2001, E. S. S. Álvares & E. O. Machado leg. ( MCN 34,192 ) GoogleMaps ; Belo Horizonte ( Estação Ecológica da UFMG, 19° 52′ S, 43° 58′ W), ♂, 5 ♀, XII.2000, C. S. Azevedo leg. ( MCN 34,130 ) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, ♀, II.2001, C. S. Azevedo leg. ( MCN 34,133 ) GoogleMaps ; ♂, 2 ♀, V.2001, E. O. Machado leg. ( MCN 34,135 ) ; 2 ♂, XII.2000, E. O. Machado leg. ( MCN 34,148, 34,169) GoogleMaps ; ♂, III.2001, E. S. S. Álvares leg. ( MCN 34,175 ) ; Juatuba ( Área de Preservação da COPASA, 20° 10′ S, 44° 21′ W), 3 ♂, ♀, 18–24.IV.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,732 –85,735) and 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( MCN 42,201 –42,204) GoogleMaps . Espírito Santo: São Mateus ( Reserva Florestal da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce , 19° 6′ 54″ S, 39° 56′ 20″ W), ♀, 6–10.I.1998, A. J. Santos et al. leg. ( MCN 32,395 ) GoogleMaps ; Conceição da Barra ( Parque Estadual de Itaúnas , 18° 25′ S, 39° 42′ W), ♂, 3 ♀, 15.XII.2002 – 06.III.2003, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,068 – 85,071) GoogleMaps . Rio de Janeiro : Paraíba do Sul ( Fazenda Maravilha , 22° 09′ 43″ S, 43° 17′ 34″ W) 7 ♀, 16–18.VIII.2001, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 78,977 –78,980) and 2 ♀ ( MCN 43,344 ) GoogleMaps . São Paulo: Luiz Antonio ( Estação Ecológica Jataí , 21° 33′ 18″ S 47° 42′ 14″ W), ♀, 02.V.2000, B. P. Mendes leg. ( UBTU) GoogleMaps ; 4 ♂, 31.X.2000, B. P. Mendes leg. ( UBTU) GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂, ♀, 31.X.2000, B. P. Mendes leg. ( MCN 34,350 ) ; Teodoro Sampaio ( Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo , 22° 31′ S, 52° 18′ W), 6 ♂, 6 ♀, 24–31.III.2003, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,736 –85,744) and 4 ♂, 3 ♀ ( MCN 39,047 –39,051) GoogleMaps ; Assis ( Estação Ecológica de Assis , 22° 34′ S, 50° 24′ W), 7 ♂, 6 ♀, 25–30.XI.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,129 – 85,138) and ♂, 5 ♀ ( MCN 41,348 –41,355) GoogleMaps ; Santa Rita do Passa Quatro ( Parque Estadual de Vassununga , 21° 42′ 36″ S, 47° 28′ 40″ W), 14 ♂, 17 ♀, 19–24.III.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,139 View Materials 85,143 View Materials , 85,707 View Materials 85,718 View Materials ) GoogleMaps and 14 ♂, 14 ♀ ( MCN 40,875 40,880 , 40,901 40,908 ) ; Pirassununga (21° 59′ 45″ S, 47° 25′ 33″ W), ♂, 01.XI.2000, B. P. Mendes ( UBTU) GoogleMaps ; Botucatu (22° 53′ 09″ S, 48° 26′ 42″ W), ♀, 01.IX.1986, I. M. P. Rinaldi & L. C. Forti ( UBTU) GoogleMaps ; ♂, 06.I.1987 ( UBTU) ; 3 ♂, ♀, 03.VIII.1987, I. M. P. Rinaldi & L. C. Forti leg. ( UBTU) ; 2 ♂, 01.XI.1987, I. M. P. Rinaldi & L. C. Forti ( UBTU); ( Fazenda Morrinhos , 22° 54′ S, 48° 28′ W) GoogleMaps , ♀, 13.III.1999, I. M. P. Rinaldi & P. D. Martins leg. ( UBTU) . Paraná: Foz do Iguaçu ( Parque Nacional de Foz do Iguaçu , 25° 22′ 24″ S, 54° 02′ 33″ W), 13 ♂, 2 ♀, 12.III.2002, Equipe Biota leg. ( IBSP 85,075 –85,086) and 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( MCN 40,821 , 41,822 , 41,828 ) GoogleMaps ; Santa Helena ( Refúgio Biológico de Santa Helena, 24° 51′ 36″ S, 54° 19′ 58″ W), 2 ♂, 12–16.XI.1991, A. B. Bonaldo ( MCN 21,847 ) GoogleMaps . BOLIVIA. Beni: (Estación Biológica del Beni, El Trapiche , 13° 18′ 01″ S, 65° 13′ 60″ W), ♂, ♀, 27–29.VII.1993, A. D. Brescovit leg. ( MCN 34,391 ) GoogleMaps .


Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo














Janula bicornigera ( Simon, 1894a )

Rodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes, Rodrigues, Patrícia E. S., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Koh, Joseph K. H. 2022

Janula bicorniger

Yoshida, H. & Koh, J. K. H. 2011: 79

Janula nebulosa

Yoshida, H. & Koh, J. K. H. 2011: 79

Episinus rio

Levi, H. W. 1967: 29

Episinus bicorniger

Levi, H. W. 1964: 20

Episinus nebulosus

Levi, H. W. 1964: 21

Janulus nebulosus

Simon, E. 1895: 135

Janulus germaini

Levi, H. W. 1964: 21
Simon, E. 1895: 136

Janulus bicornigera

Bonnet, P. 1956: 1483
Simon, E. 1894: 517

Theridium bicorne Keyserling, 1891:193

Keyserling, E. 1891: 193
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