31.594, 36.729: 10 Treatments

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Alburnus escherichii     Bayçelebi, Esra, Turan, Davut, Kaya, Cüneyt & Freyhof, Jörg, 2020, Alburnus nasreddini, a synonym of A. escherichii (Teleostei: Leuciscidae), Zootaxa 4894 (1), pp. 123-132 : 129-131 129-131
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Sepedophilus immaculatus     Schülke, M., 2011, Zur Identität von Sepedophilus immaculatus STEPHENS (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 43 (2), pp. 1609-1615 : 1610-1611 1610-1611
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Barantolla cryptogenica   sp. nov.  Çinar, Melih Ertan, Dağli, Ertan & Erdoğan-Dereli, Deniz, 2022, The diversity of polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta) in a longterm pollution monitoring study from the Levantine coast of Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean), with the descriptions of four species new to science and two species new to the Mediterranean fauna, Journal of Natural History 56 (33 - 36), pp. 1383-1426 : 1413-1419 1413-1419
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