130.89015, 31.86888: 10 Treatments

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Solenysa reflexilis     Ballarin, Francesco, Liao, Hauchuan, Touyama, Zento & Eguchi, Katsuyuki, 2025, Review of the spider genus Solenysa Simon, 1894 in Western Japan and Central Ryukyu with the description of three new species (Araneae, Linyphiidae), ZooKeys 1232, pp. 97-130 : 97-130 97-130
Scolopocryptops miyosii   sp. nov.  Jonishi, Taro & Nakano, Takafumi, 2023, Two new species of Scolopocryptops centipedes from southern Japan (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopocryptopidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 908, pp. 155-182 : 163-168 163-168
Trichosia (Trichosia) edwardsi     Sutou, Mitsuaki & Menzel, Frank, 2025, The genera Mouffetina Frey and Trichosia Winnertz (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Japan with a key for the Japanese species and an updated world checklist, Contributions to Entomology 75 (1), pp. 167-182 : 167-182 167-182
Trichosia (Baeosciara) scotica     Sutou, Mitsuaki & Menzel, Frank, 2025, The genera Mouffetina Frey and Trichosia Winnertz (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Japan with a key for the Japanese species and an updated world checklist, Contributions to Entomology 75 (1), pp. 167-182 : 167-182 167-182
Kliecope mihoensis   sp. nov.  Tanaka, Hayato, Tsukagoshi, Akira & Karanovic, Ivana, 2014, Molecular phylogeny of interstitial Polycopidae ostracods (Crustacea) and descriptions of a new genus and four new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172 (2), pp. 282-317 : 286-292 286-292
Cafius algarum     Lee, Jae-Seok, Yoo, In-Seong & Ahn, Kee-Jeong, 2021, A Taxonomic Review of Coastal Cafius algarum (Sharp) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with Two New Synonyms and Discussion of Its Distributional Extension, The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (4), pp. 835-844 : 838-843 838-843
Periclimenes thermohydrophilus     Martin, Joel W. & Haney, Todd A., 2005, Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145 (4), pp. 445-522 : 475 475
Babakintaromyia albitarsis   sp. nov.  Saigusa, Toyohei, 2024, A remarkable new genus of Sciomyzoidea from Japan, with discussion of its taxonomic position (Diptera, Acalyptratae), Zootaxa 5519 (4), pp. 549-560 : 550-555 550-555
Tetracondylidae     Nakamura, K., Nakamura, Y. - N. & Fujikawa, T., 2014, Oribatid Fauna (Acari, Oribatida) From A Cave In South Nippon (Japan), With A Description Of A New Species, Acarologia 54 (3), pp. 249-269 : 266-267 266-267
Cricotopus cataractaenostocicola   sp. nov.  Tachibana, Satoru, 2022, A new species, Cricotopus cataractaenostocicola, living in a cyanobacterial colony on vertical rocky substrates with trickling water film in Japan (Diptera: Chironomidae), Zootaxa 5178 (3), pp. 241-255 : 246-249 246-249