Caenobates lundbladi
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 498
498 |
Groonabates stanopus
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 506
506 |
Australiobates mutatus
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 485-487
485-487 |
Gondwanodromia tasmanica
sp. nov.
Sinclair, Bradley J. & Saigusa, Toyohei, 2022, A New Aquatic Associated Genus of Trichopezinae from the Southern Hemisphere (Diptera: Empidoidea: Brachystomatidae), Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 74 (3), pp. 75-98
: 89-91
89-91 |
Australiobates tasmanicus
sp. nov.
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 496
496 |
Kallimobates australicus
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 506-507
506-507 |
Paredrodesmus bicalcar
sp. nov.
Mesibov, Robert, 2003, Two new and unusual genera of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) from Tasmania, Australia, Zootaxa 368, pp. 1-32
: 14-15
14-15 |
Anaspides swaini
Ahyong, Shane T., 2016, The Tasmanian Mountain Shrimps, Anaspides Thomson, 1894 (Crustacea, Syncarida, Anaspididae), Records of the Australian Museum 68 (7), pp. 313-364
: 352-361
352-361 |
Anaspides richardsoni
sp. nov.
Ahyong, Shane T., 2016, The Tasmanian Mountain Shrimps, Anaspides Thomson, 1894 (Crustacea, Syncarida, Anaspididae), Records of the Australian Museum 68 (7), pp. 313-364
: 336-346
336-346 |
Gallaba constellata
sp. nov.
MCQUILLAN, PETER B., CHEN, JINGYI & FOUNTAIN-JONES, NICHOLAS M., 2024, Two remarkable new species of the Australian moth genus Gallaba Walker (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae, Notodontinae) from the highlands of Tasmania, Zootaxa 5543 (3), pp. 368-382
: 372-375
372-375 |