146.8543, -36.81675: 10 Treatments

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Kallimobates australicus     Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521 : 506-507 506-507
Australiobates mutatus     Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521 : 485-487 485-487
Gondwanabates vietsi     Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521 : 500 500
Gondwanabates hopkinsi     Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521 : 500 500
Riethia azeylandica   sp. nov.  Cranston, Peter S., 2019, Riethia (Kieffer 1917) (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised for the Austro-Pacific region, Zootaxa 4646 (3), pp. 461-500 : 465-467 465-467
Nilotanypus ctenochelus   sp. nov.  Cranston, Peter S., Krosch, Matt N. & Tang, Hongqu, 2022, Verifying Australian Nilotanypus Kieffer (Chironomidae) In A Global Perspective: Molecular Phylogenetic And Temporal Analyses, New Species And Emended Generic Diagnoses, CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 35, pp. 12-31 : 22-25 22-25
Galaxias arcanus   sp. nov.  Raadik, Tarmo A., 2014, Fifteen from one: a revision of the Galaxias olidus Günther, 1866 complex (Teleostei, Galaxiidae) in south-eastern Australia recognises three previously described taxa and describes 12 new species, Zootaxa 3898 (1), pp. 1-198 : 37-48 37-48
Galaxias olidus     Raadik, Tarmo A., 2014, Fifteen from one: a revision of the Galaxias olidus Günther, 1866 complex (Teleostei, Galaxiidae) in south-eastern Australia recognises three previously described taxa and describes 12 new species, Zootaxa 3898 (1), pp. 1-198 : 92-111 92-111
Tasmosalpingus magnus   sp. nov.  Liu, Zhenhua, Porch, Nicholas & Ślipiński, Adam, 2023, Review of the Australian endemic genus Tasmosalpingus Lea, 1919 (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea, Tasmosalpingidae), Zootaxa 5301 (2), pp. 292-300 : 297-298 297-298
Austrocnephia aurantiaca     Craig, Douglas A., Currie, Douglas C., Gil-Azevedo, Leonardo H. & Moulton, John K., 2019, Austrocnephia, new genus, for five species of ‘ Paracnephia’ (Diptera: Simuliidae), with a key to Australian black fly genera, Zootaxa 4627 (1), pp. 1-92 : 8-27 8-27