Australiobates linderi
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 485
485 |
Rhynchaustrobates (Rhynchaustrobates) truusae
Smit, Harry & Pešić, Vladimir, 2025, New records of hygrobatid water mites from SE Australia (Acari: Hydrachnidia Hygrobatidae) with the description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5566 (3), pp. 481-521
: 518-519
518-519 |
Psilota tristis
Young, Andrew D., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Steenis, Wouter Van, 2020, Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 4737 (1), pp. 1-127
: 79-87
79-87 |
Riethia azeylandica
sp. nov.
Cranston, Peter S., 2019, Riethia (Kieffer 1917) (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised for the Austro-Pacific region, Zootaxa 4646 (3), pp. 461-500
: 465-467
465-467 |
Riethia cinctipes
Cranston, Peter S., 2019, Riethia (Kieffer 1917) (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised for the Austro-Pacific region, Zootaxa 4646 (3), pp. 461-500
: 467-469
467-469 |
Riethia stictoptera
Cranston, Peter S., 2019, Riethia (Kieffer 1917) (Diptera: Chironomidae) revised for the Austro-Pacific region, Zootaxa 4646 (3), pp. 461-500
: 486-488
486-488 |
Paraborniella tonnoiri
Cranston, Peter S., 2020, Life histories of Paucispinigera Freeman, Paraborniella Freeman and Paratendipes Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) with phylogenetic considerations, Zootaxa 4853 (4), pp. 527-547
: 535-539
535-539 |
Daviesia leptophylla
Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Daviesia mimosoides subsp. mimosoides
Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Clinopsalta autumna
sp. nov.
Popple, Lindsay W. & Emery, David L., 2017, Two New Species of Clinopsalta Moulds (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) and Additional Distribution Records for Clinopsalta adelaida (Ashton), with Notes on their Distinctive Calling Songs, Records of the Australian Museum 69 (4), pp. 237-256
: 238-243
238-243 |