Krakatuaia recta
Grootaert, Patrick, Sim, & Pearlynn, 2024, Krakatauia recta (Wiedemann, 1830) in coastal habitats in Singapore with a re-description and notes on its Oriental and Australasian distribution, and the description of a new related Krakatauia species from the Philippines (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 72, pp. 364-370
: 365-369
365-369 |
Cirolana siamensis
Bruce, Niel L., 2017, Review of the species of the Cirolana ‘ parva - group’ (Cirolanidae: Isopoda: Crustacea) in Indonesian and Singaporean waters, Zootaxa 4317 (3), pp. 401-435
: 414
414 |
Metacirolana mioskon
sp. nov.
Sidabalok, Conni M. & Bruce, Niel L., 2018, Two new species and a new record of Metacirolana Kussakin, 1979 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from Indonesia, Zootaxa 4370 (5), pp. 519-534
: 527-532
527-532 |
Ensiger custoides
de Gier, Werner & Fransen, Charles H. J. M., 2023, Polka-dotted treasures: Revising a clade of ascidian- and bivalve-associated shrimps (Caridea: Palaemonidae), Contributions to Zoology 92 (3), pp. 179-282
: 220-223
220-223 |
Palaemonella rubrolineata
sp. nov.
Fransen, Charles H. J. M., Veer, Eva Van Der & Frolová, Pavlína, 2022, A new species of scleractinian associated shrimp of the genus Palaemonella (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) with a redescription of Palaemonella orientalis Dana, 1852, Zootaxa 5214 (4), pp. 557-580
: 558-568
558-568 |
Hydriastele procera
Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J., 2018, A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia, Phytotaxa 370 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Paranotodelphys stenosa
sp. nov.
Kim, Il-Hoi & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2020, Untold diversity: the astonishing species richness of the Notodelphyidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), a family of symbiotic copepods associated with ascidians (Tunicata), Megataxa 4 (1), pp. 1-6
: 61
61 |
Hyalopale sapphiriglancyorum
sp. nov.
Watson, Charlotte, Tilic, Ekin & Rouse, Greg W., 2019, Revision of Hyalopale (Chrysopetalidae; Phyllodocida; Annelida): an amphi-Atlantic Hyalopale bispinosa species complex and five new species from reefs of the Caribbean Sea and Indo-Pacific Oceans, Zootaxa 4671 (3), pp. 339-368
: 353-355
353-355 |
Opistognathus solorensis
Smith-Vaniz, William F., 2016, Opistognathus ensiferus, a new species of jawfish (Opistognathidae) from the Gulf of Mannar, India, with redescription of O. solorensis Bleeker, Zootaxa 4196 (2), pp. 278-288
: 283-287
283-287 |
Scolopendra subspinipes
Schileyko, Arkady A. & Stoev, Pavel E., 2016, Scolopendromorpha of New Guinea and adjacent islands (Myriapoda, Chilopoda), Zootaxa 4147 (3), pp. 247-280
: 252
252 |