Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis, Marques & Rafael, 2019

Marques, Dayse W. A., Rafael, José A. & Pollet, Marc, 2019, First records of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from French Guiana, with the description of a new species, Zoosystema 41 (13), pp. 249-258 : 254

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Felipe (2020-03-20 21:00:01, last updated 2024-11-28 00:28:14)

scientific name

Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis


Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis View in CoL

Marques & Rafael, n. sp.

( Fig. 3 View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. Guyane, ♂, Mitaraka, MIT-DZ, drop zone, 02°14’01.8”N, 54°27’01.0”W, 306 m a.s.l., 24.II.2015 - 10. III.2015, LT, leg. Julien Touroult, sample code: MITARAKA/115, “ Holotype ♂, Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis Marques & Rafael ”, MNHN GoogleMaps .

HOLOTYPE CONDITION. — Right wing detached, mounted on microslide. Terminalia placed in a microvial with glycerin. Both attached to pinned holotype specimen.

ETYMOLOGY. — The specific name refers to the type locality, Mitaraka, French Guiana.

GEOGRAPHICAL RECORDS. — French Guiana (Mitaraka).

DIAGNOSIS. — Antenna dark brown to black, postpedicel acute. Legs predominantly dark brown to black. Wing brown infuscate. Tergite 1 entirely gray pruinosity; tergites 2-5 velvety black basally, gray brown pruinosity more distinct posterolaterally. Syntergosternite 8 with small membranous area. Surstyli symmetrical, curved inwards apically. Phallus trifid, short ramified. Ejaculatory apodeme very large, almost 2 times as long as hypandrium.

Female unknown.


Body length

3.5 mm.

Head ( Fig. 3A View FIG )

Eyes contiguous for a distance of sixteen facets. Frontal triangle and face brown pruinose. Postcranium dark, with dark brown pruinosity. Antenna ( Fig. 3B View FIG ) with scape black; pedicel dark brown to black, with four dorsal and two ventral bristles; postpedicel dark brown with acute apex.


Postpronotal lobe brown. Scutum dark brown to black, with brown pruinosity. Notopleuron brown, with sixteen weak bris- tles. Scutellum dark brown to black, with brown pruinosity and inconspicuous bristles. Mesopleuron and mediotergite dark brown to black, with brown pruinosity.

Wing ( Fig. 3C View FIG )

Length 4.2 mm, almost 3 times as long as wide. Membrane slightly brown infuscate. Third costal section 1.2 times as long as fourth costal section. Vein r-m near middle of cell dm. Vein dm-m somewhat straight. Halter brown.

Legs ( Fig. 3A View FIG )

Predominantly dark brown to black, with femuro-tibial and tibio-tarsal articulation somewhat yellow, setae black. Pulvilli yellow.

Abdomen ( Fig. 3D View FIG )

Tergite 1 entirely gray pruinose with six small black lateral setae; tergites 2-5 velvety black basally with gray brown pruinosity posterolaterally; syntergosternite 8 ( Figs 3 View FIG D-F) almost ½ as long as tergite 5, with small membranous area ( Fig. 3F View FIG ).


Epandrium and surstyli brown ( Fig. 3E View FIG ). Surstylus ( Fig. 3E View FIG ) symmetrical, curved inwards apically; truncated in lateral view ( Fig. 3G, H View FIG ). Gonopods symmetrical ( Fig. 3I View FIG ). Phallic guide ( Fig. 3I, J View FIG ) simple, narrow. Phallus trifid, short ramified with ducts distinctly separated only in distal 1/3 and each duct with a small subapical projection ( Fig. 3I, J View FIG ). Ejaculatory apodeme very large, almost 2 times as long as hypandrium ( Fig. 3I View FIG ).


Clistoabdominalis Skevington is easily distinguishable from the other genera of Eudorylini by the following features (Skevington 2001; Skevington & Yeates 2001): tergite 1 with lateral fan of setae absent or minute; syntergostemite 8 swollen, partially to entirely fused; membranous area of syntergosternite 8 usually absent and if present, very small; hypandrium deflected left at nearly 90° to phallic guide; phallus trifid, with ducts distinctly separated only in distal 1/3 and ejaculatory apodeme large, with a swollen basal rosette. Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis Marques & Rafael , n. sp. does not fit all generic characters as the syntergosternite 8 is not swollen, but as it fits most of the Clistoabdominalis characters: (the size and shape of the hypandrium, phallus and ejaculatory apodeme), it is tentatively placed in Clistoabdominalis .

SKEVINGTON J. H. & YEATES D. K. 2001. - Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology 26 (4): 421 - 452. https: // doi. org / 10.1046 / j. 0307 - 6970.2001.00160. x

Gallery Image

FIG. 3. — Clistoabdominalis mitarakensis Marques & Rafael,n. sp.:A, habitus,lateral view;B, antenna;C, wing;D, abdomen,dorsal view; E, terminalia,dorsal view; F, syntergosternite 8, posterior view;G, left surstylus, lateral view; H, right surstylus, lateral view; I, hypandrium, gonopods, phallic guide, phallus and ejaculatory apodeme, ventral view; J, phallic guide and phallus, ventral view. Scale bars: A, C, 1 mm; B, G, H, J, 0.1 mm; D, 0.5 mm; E, F, I, 0.2 mm.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle