Paratelius emasensis Malohlava et Bocak, 2009

Malohlava, Vladimír & Bocak, Ladislav, 2009, A revision of Paratelius Kazantsev, 1992 (Coleoptera: Lycidae), Zootaxa 2306 (1), pp. 44-50 : 47

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2306.1.4


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scientific name

Paratelius emasensis Malohlava et Bocak

sp. nov.

Paratelius emasensis Malohlava et Bocak , n. sp.

Type material: Holotype, male. Borneo , Sabah, km 53 KK-Tambunan, 1650 m, Gn. Emas, 22. iii. – 6. iv. 2000, leg. Bolm. ( LMBC); 2 paratypes, males. Same locality data ( LMBC).

Diagnosis: P. emasensis n. sp. is similar to P. nigricornis n. sp. in possessing elytra with bright reddish coloration. These species differ in the dark brown to black head, pronotum, and antennae in P. nigricornis n. sp. and testaceous to reddish brown in P. emasensis n. sp. The slightly more curved phallus in P. emasensis supports separation of these species ( Figs. 1 View FIGURES 1 C-D and 1E-F).

Description: Male. Body small, slender. Head and thorax red; abdomen dark brown; eyes black; scapus, pedicel, antennomeres 3–11 and legs light brown, coxae and mouth parts brown. Head small, densely pubescent; eyes small, hemispherically prominent, frontal interocular distance 3.4 times maximum eye diameter. Antennae compressed, slender, flattened, reaching over apex of elytra by 1.5 apical antennomeres. Antennomeres 3–11 gradually slender; apical antennomere eliptical. Elytra slender, 3.1 times longer than width at humeri, parallel sided, with four well developed primary costae, covered with red pubescence. Legs moderately long, slender, flattened, densely pubescent. Male genitalia trilobate; phallus very long, slightly turned upward; parameres short reaching one sixth of phallic length. Phallobase small, subtle ( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1 C-D).

Measurements: BL 6.0 mm, PW 1.3 mm, PL 1.0 mm, WH 1.6 mm, Edist 0.71 mm, Ediam 0.21 mm.

Distribution: Malaysia: Sabah.

Etymology: The species epithet refers to type locality of this species, Gunung Emas in Sabah.

Remarks. The coloration of the antennomeres is slightly variable, and some specimens may have slightly darker apical antennomeres. However, it is notable that several basal antennomeres are brightly coloured in all available specimens of P. emasensis n. sp. DNA was isolated from one paratype, and sequences of several mtDNA and rRNA genes are accessible in the GenBank under the voucher number UPOL 000583 (Bocak et al., 2008).













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