Calyxochaetus cascadia, Runyon, 2024

Runyon, Justin B., 2024, Revision of the genus Calyxochaetus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sympycninae), Zootaxa 5539 (1), pp. 1-74 : 37-38

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5539.1.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Calyxochaetus cascadia

sp. nov.

Calyxochaetus cascadia sp. nov.

( Figs 77, 82, 88 View FIGURES 77–91 , 92 View FIGURES 92–93 , 94 View FIGURE 94 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labeled: “ WASHINGTON / OlympicNat.Park / HohRiver Rain/ Forest— 7VII68 / W.W. Wirth ”; “HOLOTYPE/ Calyxochaetus / cascadia / J.B. Runyon [red label]” ( USNM) ( Fig. 92 View FIGURES 92–93 ) . PARATYPES: CANADA: British Columbia: Vancouver Island, Goldstream Provincial Park, Goldstream , 9.vii.1974, P.H.Arnaud, Jr (1♂, CAS) . USA: California: Nevada County: Sagehen Creek Field Station, 39°25′54.6″N 120°14′26.0″W, 13–19.vii.2012, Malaise, J.M. Cumming & S.E. Brooks (1♂, CNC); GoogleMaps Sagehen Creek , near Hobart Mills , 15.vii.1964, R.M. Bohart (1♀, UCD) GoogleMaps . Oregon: Clackamas County: Wilsonville,, sweeping plants in swamp, K. Goeden (2♂, CAS); GoogleMaps same data except, 3.vii.1963 (1♂, CAS); GoogleMaps Mt. Hood National Forest , Still Creek campground , N45°17.703′ W121°44.313′, 1150 m, 9.vii.2013, B.J. Sinclair (3♂, 1♀, CNC); GoogleMaps Tillamook County : Oceanside , 30.vii.1966, FCH (2♂, MTEC) GoogleMaps . Washington: Cowlitz County: Castle Rock, 28.viii.1921, ALM (1♂, USNM); Pacific County : Seaview ,, A. Spuler (1♂, WSU); Ilwaco ,, ALM (2♂, USNM); Thurston County : Puget , 4.vii.1925, ALM (1♂, USNM) .

Diagnosis. Males can be recognized by the swollen fore tibia ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 77–91 ), posterior margin of the wing with a large lobe ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 77–91 ), dark pleura ( Fig. 92 View FIGURES 92–93 ), and the shape of the arista-like stylus ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 77–91 ).

Description. Male. Wing length 3.2–3.5 mm. Head: Frons with small glabrous shiny blue-violet spot on either side of ocellar tubercle. Face silver-white, very narrow, less than one ommatidium wide on ventral half. Antenna ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 77–91 ) brown, scape brown- yellow (usually darker along dorsal edge); scape laterally flattened, flared apically, slightly shorter than postpedicel; postpedicel elongate oval, 1.5–2.0X as long as wide; arista-like stylus thickened and of nearly equal width throughout, pointed apically, with dense microtrichia. Palpus small, oval, brown, concolorous with proboscis. Thorax: Pleura dark brown with gray pruinosity; metepimeron mostly yellow, lightly infuscated dorsally. Legs: Foreleg ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 77–91 ): Yellow, except tarsus brown from near middle of tarsomere 3. Tibia swollen, with small slender posterodorsal seta at 1/3. Tarsomere 1 very short, barely longer than wide. Tarsomere 2 with 2 slender, distally directed anterior setae at apex (longest seta about half tarsomere 3 length). Tarsomere 3 slightly bowed with apex slightly broadened, with denser dorsal microsetulae on apical half. Tarsomere 4 with denser dorsal microsetulae on apical half. Midleg: Yellow, except coxa lightly infuscated at base, tarsus brown from near apex of tarsomere 1. Femur with short, slender, yellow ventral setae on basal half (longest near 1/2, subequal to femur width), with cluster of 3–4 small erect ventral preapical setae (apical-most seta largest). Tarsus very similar to C. vegetus ( Fig. 87 View FIGURES 77–91 ) except with smaller anterior lobe at apex of tarsomere 2. Hindleg: Yellow, except femur becoming light brown on apical third, tibia either yellow or light brown apically, tarsus brown from near middle of tarsomere 1. Femur ventrally with very short brown-yellow to black setae, with longer (slightly less than femur width) ventral seta just before anterior preapical seta; stronger ventral seta just beyond anterior preapical seta. Tibia with ventral row of 4–6 longer ventral setae (slightly longer than tibia width) at base. Wing ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 77–91 ): Evenly tinged with light brown. Anal area shallowly scalloped opposite apex of R 1. Posterior margin with large lobe just before and excavation at apex of M 4. R 4+5 parallel with M 1 apically. Membrane of wing with crease running through crossvein dm-m, extending through most of cell m. Distal section of M 4 about 3X longer than crossvein dm-m. Abdomen: Tergite 1 light brown. Tergites 2–3 mostly yellow, remaining tergites dark brown. Sternites 2–3 yellow, sternites 4–5 brown. Hypopygium: Postgonites with apical lobes narrow, apex rounded, evenly dark shiny brown.

Female. Wing length 3.2–3.5 mm. Similar to male except as follows: Head: Face wider but relatively narrow (subequal to postpedicel width), nearly parallel-sided, light gray. Antenna with scape yellowish ventrally; postpedicel short, as wide as long, with round or bluntly rounded apex; arista-like stylus unmodified. Palpus much larger, triangular, rounded apically, brown with slight gray pruinosity, with longer yellow to brown marginal setae. Thorax: Proepimeron with 3–4 very small white hairs. Legs: Unmodified, without specialized setae. Hind femur and tibia yellow. Hind tarsomere 1 mostly yellow. Wing: Elongate oval, posterior margin weakly excavated at apex of M 4. Abdomen: Tergite 2 varying from being yellow laterally to mostly yellow with brown along posterior margin. Tergite 3 with some yellow ventrolaterally.

Distribution and seasonal occurrence. Known from western Oregon and Washington State, and Vancouver Island, British Colombia with a disjunct record in northern California ( Fig. 94 View FIGURE 94 ). Adults have been collected June through August.

Etymology. Named for the Cascadia bioregion and considered a noun in apposition.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


USA, Montana, Bozeman, Montana State University


USA, Washington, Pullman, Washington State University, Maurice T. James Entomological Collection















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