Cossula arpi, (SCHAUS, 1901)

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles, 2008, A revision of the Cossulinae of Costa Rica and cladistic analysis of the world species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154 (2), pp. 222-277 : 262-264

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00406.x


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Cossula arpi



( FIGS 34, 35 View Figures 32–43 , 71, 72 View Figures 65–76 , 98 View Figures 95–100 , 117, 118 View Figures 113–118 , 140)

Costria arpi Schaus, 1901: 47 View in CoL .

Cossula nigripuncta Dognin, 1916: 29 View in CoL . Dyar & Schaus, 1937: 1270 (synonym of arpi Schaus View in CoL ). Cossula arpi ( Schaus, 1901) . Donahue, 1995: 126.

Male ( Fig. 34 View Figures 32–43 ): Forewing length: 22–32 mm.

Head: Antenna light brown; labial palpus fuscous to rusty-brown dorsally, and brown to light brown ventrally; frons ranging from light cream with areas of light brown to dark brown and rusty-brown; vertex same as frons.

Thorax: Patagia ranging from cream to rusty-brown to fuscous; dorsum and tegula mostly white to cream, irrorated with black and brown, although sometimes irrorated with grey to light brown; pleura mostly light brown, intermixed with areas of darker brown to cream; venter same as pleura, except with brown to fuscous patch on prothorax. Legs with femur and tibia creamy white to brown, irrorated with dark brown and fuscous; tarsi creamy white to brown, irrorated with fuscous; first tarsomere usually fuscous. Forewing greyish light brown with fuscous striae interspersed throughout wing dorsally, but mostly concentrated along inner and costal margins; whitish cream patches interspersed throughout wing; a quadrate fuscous spot located at proximal quarter of wing, between anal vein and CuP; another more transverse fuscous patch located in middle of discal cell immediately above and slightly off-centred from quadrate spot; terminal patch of forewing with no distinct pattern, fuscous on proximal half and turning light brown to golden tan on distal half; variable


1a. Forewing with terminal patch brown with darker brown edge and markings..............................................2

1b. Forewing with terminal patch yellow or crimson with dark brown edge and markings ( Fig. 11 View Figures 4–11 ).....................4

2a. Male genitalia with saccular process produced into a large and elongate spine, independent from valvae; approximately as long or longer than juxta process ( Fig. 73 View Figures 65–76 )............................................. buspina sp. nov.

2b. Male genitalia with saccular process produced into an elongate lenticular projection or blunt spine, mostly fused to valvae ........................................................................................................................................3

3a. Male genitalia with uncus elongate and slender, with apex only slightly bifid and appearing simple; uncus and gnathos closely associated and downcurved; gnathos elongate and slender, bridge approximately same length as uncus ( Figs 81 View Figures 77–88 , 103 View Figures 101–106 )................................................................................................ duplexata sp. nov.

3b. Male genitalia with uncus broad and apex broadly bifid or bilobed; uncus and gnathos parallel and straight; gnathos broad and curved as viewed posterio-ventrally, and bridge approximately half length of uncus as viewed laterally ( Figs 79 View Figures 77–88 , 102 View Figures 101–106 )............................................................................................................... duplex View in CoL

4a. Adult male with labial palpus, pleura of thorax, terminal patch of forewing, and A8 crimson; hindwings with a purplish blue-green iridescence; male genitalia with saccular process lenticular ( Figs 37 View Figures 32–43 , 75 View Figures 65–76 ).......... coerulescens

4b. Adult male brown to greyish brown; male genitalia with saccular process spiniform....................................5

5a. Male genitalia with gnathos bridge bearing heavily sclerotized ridges; spine of saccular process acute ( Fig. 16 View Figures 12–19 ). .................................................................................................................................................... 6

5b. Male genitalia with gnathos bridge relatively smooth and with ridges reduced to absent; spine of saccular process blunt ............................................................................................................................................. 7

6a. Male genitalia with width of spine of saccular process same or greater than width of juxta process; uncus with apex acute and slender; aedoeagus with rostellum formed into a large, round lobe as viewed laterally; gnathos with apex straight as viewed posterio-ventrally ( Figs 83, 84 View Figures 77–88 )............................................................... gaudeator

6b. Male genitalia with width of spine of saccular process less than width of juxta process; uncus with apex broad; aedoeagus with rostellum digitiform and slender as viewed laterally; gnathos with apex convex as viewed posterio-ventrally ( Figs 71, 72 View Figures 65–76 ) ....................................................................................................... arpi

7a. Male genitalia with vesica of aedoeagus with dense, piliform spines; aedoeagus at least 4¥ wider than width of rostellum ( Figs 85, 87 View Figures 77–88 )...................................................................................................................... 8

7b. Male genitalia with vesica of aedoeagus smooth and without piliform spines; aedoeagus approximately same width as rostellum; sacculus sclerotized and with approximately 6–25 setal protuberances; saccular process a subacute, spiniform projection ( Fig. 77 View Figures 77–88 )................................................................................................. cossuloides

8a. Male genitalia with uncus and gnathos converging at apex; aedoeagus with rostellum short and straight; vesica with a small membranous lobe on right side as viewed dorsally ( Figs 87, 88 View Figures 77–88 ).................. minutiloba sp. nov.

8b. Male genitalia with uncus and gnathos not converging, but rather parallel; aedoeagus with rostellum elongate and inwardly curved; vesica with a large membranous lobe on right side as viewed dorsally ( Figs 85, 86 View Figures 77–88 ) .............. ...................................................................................................................... longirostrum sp. nov.

patches that range between brownish, rusty-red to grey and dull brown between middle of wing and terminal patch; fringe banded light to dark brown and whitish cream. Forewing mostly dark brown ventrally, although can be light brown; costal margin with numerous short, transverse, fuscous striae, although in lighter coloured specimens, striae may be brown to dark brown. Hindwing light golden brown to brown; fringe same as forewing.

Abdomen: Variable, often with scattered whitish cream, brown and fuscous scales dorsally and ventrally, sometimes scattered pale brown, cream and dark brown scales dorsally and ventrally; A7–8 usually lighter in colour, mostly light brown to whitish cream.

Male genitalia ( Figs 71, 72 View Figures 65–76 , 98 View Figures 95–100 ): Apex of valva rounded; length of valva approximately 0.7¥ length of genital capsule; gnathos–uncus expanse approximately 0.3¥ length of genital capsule; saccular process a single spine at about midway of valva. Juxta process elongate and digitiform. Gnathos with heavily sclerotized ridges along apical half. Uncus with apex bifurcate. Aedoeagus slightly curved, tapering to rounded lobe at apex, as viewed laterally, and acuminate, as viewed ventrally.

Female ( Fig. 35 View Figures 32–43 ): Forewing length: 26–30 mm.

Head: Similar to male, except frons and vertex normally whitish cream, irrorated with brown and sometimes fuscous.

Thorax: Patagia, dorsum and tegula similar to male.

Abdomen: Similar to male, with variations in lighter and darker colours.

Female genitalia ( Figs 117, 118 View Figures 113–118 ): Sternite 8 well developed and triangular, with sides slightly concave; intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 smooth, forming two elongate lobes on either side of ostium, and forming a distinct, thin, sclerotized ring around the ductus bursae; ductus bursae extremely shortened, nearly absent; corpus bursae large, well developed and elongate, approximately 0.9¥ length of bursa copulatrix.

Distribution: From Guatemala south to Ecuador and southern Brazil.

Holotype: ♀ (holotype arpi ), BRAZIL: Rio Janeiro , W. Schaus, Type No. 18573 ( USNM) [examined]. ♂ (holotype, nigripuncta ), COLUMBIA: Pacho, Ost- Cordillera, 2200 m, Coll. Fassl, Type No. 29870 ( USNM), slide USNM 96022 About USNM [examined].

Material examined: BRAZIL: Amazones, Ponte Nova, Rio Xinju : 1 ♂, Dognin ( USNM). BAHIA: Barra Grande , 2 m: 1 ♂, 5–10.i.1999, V . Becker ( VOB). ESPIRITU SANTO: Linhares , 40 m: 1 ♂, 25–30.i.1998, 6 ♂, 20–29.ii.1992, 1 ♀, 16–18.ix.1991, slide USNM 85749 About USNM , V . Becker ( VOB, USNM). GOIAS: Formosa , 800 m, 1 ♂, 28.iii.1993, V . Becker, slide USNM 85748 About USNM ( USNM). MATO GROSSO: Rio Brilhante : 1 ♂, 25.i.1971, V . Becker ( VOB). PARÁ: Belem , 20 m: 1 ♀, i.1984, V . Becker ( VOB). MATTO GROSSO DO SUL: Corumba , 180 m: 3♂, 23–25.iv.1985, V . Becker, slide VOB 2492 ( VOB). MINAS GERAIS: Sete Lagoas , 720 m: 2 ♂, 15.iii.1974, V . Becker, slide VOB 2497 ( VOB). PIAUI: Oeiras , 200 m, 1 ♂, 12.iv.1994, V . Becker, slides USNM 85747 About USNM , 85746 About USNM ( USNM). RIO DE JANEIRO: 1 ♂ (Topotype), 29.x.1910, J. Arp ( USNM). SANTA CATHARINA: 2 ♂, F. Hoffmann ( USNM). Joinville, Brazil , 1 ♂, March 14, 1890, at light, C. V . Covell Jr. ( USNM). SAO PAULO: Sao Paulo: 2 ♂, A. A. Barbiellini ( USNM).). Ubatuba, Picinguaba , 2–20 m: 1 ♂, 13–14.xii.2001, V . Becker ( VOB) . COLOMBIA: Medina, Ost., 500 m: 1 ♂ (Paralectotype), Fassl ( USNM); Pacho , Ost.-Cordilla , 2200 m: 1 ♂ (Paralectotype), Fassl ( USNM) . COSTA RICA: Cairo: 1 ♂ ( USNM). CARTAGO: Tuis: 1 ♂, 28.v.–, 1 ♂, [no date], W. Schaus ( USNM). Turrialba , 600 m: 1 ♂, 10.iv.1973, 1 ♂, 25.iv.1973, 1 ♂, 15.vii.1971, 1 ♂, 5.viii.1972, 1 ♀, 10.ix.1971, 1 ♂, 20.ix.1973, 1 ♀, 20.x.1971, 1 ♀, 3.xii.1972, V . Becker, slides USNM 85721 About USNM , 85745 About USNM , 96089 About USNM ( VOB, USNM). Turrialba, P. N. Barbilla, Est. Barbilla, 500 m: 1 ♂, 20–25.v.2001, L. Chavarria ( INBio). HEREDIA: La Selva Biol. Sta. , Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui , 40 m: 1 ♂, ii.1986, M. M. Chavarria ( INBio). LIMON: Estación Hitoy-Cerere, R . Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 100m: 1 ♂, vii.1991, G. Carballo, slide USNM 96037 About USNM ( USNM). Hitoy Cerere , Biological Research Station , Sendero Bob- ocara, 640 m: 1 ♂, 14.vii.1999, R . Barton ( INBio). Hitoy Cerere , 100 m: 1 ♂, 30.viii.2000, V . Becker ( VOB). Manzanillo, RNFS Gandoca y Manzanillo, 0–100 m: 1 ♀, 6–27.i.1993, F. A. Quesada, 1 ♂, 9.ix.– 13.x.1992, K. Taylor, slide USNM 96088 About USNM ( USNM). Sixola River : 1 ♂, March, W. Schaus ( USNM). Talamanca, Refugio de Vida Silvestre Manzanillo- Gandoca, 10 m: 1 ♀, vii.2000, L. Chavarria, slide USNM 85646 About USNM ( USNM). PUNTARENAS: Albergue Cerro de Oro , 150 m: 1 ♂, 30.viii.1995, L. Angulo ( INBio). Buenos Aires , 200 m: 1 ♂, 23.xi.1973, V . Becker, slide VOB 2495 ( VOB). Estación Quebrada Bonita, Reserva Biológica Carara , 50 m: 1 ♀, ix.1989, R . Zuniga ( INBio). Golfito, Parque Nacional Piedras Blancas, Estación El Bonito , 100 m: 1 ♂, 17–25.iv.2001, 1 ♂, 27–31.viii.2000, M. Moraga, slides USNM 85635 About USNM , 96117 About USNM , 96118 About USNM ( INBio, USNM). Rancho Quemado , Peninsula de Osa , Costa Rica , 200 m: 1 ♂, v.1991, F. Quesada, slide USNM 85743 About USNM ( USNM) . ECUADOR: NAPO: Lago Agrio: 1 ♂, 1978, J. J. Anderson, slide USNM 85744 About USNM ( USNM). Misahualli , 450 m: 1 ♂, xii.1992, V . Becker ( VOB). Rio Napo, Jatun Satcha , 380–400 m: 1 ♂, 22–23.iv.1990, S. J. Weller ( USNM). [Locality not stated]: 1♂ (Collection Brklyn. Mus.) . GUATEMALA: Cayuga: 1 ♂, April, 1 ♂, vi.1921, Schaus & Barnes ( USNM). Quirigua : 1 ♂, May, Schaus & Barnes ( USNM) . PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island: 1 ♂, 25–28.iii.1965, S. S. & W. D. Duckworth, 1 ♂, 16.iii.1979, 1 ♂, 17.iii.1979, 1 ♂, 23.iv.1979, Silberglied / Aiello, at light ( USNM). Cabima : 1 ♂, v.16, 1911, 2 ♂, v.16–31, 1911, A. Busck ( USNM) . VENEZUELA: BARINAS: Rio Caparo Research Station, 32 km E. El Canton, b-light: 1 ♀, 3–5.ii.1978, seasonal forest, J. B. Heppner ( USNM). TERRITORIO FEDERAL DE AMAZONAS: Cerro de La Neblina Basecamp , 140 m: 1 ♂, 21–29.ii.1984, D. Davis & T . McCabe ( USNM) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: Most of the year.

Discussion: The large size and wing pattern are usually diagnostic for this species. Cossula arpi is most similar to an undescribed species from Guyana and French Guiana, which also possesses a similar terminal patch on the forewing, but differs from the latter in its larger wing span and distinct male genitalia. In C. arpi the rostellum of the male aedoeagus is longer and upcurved compared with the shorter, straighter and more truncate rostellum in the South American species. The gnathos of C. arpi also possesses strongly sclerotized ridges and the valva has a prominent spine protruding from the sacculus, which are not present in the latter species.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Cossula arpi

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles 2008

Cossula nigripuncta

Donahue JP 1995: 126
Dyar HG & Schaus W 1937: 1270
Dognin P 1916: 29

Costria arpi

Schaus W 1901: 47
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