Heteropimpla Li et al., 2019

Kopylov, Dmitry S., Zhang, Qi & Zhang, Hai-Chun, 2021, The Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Burmese amber, Palaeoentomology 4 (6), pp. 592-603 : 594-595

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.6.8

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scientific name

Heteropimpla Li et al., 2019


Genus Heteropimpla Li et al., 2019

Type species. Heteropimpla megista Li et al., 2019 .

Included species. Heteropimpla megista Li et al., 2019 and H. pulverulenta sp. nov.

Diagnosis (based on Li et al. (2019), with improvements). Head with eyes large, globular; antennae with 20 flagellomeres. Mesonotum smooth, with notauli converging. Fore wing with areolet pentagonal, almost as long as wide, 2-Rs and 2+3-M nearly equal in length, meeting at nearly right angle, 2-Rs longer than 3-Rs, 2+3- M distinctly longer than 4-M; 1-Rs issuing from C+Sc+R far before pterostigma base; ramulus short; 3-Cu line up with 2cu-a, 3-Cu almost equals 2cu-a. Hind wing with free endings of Rs, M, Cu and A reaching wing margin; 1-Rs equals or shorter than r-m; nervellus broken at or below middle. Propodeum with strong longitudinal and minority transverse carinae. Ovipositor short, slightly protrudes beyond metasomal apex, ovipositor tip serrated.

Remarks. Heteropimpla was described on the basis of a single female specimen of rather fine preservation. Here we report another species of this genus. Although less well-preserved than H. megista , the new species displays some remarkable features in head morphology, which are not preserved in genotype, including antennae with 20 flagellomeres and curiously shaped mandibles.

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