Entoloma bulakhae O.V. Morozova & Noordel.

Cho, Minseo, Kwon, Sun Lul, Jang, Seokyoon, Yoo, Yeonjae, Lee, Sang Hyun, Kwon, Dae Young, Kim, Changmu, Lim, Young Woon & Kim, Jae-Jin, 2024, Notes of 15 unrecorded macrofungi in Korea, Journal of Species Research 13 (1), pp. 67-88 : 73-74

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Entoloma bulakhae O.V. Morozova & Noordel.


Entoloma bulakhae O.V. Morozova & Noordel. View in CoL ,

Mycological Progress 17(3): 391 (2017) [MB#822533] ( Figs. 1D View Fig and 2D View Fig )

Korean name: ȃḛq1fflŷ

Pileus convex to depressed, margin straight, even, 20- 25 mm in diam. Pileus surface smooth, light gray, dark violaceus gray in the center. Lamellae sinuate, close,

even. Stipe central, few eccentric, equal, 40-55 × 2-3 mm, surface smooth, light gray to dark gray. Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae simple septate, rarely branched, few clamp connections, thin-walled, hyaline, 3.3-7.8 μm. Basidia cylindrical to subclavate, 4-spored, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline, with a clamp connection, 27.7-39.1 × 9.7-13.2 μm. Cheilocystidia cylindrical or lageniform, some prolonged in the apex, smooth, thin-walled, some with a clamp connection, 31.5-64.5 × 5.2- 8.7 μm. Basidiospores pentagonal, hexagonal, or heptagonal with an acute tip, smooth, thin-walled, pale brown, bearing a guttule, 9.1-11.3× 6.5-8.1 μm [Q = 1.39-1.40].

Specimen examined. Korea, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Ulleung-gun, Ulleung Island, Nari basin, 37°31 ʹ 13.9 ʺ N, 130°52 ʹ 01.7 ʺ E, 364 m, hardwood forest, occurring solitary on the ground, 03 Sep 2015, Y. W. Lim, SFC20150903- 26 View Materials (NIBRFG0000500686), SFC20150903-31 View Materials (NIBRFG 0000500691) GoogleMaps .

Notes - Entoloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. is a highly diverse genus, and more than 1,500 species are reported worldwide ( He et al., 2012; He et al., 2019b). Due to its high diversity, Entoloma is separated into several subgenera and sections ( Largent, 1994; Noordeloos, 2004; Co-David et al., 2009; Noordeloos et al., 2012). Currently, more than 100 species are reported in Korea ( Lee and Lee, 1957; Cho, 1993; Han et al., 2010; 2011; Lee, 2013; Kim et al., 2015a; Cho et al., 2019b). Entoloma bulakhae was previously identified as E. violaceoserrulatum because clamp connections were not observed ( Noordeloos and Morozova, 2010). However, additional research found that it has clamp connections, which matches with our specimens, so the new species E. bulakhae was introduced ( Morozova et al., 2018). Emtoloma bulakhae is a member of the subgenus Violaceozonata , and its sister species is E. bidupense ( Morozova et al., 2018) ( Fig. 6 View Fig ). Entoloma bidupense differs from E. bulakhae by pileus with less depressed center and more cylindrical and longer basidia (37.5-45.3 × 8.1-10.9 μm) ( Morozova et al., 2018). Also, E. bulakhae specimens were collected in Far East Russia ( Noordeloos and Morozova, 2010; Morozova et al., 2018), but E. bidupense specimens were collected in the highlands (1,600 m) of Vietnam ( Morozova et al., 2012). Our specimens are morphologically similar to the original description ( Morozova et al., 2018), but type specimens have umbilicate to infundibuliform pileus and decurrent lamellae( Morozova et al., 2018). These differences might be due to the immature state of our specimens.

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