Orthonevra, Macquart, 1829

Miranda, Gil F. G., Soares, Matheus M. M. & Thompson, Christian, 2024, The Neotropical Orthonevra Macquart, 1829 (Diptera: Syrphidae), Zootaxa 5484 (1), pp. 1-78 : 8-9

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5484.1.1

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Key to the Neotropical species of Orthonevra View in CoL View at ENA

*An interactive pictorial key and its PDF version are available at https://orthonevra.weebly.com/

1. Wing without distinct vittate pattern ( Fig. 7b View FIGURE 7 ), vein M1 at least slightly recurrent ( Fig. 7b View FIGURE 7 ); pedicel short, less than 1/2 the length of the postpedicel..................................................................................... 2

- Wing with vittate maculation ( Fig. 16a, b View FIGURE 16 ), vein M1 straight; pedicel elongated, more than 1/2 the length of the postpedicel.. ................................................................................................... 3

2. Eye with a single sub-anterior vitta, and middle fascia absent anterior to vitta ( Fig. 31c View FIGURE 31 ); metafemur with ventral black setulae; tarsi wholly dark; male eyes dichoptic, separated by distance equal to width of ocellar triangle ( Fig. 31a, c View FIGURE 31 ) ( Argentina) (only males recorded)........................................... Orthonevra quadristriata ( Shannon & Aubertin, 1933) View in CoL

- Eye with two to three vittae and middle fascia fading posteriorly ( Fig. 7c, f View FIGURE 7 ); metafemur without ventral black setulae; at least first tarsomere from pro- and mesoleg paler, remaining dark; male eyes narrowly dichoptic, separated by distance equal to anterior ocellus ( Fig. 7f View FIGURE 7 ) ( Chile)............................................ Orthonevra chilensis Thompson, 1999 View in CoL

3. Scutum with at least 6 long vittae, sub-medial pair divided into two ( Fig. 27a View FIGURE 27 ) (Nearctic).................................................................................................. Orthonevra nitida ( Wiedemann, 1830) View in CoL

- Scutum with at most 4 long vittae, sub-medial pair undivided ( Fig. 29d View FIGURE 29 )......................................... 4

4. Scutum with a short matte sub-lateral vitta posteriorly between narrow short lateral vittate macula and the longer sub-medial vitta ( Fig. 29d View FIGURE 29 )....................................................................................... 5

- Scutum without such short sub-lateral vitta ( Fig. 9a View FIGURE 9 )......................................................... 6

5. Eye with two sinuous vittae, one sub-anterior and one at the middle ( Fig. 13c View FIGURE 13 ); face pile scale-like ( Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico)............................................................... Orthonevra gewgaw ( Hull, 1941) View in CoL

- Eye with three vittae, sinuous sub-anterior and middle, and a straight sub-posterior ( Fig. 29c View FIGURE 29 ); face pile simple (Nearctic and south to Costa Rica)........................................................ Orthonevra nitidula ( Curran, 1925) View in CoL

6. Face with sparse thin pile, white to black ( Fig. 18f View FIGURE 18 )......................................................... 10

- Face with white scales ( Fig. 9c, f View FIGURE 9 )........................................................................ 7

7. Eye middle vitta straight ( Fig. 5c View FIGURE 5 ); scutum without any shorter lateral vittate maculae ( Fig. 5a, b, d View FIGURE 5 ) (Nearctic).................................................................................. Orthonevra bellula ( Williston, 1882) View in CoL

- Eye middle vitta strongly sinuous ( Fig. 9c View FIGURE 9 ); scutum with shorter lateral vittate maculae ( Fig. 1f View FIGURE 1 )...................... 8

8. Scutellum with a central dark metallic hue and apical margin of a lighter hue ( Fig. 9a, d View FIGURE 9 ); wing with distinct sub-apical vitta in cell r1 ( Fig. 9e View FIGURE 9 ) ( Brazil, Paraguay)........................ Orthonevra cthulhu Miranda, Soares & Thompson sp. nov.

- Scutellum without distinct different metallic hues ( Fig. 1d View FIGURE 1 ); wing without distinct sub-apical vitta in cell r1 ( Fig. 1a View FIGURE 1 )...... 9

9. Ocellar triangle usually with a few intermixed grey and dark pile ( Fig. 1f View FIGURE 1 ); pedicel shorter than post-pedicel ( Fig. 1c View FIGURE 1 ); male eye sub-anterior vitta mostly straight dorsally ( Fig. 1f View FIGURE 1 ) ( Argentina, Bolivia)............ Orthonevra argentina ( Brèthes, 1922) View in CoL

- Ocellar triangle with white pile ( Fig. 11f View FIGURE 11 ); pedicel as long as post-pedicel ( Fig. 11c View FIGURE 11 ); male eye sub-anterior vitta strongly sinuous dorsally ( Fig. 11f View FIGURE 11 ) (California to Texas, south to Ecuador).................... Orthonevra flukei ( Sedman, 1964) View in CoL

10. Tarsi with two basal tarsomeres bright yellow or orange ( Figs 23b, e View FIGURE 23 , 32b View FIGURE 32 ); wing with narrow subapical vitta ( Fig. 34d View FIGURE 34 )... 13

- Tarsi with at least metabasitarsomere mostly brownish black to tawny brown dorsally, never bright yellow or orange ( Fig. 37b View FIGURE 37 ); wing sub-apical vitta variable ( Figs 15b View FIGURE 15 , 16d View FIGURE 16 )............................................................. 11

11. Wing with a broad subapical brown vitta ( Fig. 16b, d View FIGURE 16 ); vein R2+3 with short appendix before joining C ( Fig. 16d View FIGURE 16 ) ( Costa Rica)............................................ Orthonevra gouletmasnerorum Miranda & Thompson sp. nov.

- Wing with narrow subapical vitta ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ); vein R2+3 without short appendix ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ) (only males recorded)........ 12 [Note: If the extra vitta on the scutum is overlooked or not visible, some Neotropical specimens of O. nitidula View in CoL with an appendix on the apex of vein R2+3 will be identified as O. gouletmasnerorum sp. nov., but scutum pilosity is wholly white in O. nitidula View in CoL (mostly black in O. gouletmasnerorum sp. nov.) and eye vittae are not displaced as in O. gouletmasnerorum sp. nov.]

12. Antenna slightly longer than face and postpedicel longer than pedicel ( Fig. 15d View FIGURE 15 ); eye middle vitta sinuous ( Fig. 15a View FIGURE 15 ); vein R1 ending on C at level where vein M1 meets R4+5 ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ) ( Brazil)........ Orthonevra View in CoL gli Miranda & Thompson sp. nov.

- Antenna distinctly longer than face and postpedicel as long as pedicel ( Fig. 37b, d View FIGURE 37 ); eye middle vitta straight ( Fig. 37d View FIGURE 37 ); vein R1 ending on C basal to where vein M1 joins R4+5 ( Fig. 37e View FIGURE 37 ) ( Ecuador)................................................................................................ Orthonevra theta Thompson , Miranda & Soares sp. nov.

13. Eye with spotted pattern ( Fig. 34c, f, g View FIGURE 34 ) ( Costa Rica to Northern Brazil)............. Orthonevra shannoni (Curran, 1926) View in CoL

- Eye without spotted pattern, with irregular vittae instead ( Figs 21c View FIGURE 21 , 23c View FIGURE 23 )........................................ 14

14. Scutum with 3 long matte and dark vittae ( Fig. 23a, d View FIGURE 23 ); basicosta with white pile, without black setae apically.......... 15

- Scutum with 4 long matte and dark vittae, medial vittae clearly separated at least on anterior 1/2 ( Figs 25d View FIGURE 25 , 32a View FIGURE 32 ); basicosta with black pile, with black setae apically..................................................................... 18

15. Eye with a complete or mostly complete medial fascia; scutum with middle vitta narrow and not touching other vittae ( Figs 36a View FIGURE 36 , 38a View FIGURE 38 ); scutum with inconspicuous pile medially; male 4th sternum with right side extended and rounded apically ( Figs 36d View FIGURE 36 , 38d View FIGURE 38 ) (only males recorded)................................................................................ 16

- Eye without a medial fascia, just a short fasciate medial fragment anteriorly ( Fig. 20c View FIGURE 20 ); scutum with posteriorly widening medial vitta almost touching sub-medial vittae ( Fig. 23a View FIGURE 23 ); scutum bare medially; male 4th sternum with right side gently extended, not as above................................................................................ 17

16. Eye fascia incomplete posteriorly, sub-anterior and middle vittae only slightly sinuous ( Fig. 36c View FIGURE 36 ); frontal triangle mostly smooth medially ( Fig. 36c View FIGURE 36 ); vertical triangle 3 x longer than eye contiguity ( Fig. 36c View FIGURE 36 ); occiput row of pile complete; scutellum dark area as wide as medial vitta of scutum ( Fig. 36a View FIGURE 36 ) ( Ecuador)..................... Orthonevra sternolobosa Miranda sp. nov.

- Eye fascia complete, sub-anterior and middle vittae distinctly sinuous ( Fig. 38c View FIGURE 38 ); frontal triangle mostly regulose medially ( Fig. 38c View FIGURE 38 ); vertical triangle 2 × longer than eye contiguity ( Fig. 38c View FIGURE 38 ); occiput row of pile interrupted on third quarter (from dorsal towards ventral); scutellum dark area wider than medial vitta of scutum ( Fig. 38a View FIGURE 38 ) ( Peru)........................................................................................ Orthonevra thompsoni Miranda & Soares sp. nov.

17. Face with subtriangular lateral microtrichose macula separated from antennal base by its width or 1.5 × its width ( Fig. 23f View FIGURE 23 ); first three tarsomeres pale ( Fig. 23b, e View FIGURE 23 ); metafemur with whole ventral surface with black setulae; female tergum 5 divided into two triangular plates ( Fig. 24a View FIGURE 24 ) ( Brazil)................................... Orthonevra neiae Soares & Miranda sp. nov.

- Face with subtriangular lateral microtrichose macula separated from antennal base by twice its width ( Fig. 20c View FIGURE 20 ); only first two tarsomeres pale ( Fig. 20b View FIGURE 20 ); metafemur with only apical 1/2 of ventral surface with a few black setulae (only males recorded) ( Peru)................................................ Orthonevra minuosetulata Thompson & Miranda sp. nov.

18. Medial vittae of scutum widely fused posteriorly ( Fig. 32a, d View FIGURE 32 ) ( Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela).............................................................................. Orthonevra roseae Miranda & Thompson sp. nov.

- Medial vittae of scutum not fused posteriorly ( Fig. 21a View FIGURE 21 )..................................................... 19

19. Eye sinuous vittae forms at least one circular spot around the complete fascia medially ( Fig. 18c, f View FIGURE 18 ); tibiae pale, without metallic reflections ( Fig. 18e View FIGURE 18 ); female ocellar triangle more elevated than the rest of the vertex ( Fig. 18b View FIGURE 18 ); male sternum 4 apical margin with short acute medial T-shaped projection ( Fig. 19e View FIGURE 19 ) ( Brazil)....... Orthonevra hypnotica Miranda & Thompson sp. nov.

- Eye pattern not as above, IF eye fascia is complete and maculation forms circles, these are positioned elsewhere, OR fascia is incomplete, broken into three separate sections ( O. neotropica (Shannon) View in CoL , Fig. 25c, f View FIGURE 25 ); tibiae usually darker, always with metallic reflections; female ocellar triangle usually at same level as rest of vertex; male sternum 4 not as above......... 20

20. Eyes with sub-posterior regular vitta ( Fig. 21c, f View FIGURE 21 ), connecting to medial vitta at least dorsally, and fascia complete; wing bare on small area on cell r, bm and cua; tibiae mostly pale with greenish reflections; metallic green specimens ( Costa Rica, Mexico)......................................................... Orthonevra nebulosa Thompson & Miranda sp. nov. [Note: Orthonevra nitidula View in CoL will key here if the sub-lateral vitta of the scutum was overlooked, check eye pattern to confirm identification]

- Eyes without sub-posterior regular vitta ( Fig. 25c, f View FIGURE 25 ), if any trace present, then tibiae dark metallic blue; wing bare at most only on a small area on cell cua; tibiae variable; reflections variable................................................ 21

21. Eye fascia incomplete, broken into three separate sections ( Fig. 25c, f View FIGURE 25 ); microtrichose patches of the face distanced 1 to 1.5 × their width from antennal base; scutellum with darker tinted medial area ( Fig. 25a, d View FIGURE 25 ); tibiae mostly dark or with dark sub-apical areas with bluish reflections; metallic blue specimens ( Brazil, Paraguay)......... Orthonevra neotropica ( Shannon, 1925) View in CoL

- Eye fascia complete; microtrichose patches of the face small, distanced 3 × their width from antennal base ( Fig. 3c, g View FIGURE 3 ); scutellum without clear differentiation medially ( Fig. 3a, d View FIGURE 3 ); male tibiae with weak greenish metallic reflections and not so dark, female tibiae dark only medially; metallic green specimens ( Brazil, Ecuador)................................................................................................. Orthonevra batman Thompson , Miranda & Soares sp. nov.

The Neotropical species of Orthonevra View in CoL

Specimens kept for too long in ethanol, or sometimes due to relaxation techniques, tend to lose their eye markings, making it more difficult to identify the patterns. The metallic tint seems to vary on specimens depending on the preservation and/or after relaxation techniques, so metallic colourations should be considered with care in preserved specimens. Furthermore, the metallic tint is not visible in incandescent light. Although wing maculation has proven to be a good character for species delimitation, it is prone to fade in specimens due to age or issues of preservation. Females have the distinct sternum 9 plate ( Hippa 1986; Miranda & Moran 2017).











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