Orthonevra roseae Miranda & Thompson, 2024

Miranda, Gil F. G., Soares, Matheus M. M. & Thompson, Christian, 2024, The Neotropical Orthonevra Macquart, 1829 (Diptera: Syrphidae), Zootaxa 5484 (1), pp. 1-78 : 59-62

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5484.1.1

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scientific name

Orthonevra roseae Miranda & Thompson

sp. nov.

Orthonevra roseae Miranda & Thompson sp. nov.

98-2. Thompson 2006: 22 (key reference)

Figs 32 View FIGURE 32 and 33 View FIGURE 33 . Map: Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39

Diagnosis. The posteriorly fused vittae on the scutum will distinguish this species from most Orthonevra , and the eye pattern and pale metabasitarsomere will tell it apart from O. theta .

Description. MALE. Head ( Fig. 32d–f View FIGURE 32 ): metallic bluish-black, face with convexity in profile and ventral 1/4 slightly produced anteriorly as a convexity, strongly regulose except smooth on ventral 1/3, shiny, pile white and not scale-like; with white microtrichose subtriangular macula laterally, positioned immediately ventral to antennal base and separated from it. Antenna brown without metallic reflections, scape paler; pedicel twice the length of the scape, postpedicel oval elongated, as long as the pedicel; pile black. Mala slightly produced apico-ventrally, smooth. Gena shiny, smooth, and with white pile. Frontal triangle regulose, bare except for lateral row of white pile adjacent to eye margin. Vertical triangle isosceles triangle-shaped, 4 × longer than eye contiguity, dark matte to slightly green metallic, bare; ocellar triangle with a coarse texture, bare. Occiput not visible laterally on dorsal 1/3, ventral 2/3 covered in white microtrichia which extends until dorsal to gena, with one row of very short black pile, pile becomes slightly longer and white on ventral 1/4. Eyes holoptic; with a sub-anterior and middle sinuous vittae, and a medial fascia distinct until the middle vitta then inconspicuous posterior to that vitta, eyes darker on anterior margin, with dark area wider dorsally and connecting the ends to the sub-anterior vitta, and dark on ventral half of the posterior margin.

Thorax ( Fig. 32d, e View FIGURE 32 ): mostly metallic green, pile white, very short, appressed and sparsely distributed, slightly longer on notopleuron; scutum with four complete, uninterrupted and non-tapering dark matte vittae, medial pair fused on posterior 1/4, and a shorter lateral vittate macula posterior to the transverse sulcus; notopleuron metallic green, remaining of scutum covered by microsculpture; scutellum matte black on basal 2/3, except greenish on base, and bluish on apex, pile inconspicuous. Pleuron wholly metallic blue, smooth on proepimeron and anterior on anepisternum, remaining with a coarse texture, with densely distributed white microtrichia on proepisternum, with long white pile on antepronotum, ventral patch on katepisternum, dorsal to the posterior spiracle on the katatergum, and metasternum, with short pile on proepimeron, posterior anepisternum, dorsal patch on katepisternum, and anterior anepimeron, and very short on proepisternum. Dorsal lobe of calypter white with long white marginal pile, ventral lobe similar but pile 3 × longer than dorsal pile. Plumule white. Halter yellowish.

Legs ( Fig. 32e View FIGURE 32 ): mostly metallic bluish-black, except apex of femora, basal 1/3 of tibiae and all tarsomeres 1–2 yellow, all tarsomeres 3–5 dark; pro and metabasitarsomere swollen. Legs covered with short white pile, apex of mesotibia and mesotarsomeres with ventral black setulae, metafemur with ventral surface covered in black setulae.

Wing ( Fig. 32d View FIGURE 32 ): with vittae sub-apically (from end of R2+3 until posterior end of M1), sub-apically on r1, and on dm-m, and with fasciate maculae in r2+3, r4+5 (two), and dm, wing apex diffusely darker ( Fig. 32d View FIGURE 32 ), stem vein and vein C paler until crossvein h, mostly microtrichose, bare on small basal area of cell cua, immediately posterior to pseudovein; basicosta with dense appressed black pile, with two more prominent setae apically. Alula 2 × the width of cell c.

Abdomen ( Fig. 32e View FIGURE 32 ): metallic bluish-black, terga matte black in large medial rectangular area, terminalia wholly metallic, pile sockets as small protuberances, pile black, appressed and very short, white laterally, longer laterally on tergum 1, much longer baso-laterally on tergum 2; sterna metallic, with white pile; sternum 4 slightly projected on right side.

Genitalia ( Fig. 33c–f View FIGURE 33 ): epandrium bilobate dorso-anteriorly ( Fig. 33e View FIGURE 33 ); surstyli crescent-shaped, curving towards each other, expanded as two short protuberances dorso-basally, and apex bent laterally, with pile restricted to dorsal margin ventral to expanded lobes and on apical 1/2 ( Fig. 33e, f View FIGURE 33 ); cercus hook-shaped. Hypandrium sub-rectangular and short, with short V-shaped notch apico-ventrally that bears two laminae on each side, basal lamina short and triangular and more medially positioned, apical lamina irregular, large, more laterally positioned, and following almost to the apex of the postgonites ( Fig. 33d View FIGURE 33 ), with very short and sparse pile on apico-lateral surface and also with some pile baso-laterally on apical lamina; postgonite rectangular, short, slightly bent dorsally, pilose on dorsal, apical and lateral surfaces; phallus short, with hooked apex, a pair of short acute projections followed by a blunt short projection medio-ventrally, basal tubular process short, as long as the other processes, concavities between processes shallow ( Fig. 33d View FIGURE 33 ).

Variation. Ocellar triangle sometimes with a few inconspicuous white pile. Eye dark anterior margin might not be visible. Scutum vittae may have purple reflections. Pleuron might be smooth ventrally on katepisternum. Metatibia sometimes with only basal 1/4 yellow.

FEMALE ( Figs 32a–c View FIGURE 32 , 33a, b View FIGURE 33 ). Like male except: face microtrichose patch smaller and more distanced from antennal base; pedicel slightly shorter than postpedicel; frons wide, strongly regulose, with a medial longitudinal groove extending from ocellar triangle almost until lunule, pile white and sparse; vertex might have only short black pile posterior to ocellar triangle; ocellar triangle might have bluish reflections; tergum 5 as a trapezoidal wholly shiny sclerite. Genitalia ( Fig. 33a, b View FIGURE 33 ): tergum and sternum 7 as sclerotized rectangular areas. Tergum 8 as a sclerotized rectangular plate with concave posterior margin, bare. Sternum 8 as a sclerotized plate, slightly longer than wide, large (over 3 × the size of tergum 8), and with a V-shaped notch apically, sparsely pilose but mostly bare on apico-lateral areas. Epiproct as a semi-circular plate, pilose on apical 1/2, baso-lateral corners slightly produced (possible apodemes). Cercus oval, baso-lateral corner slightly extended, mostly pilose, positioned apically to epiproct. Hypoproct mostly membranous, with a triangular (one vertex directed basally) pigmented and pilose area.

Length. Body 5.10–5.47mm (n=5), wing 4.12–4.40mm (n=5); female 5.80–5.86mm (n=2), wing 4.90–5.16mm (n=2).

Distribution. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 ).

Altitudinal range. 1100–2560m.

Etymology. The name is a matronymic derived from GFGM’s mother, based on her nickname (Rose, a modern personal name). It should be treated as a noun in the genitive case.

Comments. Orthonevra roseae sp. nov. has the middle vittae of the scutum fused posteriorly, in a similar fashion as on O. theta sp. nov., but O. roseae sp. nov. has different eye patterns and its metabasitarsomere is wholly pale.

Type material examined: PERU. Cuzco, Paucartambo, Puente San Pedro, 50 km west of, 1600 m, Pilcopota [12°54'57.7"S 71°23'54.7"W], 3.ix.1988, W. N. Mathis & A. Friedberg (male holotype roseae USNM, USNMENT 01492590) GoogleMaps .

Paratypes examined: COLOMBIA. Antioquia, El Retiro [ca 6°03'42.2"N 75°29'44.9"W], 7 km north of, 26.ii.1984, W. N. Mathis (1 female USNM, USNMENT01492600 About USNM ) GoogleMaps ; …, Envigado, Vereda El Vallano, Parque Ecológico El Salado, Quebrada La Ayurá, 6.135160 -75.569556, 1600 m, Jama en Bosque , 13.ix.2009, A.L. Montoya G, (photo, 1 female, CEUA46625 ) GoogleMaps ; Girardota, Vereda La Honda , 6.338694 -75.448333, Jama Bosque secundario, 26–30.ix.2009, N. Uribe (photo, 1 male, CEUA46626 ) GoogleMaps . ECUADOR. Zamora-Chinchipe, Loja, Zamora [ca 4°03'34.1"S 78°57'01.0"W], 1200 m, 25.xi.1970, L.E. Peña (1 male MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; ..., 1800 m, 26.xi.1970, L.E. Peña (1 female MZUSP) . PERU. Cuzco, Paucartambo, Puente San Pedro, 50 km west of, 1600 m, Pilcopota [12°54'57.7"S 71°23'54.7"W], 3.ix.1988, W. N. Mathis & A. Friedberg (8 males USNM, USNMENT01492591– 598 About USNM ) GoogleMaps . VENEZUELA. Aragua, Rancho Grande [10°21'07.2"N 67°41'00.9"W], 1100 m, 21.vii.1990, D. G. Furth (1 male USNM, USNMENT01492599 About USNM ) GoogleMaps .


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