Zephronia macula Srisonchai & Wesener, 2024

Srisonchai, Ruttapon, Likhitrakarn, Natdanai, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Wesener, Thomas, 2024, Integrative taxonomy reveals two new giant pill-millipedes of the genus Zephronia Gray, 1832 from eastern Thailand (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Zephroniidae), ZooKeys 1212, pp. 29-64 : 29-64

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1212.126536

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Zephronia macula Srisonchai & Wesener

sp. nov.

Zephronia macula Srisonchai & Wesener sp. nov.

Figs 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 , 10 View Figure 10 , 11 View Figure 11 , 12 View Figure 12 , 13 View Figure 13 , 14 E – H View Figure 14 , 15 View Figure 15

Type specimen.

Holotype • ♂ ( CUMZ - MYR 0015 View Materials ); Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Kaeng Hang Maeo District, near Khao Wong Kot Cave, Thamma Sooksawang Temple ; 12 ° 53 ' 51.7 " N, 101 ° 48 ' 59.7 " E; ca. 60 m a. s. l.; 14 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps . Paratypes. • 53 ♂, 74 ♀ ( CUMZ - MYR 0016 View Materials ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( NHMD 1184696 ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( NHMW 10437 View Materials ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♂, 2 ♀ ( ZFMK - MYR 13660 About ZFMK ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Additional material.

29 juveniles ( CUMZ); Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Kaeng Hang Maeo District, near Khao Wong Kot Cave, Thamma Sooksawang Temple ; 12 ° 53 ' 51.7 " N, 101 ° 48 ' 59.7 " E; ca. 60 m a. s. l.; 14 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 26 ♂, 31 ♀ ( CUMZ); Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Tha Mai District, Wat Khao Sukim (Khao Sukim Temple); 12 ° 45 ' 47 " N, 102 ° 01 ' 56 " E; ca. 53 m a. s. l.; 14 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 18 ♂, 26 ♀ ( CUMZ); Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Khlung District, Thaeo Klong Khlung Monastery ; 12 ° 28 ' 53.3 " N, 102 ° 13 ' 06.3 " E; ca. 74 m a. s. l.; 14 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 26 ♂, 65 ♀; 47 juveniles ( CUMZ); Thailand, Chantaburi Province, Makham District, Wat Khao Banchob , 12 ° 51 ' 09.0 " N, 102 ° 12 ' 15.0 " E; ca. 110 m a. s. l.; 13 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps 33 ♂, 43 ♀ ( CUMZ); Thailand, Chonburi Province, Bo Thong District, Wat Khao Yai Aran Khiri ; 13 ° 14 ' 54.7 " N, 101 ° 37 ' 29.6 " E; ca. 160 m a. s. l.; 15 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 66 ♂, 25 ♀ ( CUMZ); Thailand, Rayong Province, Makham District, Wat Pa Theprangsi (= Wat Khao Hin Tang); 12 ° 42 ' 03.3 " N, 101 ° 32 ' 17.3 " E; ca. 80 m a. s. l.; 14 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 5 ♂, 7 juveniles ( CUMZ); Thailand, Sa Kaeo Province, Khlong Hat District, Phet Pho Thong Cave ; 13 ° 24 ' 53.5 " N, 102 ° 19 ' 35.1 " E; ca. 245 m a. s. l.; 12 June 2023; leg. R. Srisonchai and KKUMZ students GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂, 2 ♀ ( CUMZ); Thailand, Sra Kaeo Province, Mueang Sra Kaeo District, Wat Tham Khao Maka ; 13 ° 47 ' 11.9 " N, 101 ° 56 ' 51.8 " E; ca. 70 m a. s. l.; August 2014; leg. ASRU members GoogleMaps


The position of the organ of Tömösváry in this small Zephronia with an axe-shaped antennomere 6 identifies Z. macula sp. nov. as a member of the Zephronia s. s. species-group ( Semenyuk et al. 2018). Z. macula sp. nov. differs from all other known species of the group except for the syntopic Z. chantaburiensis sp. nov., in the presence of only a single apical spine on the tarsi of legs 4–21 (at least 2 or 3 in the other Zephronia ). Z. macula sp. nov. differs from Z. chantaburiensis sp. nov. by having a combination of distinct characters, viz. tergite with dark or greenish dark spots, femur of walking legs less strongly widened, slightly longer than wide (wider than long in Z. chantaburiensis sp. nov.), bristles of midbody endotergum reaching to posterior margin, operculum of female vulva not protruding and round, and immovable finger (process) of telopoditomere 2 of the anterior telopod more curved and much longer. Genetically distant from others by a p-distance of the COI barcoding fragment of 17.93–25.13 %.


Measurements: Male holotype. Body length 18 mm. Width, of thoracic shield 8 mm, of tergite 7 = 9 mm (= broadest). Height of tergite 7 = 6 mm (= highest). Males: body length = 18–20 mm. Width, of thoracic shield = 8–9 mm, of tergite 7 = 8–10 mm. Height of tergite 7 = 6–7 mm. Females: body length = 18–20 mm. Width, of thoracic shield = 8–9 mm, of tergite 7 = 9–10 mm. Height of tergite 7 = 6–8 mm (= highest).

Colouration (Fig. 8 A – G View Figure 8 ): Specimen in life with body of brown / greenish brown / reddish brown colour, tergite with dark or greenish dark spots. Head, antenna, and collum dark brown. Thoracic shield, tergites and anal shield brown. Colour in alcohol after one year faded to brown.

Head (Fig. 9 A, B View Figure 9 ): Trapeziform, densely setose; each seta located inside small pit. With 55–65 ommatidia (ocelli) in males and 61–70 in females. At rim of antennal groove with aberrant ommatidium. Organ of Tömösváry located near base of antenna, clearly separated from eye field. No sclerotized crest / ridge between antennal socket and eye field.

Antennae (Figs 8 C, D View Figure 8 , 9 A, C – E View Figure 9 ): Short and stout, covered by long and dense setae; last antennomere reaching back to leg pair 2 or 3 when stretched ventrally. Lengths of antennomeres: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 <5 << 6. Antennomere 6 strongly flattened apically, axe-shaped; apically with sensilla basiconica. Apical disc slightly concave, with 48–57 apical cones (male) or 36–43 (female).

Epipharynx (Fig. 9 J View Figure 9 ): With a large central tooth (ct); inner tooth conspicuous and swollen; laterally with group of long external teeth (et); inner area with a single row of fringed spines (rsp) on each side.

Gnathochilarium (Fig. 9 F – I View Figure 9 ): As in Z. chantaburiensis sp. nov. Lamellae linguales (ll) oval, apically concave, with long setae. Central pads (Cp) modified, with numerous “ pillows ” of sensory cones (sc) (Fig. 9 H View Figure 9 ); two different types of sensory cones (one with a pillow and another without a pillow). Stipites (st) large and stout, densely setose. Mentum (me) large and broad, fused, with long setae. Lateral palpi inconspicuous. Inner palpi (ip) with sensory cones (sc) arranged in single field (Fig. 9 G View Figure 9 ).

Mandibles (gnathal lobe) (Fig. 9 K View Figure 9 ): With undivided external tooth (Et) and with prominent 3 - combed inner tooth (3 it). With 5–6 pectinate lamellae (pl). Inner area (Ia) with group of long and tiny teeth, spine-like. Molar plate (mp) flat, velvet-like; lacking a membranous fringe. Condylus (co) conspicuous, apically with 2 distinct ridges.

Tegument (Figs 8 A – G View Figure 8 , 10 View Figure 10 ): Dull; collum, thoracic shield, tergite and anal shield with tiny golden setae; each seta located in small pit. Anterior margins of midbody tergite and of anal shield with lower number of setae than posterior margins. Posterior rim on dorsal and ventral side of anal shield with a few small setae.

Collum (Figs 8 C, D View Figure 8 , 11 A View Figure 11 ): Sub-semicircular; tip of lateral margin obtuse, covered with fine setae.

Thoracic shield (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ): With a shallow, large, wide groove separated by a large and long ridge. Slope towards groove without keels. Groove smooth, without setae; on a ridge with a few setae.

Midbody tergite (Fig. 10 D – G View Figure 10 ): With a row of oval impressions; anterior margin with tiny tubercles. Inner area with a crenate barrier; a wide and shallow groove. Tips of midbody paratergites projecting ventro-posteriad.

Anal shield (Fig. 10 H – M View Figure 10 ): In female large and well-rounded, in male slenderer. With a row of oval impressions, edge of anterior margin with numerous tiny tubercles (sometimes arranged into rows). Inner area with a row of oval impressions, forming a crenate barrier; with a wide and shallow groove.

Endotergum of thoracic shield and midbody tergite (Fig. 14 E – H View Figure 14 ): Thoracic shield similar to midbody tergites. Overall surface smooth. Posterior margin (pm) flat, not modified. Outer area (os) without setae. Bristles arranged in one row; tip of longest bristles reaching to posterior margin (Fig. 14 G, H View Figure 14 showing short bristles). Middle area (ma) with a single row of conspicuous, oval cuticular impressions; distance between impressions twice as long as individual diameter. Inner area (ia) without tubercles or setae.

Pleurite (laterotergite) (Fig. 11 B View Figure 11 ): Densely setose. First pleurite boomerang-shaped; apical margin attenuated; strongly projecting into sharp tip. Pleurite 2 projecting into an obtuse tip. Remaining pleurites flat and wide, lamella-like, apical margin extended.

Subanal plate of female (Fig. 11 C View Figure 11 ): Sparsely setose. Large and broad (sometimes quite narrow), semicircular; apical margin slightly concave (rarely truncate / obtuse).

Stigmatic plates (Fig. 11 D, E View Figure 11 ): First stigmatic plate large, slender; apex well-rounded, slightly curved towards basal part of prefemur. Second stigmatic plates in both male (Fig. 11 F View Figure 11 ) and female (Fig. 11 J View Figure 11 ) only very weakly curved towards coxa.

Legs (Fig. 11 D – L View Figure 11 ): All podomeres with long setae. Coxa (cx) large, as long as length of prefemur; coxal process absent in first and second legs; legs 3–21 marginally with dentate process (tooth), conspicuous, broad. Prefemur (pre) stout; apico-mesally with weak projection; mesal margin with conspicuous and small spines. Femur (fe) short and stout, as long as length of prefemur; with a long ridge in all leg-pairs; apico-mesally with strong spines, forming a dentate margin. Postfemur (po) and tibia (ti) quite short. Tarsus (ta) of midbody legs quite short; as long as length of femur + postfemur; first two leg-pairs without an apical spine; leg-pair 1 with 1 ventral spine; leg-pair 2 with 3 ventral spines; leg-pair 3 with 4–6 ventral spines and 1 apical spine; leg pairs 4 with 6–8 ventral spines and 1 apical spine; leg pairs 5–21 with 7–9 ventral spines and 1 apical spine. In leg 9, length of femur equal to width, tarsus 4 × longer than wide. Claw normal, at base with a notch, conspicuous.

Male sexual characters (Fig. 11 F View Figure 11 ): Gonopore large, with long setae; with divided sclerotized plates, triangular.

Anterior telopods (Fig. 12 A, B, E – G View Figure 12 ): First telopoditomere stout, rectangular. Telopoditomere 2 large. Immovable finger (process of telopoditomere 2) quite long; as long as telopoditomere 3; clearly seen in posterior and anterior views; strongly curved; tip obtuse, directed anteriad and close to basal part of telopoditomere 4; with a large membranous lobe; with sclerotized spots located at inner margin. Telopoditomere 3 longer than telopoditomere 4; clearly demarcated from telopoditomere 4 by conspicuous suture; apically with crenulated teeth (cr-t). Tepoloditomere 4 apically with a few setae located in the side pits.

Posterior telopods (Figs 12 A – D, H – J View Figure 12 ; 13 View Figure 13 ): With 4 telopoditomeres. First telopoditomere rectangular, stout; slightly longer than wide. Telopoditomere 2 large and stout. Immovable finger (process of telopoditomere 2) long and slender, 3 × longer than wide; equal in length to movable finger (= combination of telopoditomeres 3 + 4); attenuate near tip; tip obtuse, in-situ curving anteriad; inner margin with conspicuous sclerotized spots (scl-s) in a blackish ledge and two large membranous lobes (ml). Telopoditomere 3 long, 2.5 × longer than wide, inner margin with a long membranous ledge and basally with a single spine. Telopoditomere 4 quite short; 3.5 × shorter than telopoditomere 3; slightly tapering toward apex; with two spines located on membranous ledge at inner margin; with 9 or 10 large crenulated teeth (cr-t) posteriorly. Telopoditomeres 1 mostly glabrous, telopoditomere 2 in posterior view mostly glabrous, in anterior view covered by setae. Telopoditomeres 3 and 4 in posterior view glabrous; at basal part of telopoditomere 3 in anterior view sparsely setose. Inner horns with sharp-edged tips, slightly curved caudad.

Female sexual characters (Fig. 11 J, K View Figure 11 ): Vulva large and stout, sparsely setose; covering almost 1 / 3 of coxa; located at mesal margin; mesally extended to base of prefemur. Operculum (op) broad and well-rounded; swollen dorsoventrally, mesal margin not protruding; tip of operculum truncate. Bursa (bu) large, completely demarcated from operculum by a triangular groove.


Intrapopulational variation was found in which most specimens have a brown / reddish brown (majority) colour, while the others are greenish brown (minority). In addition, the posterior margin of subanal scale is in most specimens wide, whereas some specimens possess a quite narrow margin.

Distribution and habitat.

This species is widely distributed across eastern Thailand (> 150 km). Most specimens were collected from locations with granitic rock habitats, while a few localities were in forested limestone habitats (Fig. 8 H, I View Figure 8 ). All individuals were encountered during the day under rotten logs and in leaf litters.


The name is a noun referring to the pattern of spots on the body.


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig