Artiodus Ivanov and Duffin

Ivanov, Alexander O., Duffin, Christopher J. & Naugolnykh, Serge V., 2017, A new euselachian shark from the early Permian of the Middle Urals, Russia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62 (2), pp. 289-298 : 291

publication ID 10.4202/app.00347.2017

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scientific name

Artiodus Ivanov and Duffin


Genus Artiodus Ivanov and Duffin nov.

Etymology: From the Arti River, the stratotype area for Artinskian deposits, and Greek όδούς, tooth.

Type species: Artiodus prominens Ivanov and Duffin gen. et sp. nov.; see below.

Diagnosis.—As for species, by monotypy.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Late Artinskian (early Permian) of the Middle Urals ( Russia).

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