Tainia, Blume, 1825

Sarkar, Shuvadip, Agrawala, Dinesh Kumar, Chakraborty, Sayak, Maity, Debabrata & Odyuo, Nripemo, 2023, Tainia epiphytica sp. nov. (Orchidaceae), a new species from North East India, Phytotaxa 578 (2), pp. 180-188 : 186

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.4



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Key to the species of Tainia View in CoL View at ENA in India:

1. Leaf long petiolate, elliptic-oblong; pseudobulbs swollen at base; apical lobe of labellum orbicular to transversely elliptic or broadly obovate, emarginate-apiculate or slightly mucronate............................................................................................................2

- Leaf sessile, broadly ovate-cordate; pseudobulbs uniformly cylindrical; apical lobe of labellum ovate-triangular, acute ................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... T. megalantha View in CoL

2. Labellum with 3 lamellae from base, with 5 lamellae on mid-lobe ....................................................................................... T. minor View in CoL

- Labellum with only 3 lamellae throughout .......................................................................................................................................3

3. Terrestrial herbs; columnar wings broad and elevated towards apex; anther with purple lateral crest or horn like appendages ........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................4

- Epiphytic herbs; columnar wing hardly developed; anther with two greenish dome shaped appendages towards apex .................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... T. epiphytica

4. Flowers greenish yellow; sepals 18‒25 mm long; middle lamellae very short, originated near the junction of the apical lobe and side lobes, located between lateral lamellae and extending near to apex of apical lobe, slightly beyond the lateral lamellae; anther with purple horn like appendages........................................................................................................................................ T. bicornis

- Flowers brownish with purplish brown veins; sepals 11‒14 mm long; all three lamellae elevated from base to apex, lateral ones more elevated at middle; anther with purple lateral crest.................................................................................................... T. latifolia View in CoL

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