Atractaspis bibroni, Jan, 1859

Conradie, Werner, Bills, Roger & Branch, William R., 2016, The herpetofauna of the Cubango, Cuito, and lower Cuando river catchments of south-eastern Angola, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 126) 10 (2), pp. 6-36 : 30

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Atractaspis bibroni


Atractaspis bibroni View in CoL

– There are few documented Angolan records for A. bibronii View in CoL , and all are located in the west or north: Benguela (Boulenger 1895), Catumbela and Dombe (Bocage 1867), Cubal ( Mertens 1938), Dundo ( Laurent 1964). Broadley (1991) in his revision of the southern African populations of Atractaspis View in CoL gives no new records for south-east Angola, even though there are numerous records for adjacent Namibia, Botswana, and western Zambia.

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