Gloeocantharellus thailandensis Nutaratat, Khunnamw., Suwannar. & Kumla, 2024

Nutaratat, Pumin, Khunnamwong, Pannida, Suwannarach, Nakarin & Kumla, Jaturong, 2024, Gloeocantharellus thailandensis (Gomphaceae, Gomphales), a new macrofungus from southern Thailand, Phytotaxa 634 (2), pp. 159-169 : 163

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.634.2.6

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gloeocantharellus thailandensis Nutaratat, Khunnamw., Suwannar. & Kumla

sp. nov.

Gloeocantharellus thailandensis Nutaratat, Khunnamw., Suwannar. & Kumla , sp. nov. Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 .

MycoBank number: MB850293

Diagnosis:—Similar to Gloeocantharellus neoechinosporus but differing in the shorter basidiospores with verrucose ornamentation.

Etymology:— “ thailandensis ” refers to the country “ Thailand ” where the holotype was collected.

Holotype:— THAILAND, Phatthalung Province, Thaksin University’s Phatthalung Campus , 7°48´25´´N 99°56´25´´E, elevation 23 m, on soil in mingle forest, 25 October 2022, P. Nutaratat, P. Khunnamwong, N. Suwannarach & J. Kumla, CMUB40028 . GoogleMaps

Gene sequences (from holotype):—OR536432 (ITS), OR535137 (nrLSU), and OR540585 (atp6).

Description:— Basidiomata small- to medium-sized. Pileus 13–55 mm in diameter, gomphoid, hemispheric at first, becoming convex to nearly plane with a shallow central depression in age; margin entire, extended to decurved; surface viscous when young or in wet conditions, somewhat dry in age, smooth, velutinous to slightly fibrillose, pale red to pastel red (8A3–8A4) at center, reddish white to pastel red (7A2–7A5) towards margin. Pileus context white or slightly changing to yellowish white (4A2). Lamellae deeply decurrent, close, sometimes bifurcate and slightly intervenose, smooth to slightly fimbriate at edges, white to yellowish white (4A2). Stipe 50–80 × 8–20 mm, central, solid, cylindrical, tapered at the base, reddish white to pastel red (7A2–7A5), becoming brownish orange to light brown (6C5–6D6) when handled. Stipe context similar to pileus context. Spore print white. Odour distinctive.

Basidiospores 6.0–10.0 × 5.0–6.0 μm (Q=1.20–1.82, Q m = 1.68 ± 0.13 μm), broadly ellipsoid, ellipsoid to elongate, thick-walled, inamyloid, verrucose, ornamented with strongly cyanophilic warts, with sublateral and acuminate hilar appendix, and rounded spore apex. Basidia 30–42 × 7–10 μm, clavate, hyaline, with 2–4 sterigmata, up to 8.0 μm long. Gloeocystidia 60–170 × 4–8 μm, cylindrical to lanceolate with obtuse to subacute apex, deeply tapering and often becoming sinuous towards the base, thin-walled; hyaline and without content when young, then with refringent yellowish brown and densely granular content when old. Hymenophoral trama parallel to subbilateral, somewhat interwoven hyphae 3–10 μm wide. Pileipellis an ixocutis, composed of hyphae 2.5–7.5 µm wide, loose and frequently slightly interwoven, sinuous, thin-walled, sometimes with gloeoplerous hyphae. Stipitipellis formed of parallel, thin-walled and narrow hyphae 3–7.5 μm wide, with a trichodermal palisade on the pulverulent portions, without caulocystidia and gloeoplerous hyphae present. Clamp connections present in all tissues.

Ecology and distribution:—Fruiting solitary or gregarious on soil in mingle forest ( Bambusa sp. , Barringtonia sp. , and Pterocarpus macrocarpus ). Known only from the type locality in southern Thailand.

Additional specimens examined:— THAILAND, Phatthalung Province, Thaksin University’s Phatthalung Campus , 7°48´32´´N 99°56´25´´E, elevation 23.5 m, on soil in mingle forest, 26 October 2022, P. Nutaratat, P. Khunnamwong, N. Suwannarach & J. Kumla, SDBR-TSU091 GoogleMaps ; 7°48´30´´N 99°56´27´´E, elevation 23.8 m, on soil in mingle forest, 19 November 2022, P. Nutaratat, SDBR-TSU097 GoogleMaps .


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