Petrolisthes haydni Müller, 1984a

Wallaard, Jonathan J. W., Fraaije, René H. B., Van Bakel, Barry W. M., Jagt, John W. M. & Müller, Pál M., 2023, Miocene decapod crustacean faunas from Cyprus - Part 1. Geographical-stratigraphical setting and Anomura, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 38) 26 (3), pp. 1-14 : 7-8

publication ID 10.26879/1258

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scientific name

Petrolisthes haydni Müller, 1984a


Petrolisthes haydni Müller, 1984a

Figure 8 View FIGURE 8 A-F

1984a Petrolisthes haydni – Müller, Page 61, Plate 26, figures 1-5.

1996 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Müller, page 8.

1998 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Müller, page 16.

2006 Petrolisthes cf. haydni Müller – Radwański et al., page 96.

2012 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Górka et al., page 171.

2014 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Collins, page 34, plate 1 figures 5-8.

2014 Pagurus retznensis – Collins, page 35, plate 2, figures 3-5 (junior synonym).

2018 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Górka, page 516, text-figure 3.4.

2021 Petrolisthes haydni Müller – Hyžný and Dulai, page 131, figure 45.8-10.

Material. Three carapaces (MAB11856–11858) from Tochni; 80 carapaces (MAB10907, 10910- 10912, 10916–10930.1, 10931.1, 10934.1, 11854, 11855, 11865.1, 13508.1, 13534.2, 13563, 13564.2, 13565.1, 13566-13568.1, 13569- 13571.1, 13572-13574.2, 13575-13586.1, 13587.2, 13822.2, 13993.3 13994, 13995) from Mitsero.

Locality and stratigraphy. Tochni and Mitsero, Koronia Member (Pakhna Formation, late Serravallian-early Messinian).

Remarks. In the original description by Müller (1984a), the holotype was stated to have three teeth on the lateral margin as a diagnostic feature; the species is also much smaller than P. magnus . In comparison with P. magnus , the grooves on the dorsal carapace surface are also deeper. The size difference between P. haydni and P. magnus mentioned by Müller (1984a) is not suitable as a diagnostic feature, although the largest specimens do, in fact, belong to P. magnus . The number of posterolateral teeth in P. haydni is not restricted to three; occasionally four or five teeth are present in a row (as seen in figure 8C-F). This has likely not been noted by Müller (1984a), on account of the incomplete preservation of the holotype. This is possibly just intraspecific variation in which some individuals had more than three posterolateral teeth.

This species has also been recorded from the Middle Miocene (‘Badenian’) of Ukraine ( Górka, 2018), Hungary ( Müller, 1984a) and Poland ( Müller, 1996).

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