Hydrosmittia setavena (Saether), 2011

Ferrington Jr, Leonard C. & Saether, Ole A., 2011, A revision of the genera Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932, Allocladius Kieffer, 1913, and Hydrosmittia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) 2849, Zootaxa 2849 (1), pp. 1-314 : 116-117

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scientific name

Hydrosmittia setavena (Saether)

comb. nov.

Hydrosmittia setavena (Saether) comb. n.

( Fig. 40 View FIGURE 40 )

Pseudosmittia setavena Saether, 1969:144 View in CoL .

Material examined: CANADA: British Columbia, small mountain stream along road to Takkakaw Falls near Field , holotype male, 12.vii.1967, A. L. Hamilton & O. A. Saether ( CNC No 10,004) .

Diagnostic characters: The low AR of about 0.34 combined with the low inferior volsella and the lateral spinules of the virga apparently occurring on a sclerotized structure will separate the male imago from other species of the group.

Male imago (n = 1)

Total length 2.12 mm. Wing length 1.31 mm. Total length/wing length 1.61. Wing length/length of profemur 3.36. Coloration brownish black.

Head ( Fig. 40 B View FIGURE 40 ). AR 0.34. Terminal flagellomere 149 µm long. Temporal setae 5, consisting of 2 inner verticals and 3 outer verticals. Clypeus damaged. Cibarial pump and stipes as in Fig. 40 D View FIGURE 40 . Tentorium 117 µm long, 21 µm wide. Stipes 105 µm long, 27 µm wide. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 23, 37, 78, 62, 112. Third palpomere ( Fig. 40 C View FIGURE 40 ) with 1 lanceolate sensillum clavatum.

Thorax. Antepronotum with well developed median lobes and 2 lateral setae. Dorsocentrals 8, acrostichals 2, prealars 3, supraalar seta absent. Scutellum with 6 setae.

Wing ( Fig. 40 A View FIGURE 40 ). VR 1.46. Anal lobe projecting. Costa not extended. R 4+5 ending proximal to apex of M 3+4; Cu 1 sinuate. Brachiolum with 1 seta, R with 3 setae, R 4+5 with 1 seta, other veins bare.

Legs. Spur of front tibia 26 µm long, spurs of middle tibia both 24 µm long, of hind tibia 34 µm and 11 µm long. Width at apex of front and middle tibia both 24 µm, of hind tibia 34 µm. Comb of 14 setae, 21–32 µm long. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 21.

Hypopygium ( Fig. 40 F View FIGURE 40 ; Saether 1969, fig. 80). Anal point 25 µm long, extreme apex free of microtrichia; tergite IX with 16 setae; laterosternite IX with 4 setae. Phallapodeme 75 µm long; transverse sternapodeme 71 µm long, with relatively well developed oral projections. Virga ( Fig. 40 E View FIGURE 40 ) consisting of 23 µm long median spine with lateral spinule groups and about 41µm long sclerotized structure at different level carrying spinules. Gonocoxite 146 µm long; superior volsella absent; inferior volsella low and accessory lobe present, reaching to 0.55 and 0.75 gonocoxite length, respectively. Gonostylus 66 µm long; megaseta 13 µm long. HR 2.21, HV 3.20.

Female, pupa and larva



The species is known only from the type locality, a mountain stream in British Columbia .


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes














Hydrosmittia setavena (Saether)

Ferrington Jr, Leonard C. & Saether, Ole A. 2011

Pseudosmittia setavena

Saether, O. A. 1969: 144
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF