Pseudosmittia acutilobata, Ferrington Jr & Saether, 2011

Ferrington Jr, Leonard C. & Saether, Ole A., 2011, A revision of the genera Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932, Allocladius Kieffer, 1913, and Hydrosmittia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) 2849, Zootaxa 2849 (1), pp. 1-314 : 291-294

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scientific name

Pseudosmittia acutilobata

sp. nov.

Pseudosmittia acutilobata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs. 114 C–H View FIGURE 114 , 115 View FIGURE 115 )

Type material: Holotype male, CANADA: Manitoba, Delta Marsh ,, H. Murkin, ( CNC) .— Paratypes, 1 female, same data as holotype ; 4 males, 1 female, same data as holotype except 15.vii.1980, 8.v.–, D. Wrubleski, and 16.viii.1982, H. Nickles. Manitoba: Narcisse , 2 males 2–6.viii.1987, C. Barber; Dauphin, Ochie River , 1 male, 22.viii.1983. Ontario: St. Lawrence Islands National Park, Grenadin Island , 1 male, 3.ix.1975, M. E. Roussel ( CNC, UMSP, ZMBN) .

Diagnostic characters: The male imago can be separated from P. forcipata and the nine preceding species by the absence of an anal point (or a vestigial point) and the sharply pointed inferior volsella. The female differs from other species with tergite IX divided by a deep notch and apicolateral corner on gonocoxite by having a distinct strong apical antennal seta, the corner of gonocoxite IX more pronounced and apparently a slightly different coxosternapodeme.

Etymology: From the Latin acutus, sharp, pointed, and New Latin lobatus, lobed, referring to the structure of the sharply pointed inferior volsella of the male.

Male imago (n = 8–9)

All measurements and ratios within the range of variation of P. forcipata with the following exceptions: Wing length/ length of profemur 3.01–3.25, 3.12; VR 1 1.29–1.46, 1.42; postcubital fork perhaps occasionally present; Cu 1 curved, usually not sinuate ( Fig. 114 C View FIGURE 114 ); LR 1 0.42–0.45, 0.43; LR 2 0.45–0.47, 0.46; LR 3 0.52–0.58, 0.56; BV 1 3.88–4.44, 4.16; SV 1 4.03–4.27, 4.17; tergite IX ( Fig. 114 H View FIGURE 114 ) with 5–12, 9 setae; laterosternite IX with 5–7, 6 setae; penis cavity with long spines reaching across base of virga ( Fig. 114 G View FIGURE 114 ); anal point 0–7, 2 µm long, when present completely without microtrichia; inferior volsella sharply pointed ( Fig. 114 H View FIGURE 114 ), with wrinkled accessory lobe; gonostylus 43–55, 50 µm long; HR 2.57–2.81, 2.67; HV 3.39–4.13, 3.67.

Female imago (n = 2)

All measurements and ratios within the range of variation of P. forcipata with the following exceptions: Total length 1.83–1.94; AR 0.38–0.42, terminal flagellomere ( Fig. 115 B View FIGURE 115 ) with 23–25 µm long strong apical seta; costal extension 48–59 µm long ( Fig. 115 A View FIGURE 115 ); LR 2 0.41–0.43; BV 3 3.15–3.23; SV 2 4.42–4.63; sternite VIII with 14–17 setae; gonocoxite ( Fig. 115 F, G View FIGURE 115 ) with relatively pronounced posterolateral projection.

Pupa and larva



The species is known from three localities in Manitoba and one in Ontario, Canada .


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


University of Minnesota Insect Collection


Museum of Zoology at the University of Bergen, Invertebrate Collection













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